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Winslow Boy

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Everything posted by Winslow Boy

  1. Perhaps it was a rehearsal for when HH decides to go on tour- the posse will take some transporting.
  2. Does this mean we have to salute you each time you post?
  3. It's obvious that the small libation that Ramrod consumed had an adverse effect on his memory. Had he been self medicating as well.
  4. I take it was a straight double gin with no tonic for Ramrod and a Ginger Ale for you then. Did the Squadron Leaders better half stick to sherry?
  5. More like a Pestilence of Panniers.
  6. But not necessarily in that order?
  7. Wow you learn something new on here everyday. Who'd had thought a doctor- even if it is a learned and most esteemed one at that, admitting that his fellow brethren are in fact human. I always thought they £_&£# @£& &_ _&£#+ censored due to 'delicate constitution' of fellow TNM's Here endith the lesson from someone who has a 'very low' opinion of doctors.
  8. My mother was a very good driver precisely because she had to think things through prior to undertaking them. Something which a lot of drivers don't do. When I got 'ill' the second time I was unable to drive. Luckily my mother was still able to drive otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get around at all. When I finally recovered enough to get back behind the wheel she was very grateful.
  9. My mother lost her eye when she was a child and one of the things she had to learn was to turn her head. She was always amazed that she was allowed to drive and often said that if she had made the decision she would have been refused. I could never understand why until she made me drive with one eye covered.
  10. At least they didn't do what they did to my mother attempt to inject something into her artificial eye and this was at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital so you would sort of expected them to know the difference.
  11. I'm afraid that the NHS operates precisely like a 'closed shop' - fiercely protective of it's on, unwilling to make any serious changes and 'money hungry'. It has in some ways become very much like one of those large businesses that are too important and too powerful to be allowed to fail- hence the throw more money at it. Short of something truly calamitous happening- 3 rd world war anyone, it will continue to be treated as an indulgent child.
  12. Pannier overload. There up to something. Just you wait. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  13. Oh look the patient liaison committee has arrived. Just in passing shouldn't that be - tell the ultrasound department that they will be seeing the squadron leader next.
  14. When I was considering getting the system I specifically asked for three batteries rather than just the one they proposed. I figured that if something went awry it just be with one of them and I'd still have two to use.
  15. No just couldn't care less.
  16. I have yet to receive any income from all the electricity I'm generating. If I don't get something soon I'm thinking of asking for it back and seeing anyone else would like it.
  17. Three guesses what- road works are back. Having lulled us into a false sense of security by removing them over Easter they are back with a vengeance. I think somebody must have worked out that there's the possibility of breaking the record for how many lots of works they can do over twelve months.
  18. Bit of paint. Some nice wall paper , analcryptar will do and it'll be good as rain.
  19. I have thrown my supplier into a bit of a wobbly as it's algorithm is saying it's having problems taking my readings. That wouldn't have anything to do with the fact I've turned the gas off and I'm running on batteries would it now. And the reason for this. Well m' lord the sneaky so and so's wanted more mullar didn't they. So I thought two can play at that. Oh the thrill of being able to stick it to the greedy so and so's. Sorry went a bit light headed there.
  20. We already have that. Perhaps the answer is to round them all up and put them on a island ....... Oops being told we can't do that as it would have an adverse impact on the island. This might take some thought.
  21. Is that your medical opinion or your ER one.
  22. Shouldn't you be commenting on the fact that you have a pink 'moon' and that there's a formation of 'UFO's - think this acronym has been 'updated', flying around as well.
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