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Winslow Boy

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Everything posted by Winslow Boy

  1. Aye the man did the footwork and women swept in and got the credit.
  2. We could get HH to lie on it. That would not only stop it from being drag away but also scare the foxes.
  3. A bit like sex then and you know that there are one hundred and seventy ways of identifying that.
  4. I always put your lack of skill down to the fact that you found it difficult to pick up the welding iron with your hooves but there again I could be wrong.
  5. They also make sludge if that's any help.
  6. I thought that was a term of endearment. You mean it's not.
  7. Listen to this man he's painted a lot of wet wedges.
  8. Same for 'mill towns' two up, two down houses. One side of the street would have a little garden at the front, whilst the opposing side didn't. The other alternative was a 'lobby', so that when you entered the house you weren't in the front room. Of course this all meant the land lords could charge more rent.
  9. Plus we are going to do it and there's s&d all you can do about it. Something that seems to be all to common these days and not just in the commercial world either.
  10. Wow I never had you down as a whippersnapper. I will add my congratulations to another whipper snapper as well @Gwiwer.
  11. You need to look under Norman or possibly Tudor.
  12. That's to keep you checking there website.
  13. You've left out the most important question namely will more fresh flour be required to paint over the coffee stains.
  14. Well as predicted the ban on rainbow lanyards didn't last long forty eight hours.
  15. I'm afraid that following a bit of a 'contratont' with the mower I too now have one of these. Like you I've rescued it and am waiting with fingers crossed in the hope it'll flower.
  16. Something tells me there's not going to be enough squirrels, pigeons, butterflies - insert target of choice.
  17. Don't worry we arrested three the other day.
  18. Donald Duck?I didn't know HH was contracted to Disney. Is this one of his 'money raising' schemes that we're not to know about.
  19. I take it that's a combined snorkel/radio antenna sticking out of the top of the tank.
  20. Never thread where angels fear to thread. Or words to that effect.
  21. Well at least they've managed to do something although I'll believe it when I see it.
  22. I think that often good ideas, which as you've highlighted this is, often go wrong due to overly bureaucratic implementation.
  23. That's excellent news that Neil. I'm really delighted for you and the memsahib.
  24. Put some out on Thursday and we'll find out.
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