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Status Updates posted by DanInHisDen

  1. I dont know where to post this, but does anyone know where I can get Hornby R2130 / CIE No. 9?


  2. How do i take the body off of one of these without breaking the tabs that hold said body in place?


    1. Harlequin


      Please ask questions in an appropriate forum/topic. Thanks.


  3. (Im Sorry For The Inconvenience!)

    If you see a Bachmann Junior Greg (Analogue Controlled) for sale could you link me to it please? 



    1. tomparryharry


      There are one or two going through 'Bay at the moment. Try typing in Bachmann Junior, or Bachmann Thomas

    2. DanInHisDen


      I can not seem to find it.

      Thank You for the tip off though!

  4. Does anyone know where I can get declas that read

    "W & S" in gold for oo gauge? About 1.5 - 2 MM high.

    And where can i get (Dark Grey) replacement piston rods for the Honrby W4 Peckett?

    (I need them for a thing - Its classified)

    1. Corbs


      The rods should be easy enough to paint I would think.


      I'm planning to make some Wellsworth and Suddery transfers at some point in the next few months once I get up and running ;) 

    2. wainwright1


      Fox Transfers do or did alphabets in gold in a variety of styles and sizes.


      All the best


    3. DanInHisDen


      Thank You!

      (@Corbs How did you know that I was modelling the Wellsworth & Suddery Railway?)

  5. Does anyone know where I can get a track piece where  a OO-9 line crosses over a OO gauge line?

  6. Where can I get a copy of this book?


    "The Island Of Sodor: Its People, History And Railways"

    1. PhilEakins


      Try Abe books online: abebooks.co.uk.

    2. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      Rarer than hens teeth.  If you do by some miracle find a copy, expect to pay a very large amount of money for it.  Last one I saw was £250+

    3. DanInHisDen
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