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Graham T

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Everything posted by Graham T

  1. So, here's a quick look at the first stage, with work done based on the reference photos I could find... So far just my usual black/brown acrylic mix from the footplate down, then the same mix along the lower levels of all the loco and tender bodywork, then blended upwards with wet cotton buds. I also put some unstirred earth brown enamel onto the running gear.
  2. I think you're right Clive. I've just been doing some searching on the interwebs and there are actually quite a few colour pics of 13808. Mostly from BR days, where they are looking pretty filthy, and of course lots from preservation. So I think I will use these for detail of the weathering patterns, and aim somewhere between the two for the actual amount of grime. Here are a couple of examples: (From https://preservedbritishsteamlocomotives.com/) (From https://www.steamlocomotive.info/nlocoalbum.cfm?which=5180)
  3. I’m tempted to try some slightly heavier weathering on this one Clive, but am not sure that would really be accurate for the 1930s. Must try to find some prototype pics, although I can’t imagine there are many colour photos of the 7F from back then…
  4. I've had a number of bad experiences with DPD. "We tried to deliver but you weren't in" being a very common one - when I've been working from home. Hmmm. I have a suspicion that for non-commercial customers they just dump everything at the local pick-up point, usually a mobile phone shop or similar. On a happier note, an email from Accurascale tells me that my Manor is on its way! (Hopefully not via DPD, aka Dashed Poor Deliveries)...
  5. Staying with the black theme, just for now, did I ever mention that I'm a fan of the HMRS Pressfix transfers? I think I may have let that slip once or twice... Anyway, here's the former S&DJR 7F now renumbered as 13808 (I like to model preserved locos if I can). She's also had a coat of matt varnish, and now needs the excellent 3D smokebox numberplate from @railtec-models to be fitted, and a crew added; that will have to wait until tomorrow though. I'm not sure how to go about the weathering on this one. I have lots of options: - Mig enamel wash - black/brown acrylic wash - enamel washes in dark grey and various other "grime" colours - powders (something I don't have much experience with yet) - or break out the dreaded airbrush! Suggestions, and feedback, welcome as ever - thanks.
  6. The mojo seems to have departed for points west recently, not sure why. Trying to motivate myself to do a bit more work on the rolling stock. The old 4F, number 4312, has had a splodge of brake dust added to the loco (no need to do the tender, as I discovered that it doesn't have any brakes!) and I also put some graphite on some of the steps and handrails. I think that's probably it; not sure that locos in the 30s would have had much, if any, rust showing on them?
  7. That looks good Colin, I like the texture. How are you planning to deal with the joins?
  8. Thanks, that's kind of you. I think I will paint my own backscenes on CR Mk II, and have been perusing those on the Burford Branch - some very interesting stuff there.
  9. Very nice work there Rob. I have a few old Hornby clerestories that you might have inspired me to have a crack at modifying...
  10. Very little time available to spend at Chuffnell R today, unfortunately, but I did add a touch of oily steel to the handrails on 4804. I still wonder if she looks a bit too clean? And I used some white weathering powder to try to make the paint on the Express Dairy tank look a bit faded. I only used powder on the upper surfaces and ends, as I thought those would probably be the most exposed to the elements (and it was rather difficult to get to the underside of the tank as well, to be fair...) I wonder if perhaps it needs a little more; I'll probably sleep on it and see what I think of it tomorrow. Easier to add more than to try to take it away, I suspect. Here's how it looked before applying the powder, for comparison:
  11. A lovely little layout, really enjoying this. Thanks!
  12. Glad to hear that we probably won't need a whip round to get you a parrot and eyepatch 🙂 I need to do some experimenting with powders; I haven't used them much yet.
  13. Thanks for heads-up Rob - I shall apply sparingly! But that's the sort of look I think I should be going for. More importantly, how's the eye?
  14. That's an interesting idea too; I've got some white weathering powder hidden away somewhere...
  15. Thanks, that sounds like a good suggestion. I’ll give it a try tomorrow. What could possibly go wrong?!
  16. I can imagine that it’s pretty grim Rob, but at least it’s not Saturday night! And you’ve made the right call, I think. Hope you get a good result!
  17. It's been too hot here today to do much more than sit in a semi-stupor (what many would call my normal state) trying to read NATO documents... Ugh. But I did take a short break to weather the dayglo Express Dairy milk tank, once again done with a watery mix of black and brown acrylic. Here it is next to the rest of the herd. Do you think I should make it a bit dirtier? And the obligatory cruel close-up. That pannier is climbing towards the top of the list of weathering candidates too.
  18. Another one for @Tortuga to look at could be 247 Developments?
  19. Rob, without wanting to sound like a nag, I completely agree with Rodney. Taking some time off to get your eye checked over shouldn't bother your employer, I hope. Of course I'm making the assumption that there's actually an optician or doctor available for you to see...
  20. Thanks Kevin. I did try putting some graphite on the cab door rails but it doesn't show much. Perhaps I should add a touch of oily steel paint, do you think?
  21. Thanks for the vote of confidence - always good to have some help in making decisions! I'll leave the green alone then. Here are some perhaps slightly better photos - I'm wondering if there's anything else I should do? Maybe try to suggest a bit of oiliness on the springs and rear axleboxes? Anywhere else?
  22. I've now painted the black/brown on the chassis, put some Railmatch brake dust on, and a little bit of graphite on the steps. The paintwork on this side looks a bit patchy for some reason; I might try to fix that - perhaps!
  23. Looking very good! Could you put a space between the photos next time please, I think it makes them easier to look at.
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