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Everything posted by proton

  1. I have just started following this topic, so perhaps this has been discussed: what do I do with my Lima Mark 2Bs? Basket cases I suppose.... PBM
  2. Glad to see though that Hatton's appears to have weathered the loss, and will continue to provide employment for its many staff and serve the hobby community. I wish them well. John
  3. Hi Paul, I live in Canada, so unfortunately unable to assist where you might be able to buy suitable screws in the UK.. No more than 1/2 inch length though. I think Kadee suggest a suitable diameter. John
  4. I would add however, two advantages that the use of screws provides. They can resist very heavy collisions, especially head-on between locomotives It is very easy to adjust the height if the installation is difficult. I have several models of English Electric engines ( Deltics, class 37) and the room for coupler installation is very limited. Getting the height right the first time round is not easy, so screws allow for shimming to fit. Use of the height gauge is essential of course. John
  5. I use liquid solvent glues for almost all installations, (MEK), and only experience failures in very violent crashes. No surface prep is necessary. John
  6. That's interesting, W, thank you. I have just realized that you are fitting the original Heljan Class 86 body. I haven't kept up with the thread on that version - except for the pan is the body itself good?
  7. Thanks for that W, I'll go ahead and see about getting another Heljan class 86. John
  8. Would you be able to elaborate on the dremel work and any other difficulties? I was thinking of using an old Hornby class 86 from the 1980s but it is too thick and will need major surgery to the class 87 chassis. Thanks!
  9. The Dapol Western has the bogie pivot set between the inner-most and centre axles. Unfortunately under load it has the result of causing the outermost wheels to lift slightly, which in P4 results in derailments. Not a concern here though, but attention to freedom to rotate in all axes may be beneficial.
  10. Surely the off-centre suggestion means in the longitudinal direction (along the track) and not across the track?
  11. He passed away in April 1953. Would anyone know the date? PBM
  12. The wrap-around windows would certainly be a nice variant. Need two of course, with D5702 being a must-have.
  13. Hello, Having missed the first and second releases of the Co Bo I am determined not to miss the third round! Is a third release planned? PBM
  14. Now that we all know, from the lovely Hornby models, that the LMS Coronation Scot kitchen cars had 8' and not 9' bogies, it raises the question for me about the bogies used under the kitchen cars used on the Caledonian when it was introduced in 1957. Did British Rail replace the LNWR 8' bogies under the cars, or were they retained? Photographic evidence would be nice. Does anyone know? John
  15. Probably right, but double heading was found necessary on inclines to get traffic effort, rather than horsepower.
  16. Her man has the usual physique of a railway modeller. NOT!!
  17. This now raises the question in my mind as to what bogie wheelbase the ex LMS RKs had when used in the 1957 Caledonian. Given that the Caledonian was essentially the post-war reincarnation of the 'Scot, and the vehicles chosen would have been in top condition, does this suggest that the RKs had the 8' bogies instead of the 9'? I don't have a lot of material on the Caledonian, and the few photos I have seen focus generally on the head end power and the first few cars. I have a Comet RK to assemble, hence the question.
  18. There's a new book out on US logging railroad locomotives. It's really a compendium, entitled "Fifty Grades of Shay".
  19. The wheelbase of the RKs has been discussed (I created a post on the S4 site IIRC), and I was assured that the LMS did not have 8' bogies. I would like to see the Railway Gazette of 28 May 1937 article referenced earlier to see if it was just the 'Scot RKs that had the shorter bogies, and why.
  20. I pre-ordered the nine-coach rake from Hatton's last year and like several other members on here I was informed the FK was mailed a few weeks ago on its own. I just received a notification that the balance of the order has just been mailed. I will convert them to P4 with Brassmasters bogies, but will have to order some 8' kits since I was under the mistaken impression the RKs were on standard 9' bogies. PBM.
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