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Status Replies posted by Monkersson

  1. Another bargain Proto 2000 GP loco reduced to a pile of parts by the Royal Mail.



    1. Monkersson


      So its the sellers fault then, not Royal Mails?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Went up Mam Tor today - too many people, so then went up the peak alongside which is actually higher before popping into Castleton for some fodder.


    Kinder Scout beckons at some point, but I think a map may be necessary.

    1. Monkersson


      Overheard at the summit of The Cobbler a few weeks back..."Isn't it great being up here, so remote, at one with nature.  Would be better if there was a coffee shop with wifi access"...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Am I grumpy because a) I've had a busy week, b) it's hot or c) there's some proper door handles here?

    1. Monkersson


      Talking of door handles, my work place has recently been refurbished 'to the highest standard' they said.  


      Mostly, apart from some of the doors being marked Pull when they are Push and vice versa.  


      That makes me grumpy!

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  4. Call yourself an astronaut?


    Sit in a seat, get blasted 66 miles into the sky and come straight back down and the most you've got to do is unbuckle your harness, swim about, whoop and then rebuckle yourself in.   


    And he then gets to call himself an astronaut which is an insult to all those people who trained for years and went up strapped to a Nasa or Soyuz craft.


    It's Disney for the very rich.

    1. Monkersson


      I agree with you, thank you for taking the time to join in the discussion, I've enjoyed it

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  5. Call yourself an astronaut?


    Sit in a seat, get blasted 66 miles into the sky and come straight back down and the most you've got to do is unbuckle your harness, swim about, whoop and then rebuckle yourself in.   


    And he then gets to call himself an astronaut which is an insult to all those people who trained for years and went up strapped to a Nasa or Soyuz craft.


    It's Disney for the very rich.

    1. Monkersson


      I work in procurement for injection moulded (plus other medium) items, from raw materials to doorsteps, so I have an idea.  At an individual item level the footprint is very small, a full production run, of a decent sized range (say Bachmann for instance) is pretty huge.  You may already have seen, but if not, have a look online at the landscape destruction in the Australian Ore Mines, which is where the majority of ore comes from to produce the steel used to make the moulds for injection moulded items.  Add to that the transportation by rail and huge ships over thousands of miles, then the steel works footprint themselves and all the fuels/electricity/gas.  Its quite jaw dropping,  significantly more than the recent a space trip.  Whether or not your models are 2nd hand and bought locally doesn't mean anything, they were still made from raw materials and transported to where you bought them from.


      The fundamental point of my post is that people are very quick to tell successful rich people what to do with their money.  If someone suggested to me what to do with my money, they wouldn't like the response.  If I had the money to follow my dreams and go to space, damn right I would do it and wouldn't feel in the slightest bit guilty.




    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. Call yourself an astronaut?


    Sit in a seat, get blasted 66 miles into the sky and come straight back down and the most you've got to do is unbuckle your harness, swim about, whoop and then rebuckle yourself in.   


    And he then gets to call himself an astronaut which is an insult to all those people who trained for years and went up strapped to a Nasa or Soyuz craft.


    It's Disney for the very rich.

    1. Monkersson


      Maybe they do give a huge amount of money to good causes, but don't see the need to publicise what is a very personal thing.  Its their money, they can spend it as they wish.  Would you be happy to be told how to spend your money?


      Yes, space flights have a huge carbon footprint.  So do our 'pointless' holidays to the sun, and so do our model trains.



    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. Call yourself an astronaut?


    Sit in a seat, get blasted 66 miles into the sky and come straight back down and the most you've got to do is unbuckle your harness, swim about, whoop and then rebuckle yourself in.   


    And he then gets to call himself an astronaut which is an insult to all those people who trained for years and went up strapped to a Nasa or Soyuz craft.


    It's Disney for the very rich.

    1. Monkersson


      Technically, we do, we show that a hobby benefits mental health.  Its a joyride for us when we go to a model railway show, whether it costs us money or not.   We don't make any money from it, if they make money from what they are doing, so be it, they are businessmen.


      How many of us have used a Virgin or Amazon service?  A lot more than will admit it, or realise it.


      These private companies in the new space race are pushing the development of re-usable craft, discovering new ways to use technology which will benefit all of us in time.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. I am looking for a sound decoder for a Hornby Class 71 Electric Loco.

    Seems Hornby do not make one or I cannot find it listed.

    I know there are other makes of decoders but I have problem justifying the decoder cost that is more than the cost of the loco.

    does anyone know if there is a suitable Sound decoder I could use 8pin Electric Loco (not Diesel Electric)

  9. Call yourself an astronaut?


    Sit in a seat, get blasted 66 miles into the sky and come straight back down and the most you've got to do is unbuckle your harness, swim about, whoop and then rebuckle yourself in.   


    And he then gets to call himself an astronaut which is an insult to all those people who trained for years and went up strapped to a Nasa or Soyuz craft.


    It's Disney for the very rich.

    1. Monkersson


      Why should more people be like Dolly?  They've earned their own money, like we earn our own money.  We do want we want with our earnings, why should they be told how to spend theirs?


      Some say its a vanity project, aren't our model railways vanity projects?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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