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Status Replies posted by Natalie

  1. just under 2 years ago my brother was told he had a rare type of cancer for his age (under 30) we have spent that time hopping one of the trial drugs would work then on Sunday night he was ill from his chemo so he went to hospital we have now found out that it has got much worse not much time left for him. thing were looking better last night but this morning he has taken a step backward.

    1. Natalie


      Hoping that your brother, yourself and your family feel the love and support of those of us on here- we are all kindred spirits. *hugs*

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  2. Why is getting treatment for mental health problems and eating disorders such a battle? I really don't know why I have been bothering and think the best option would be to quietly shift off this curtain and join the choir invisibule...

    1. Natalie


      Thanks to the above for their kind thoughts. I really don't have the inclination or energy to fight for things anymore, I really can't see the point.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Why is getting treatment for mental health problems and eating disorders such a battle? I really don't know why I have been bothering and think the best option would be to quietly shift off this curtain and join the choir invisibule...

    1. Natalie


      Response deleted as totally cheesed off that I have wasted 5 mins typing a reply and only a small part ended up being posted. The rest has just completely vanished into the ether. I shant bother next time. Maybe all the bandwith is going on the intrusive flashing ads that have (I regard all forms of advertising as intrusive) that have cropped up recently....

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Mental health still not good and having major struggles with food and eating but managing to keep a bit saner by keeping in touch with all the comings and goings on RMWeb. Maybe it should be available on an FP10 (prescription)!

    1. Natalie


      Thanks for the messages of support.Food is the major issue at present which has caused me to get admitted for a week with severe dehydration and weight loss but despite shouting out for help am finding it difficult to get listened to or have the possibility of an eating disorder considered because I am not a teen or adolescent.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. Post work banana sandwich.

    1. Natalie


      Nice with chicken too. Enjoy your sandwich


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hailsham Town win 5-0 to seal promotion - but watching what's happened at Spurs-Bolton has showed it is completely irrelevant

    1. Natalie


      I agree. People's lives are of more consequence than football...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Thoughts go out to Fabrice Muamba and everyone at White Hart Lane

  8. Had my two endoscopic procedures yesterday which confirmed my initial suspicions. Nothing sinister at least which is reassuring. Just need to keep on with my ferrous fumerate and folic acid tablets (for my anaemia) and start PPI therapy. Oh and another OGD to look forward to in 8 weeks...

    1. Natalie


      Thanks Larry. Essentially I'm fine- just have this continual stomach pain and a lack of breath- at least I know what is causing it all now so I can get the right treatment and be returned to my optimum! I just get on with things and there are people far worse off than me. It'll take more than this to keep this gobby cow down!! :-)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Went back to work for 2 days after bad chest infection, but still not fully fit. One cough this morning and I'm in pain again; think I may have damaged something! I can only sit upright, lying and leaning back hurt. Computer chair is the only comfy one!

    1. Natalie


      Hope you feel better soon Pete. Could be pleurisy- once had never forgotten, but just as easily as pulled muscle in your chest- often exacerbated by coughing. Quite a common side effect of chest infections. Try/continue with deep breathing and add a simple OTC painkiller such as brufen or other NSAID (provided you are not asthmatic or have a history of stomach ulcers)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Is there anywhere to sign a "get well soon" card for all these poor souls with their ailments?

    1. Natalie


      Hehe! All being well I shall be off that list in the next few months!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. It appears my B12 levels are indeed OK. It is my ferritin and folate which are low coupled with an HB of 11 means I have macrocytic aneamia. Hopefully the FeSo and Folate tabs should give me back a bit more oomph and I feel back to my normal power rating! I also have been granted a visit to see an endoscopist for an OGD (joy indeed!) within 14 days just to make sure I still have a long term future and am not about to be condemned!

    1. Natalie


      Thanks. I'm certainly not ready to be abolished, switched out or scrapped just yet. The OGD is precautionary and just needs to be investigated in view of the anaemia. I shall be here for a while yet!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. It appears that my levels of Vitamin B12 are low... Does this mean I am now 'stored but servicable' ? :-)

    1. Natalie


      Hopefully I'm not going to get painted white and secured 'normal'

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Have a long, relaxing bath, thencrack on with some more job hunting. Christmas without a job is horrible.

    1. Natalie


      Any time without a job is awful. I'm still in the boat and now battling to save my house. Hope you get sorted soon though.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Totally devastated and in complete disbelief at the sudden and unexpected loss of my beloved Black Beast Smokes yesterday evening. Don't know what else to say really. :-(

    1. Natalie


      Thanks :-) I'm really in a quandary now about what to do next and just cannot make up my mind. Cherish the now as the next one day will never come.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Knobs on fire --- oh er misses.

    1. Natalie


      Knobs not on fire any longer- completely melted now! Reconstruction not possible!!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. has her nose deep into SR carriage notices unravelling the mysteries of such niceties as the Waterloo- Portsmouth newspaper workings!

    1. Natalie


      Yep there is- any specific dates you interested in. I have random CWN from the 1970s up to May 1988 timetable.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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