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Everything posted by travelintrev

  1. Morning all, as nature seems to be a bit of a topic this morning, found this chap sitting on some power cables yesterday. Even though he has got chewed wings, still managed to fly away. (I guess it was the voltage tingle that rejuvenated him?) Have a good un all, Trev
  2. Morning all, what exciting weekends some had??? Still dark out side here but forecast is predicting 25- 28c. Plus thunder storms..... But it's Monday, so enjoy if you can...... Trev
  3. Morning All, why is it that when you get a chance for a lie in on a Sunday morning, some inconsiderate *%$£hole decides to lay on their car horn, then start a full volume discussion with another driver? Well that's my rant for the day over...........the rest of you enjoy yours! And any Pictures of your adventure Dave?
  4. Morning all, Sad news all round, but try to look on the good times eh? By the way I am still (just ) in the northern hemisphere....... so it's of to work in a bit, enjoy your day folks. Trev.
  5. Morning All, Another dull and dismal morning here, sorry to hear about Grandpa 1216 025. Try and remember the good times? Difficult I know in your situation. Ok another Friday, must crack on! Trev
  6. Morning all, Now if only my house girl looked like that................................ OK enough! Dull & damp here looks like another grey day...... Trev
  7. Morning all, yes cracking photos Dave thanks for sharing, really atmospheric! Been raining here all night too, which does not bode well for my travels today...........and it's public holiday here too. Enjoy your day Trev
  8. Morning all, well all this talk of the sea, always fascinated me providing I wasnt too close! Plenty off water that Irene is now dumping across the NE & Canada. Public Holiday here today & tomorrow ............which will slow some things down. Welcome Knobhead, looks a pretty isolated spot that you live in? Enjoy the day all, Trev.
  9. 'morning all, Happy Monday.................Glad that you & your family are OK Pete. Enjoy your day folks, Trev
  10. Morning all, Hope Petes OK , theres some pretty hairy-scary photos on the news sites! Enjoy your day if you can , I'm off to work. Trev.
  11. Happy Birthday Don, Pete I hope you got the hatches battened down, been raining here overnight, but not too much Enjoy the weekend.
  12. Morning all, quite night here, apart from some #### #### sending me an text /SMS message at 4.am.. ...... but least got back to sleep then Enjoy your day folks Trev
  13. Morning all, thanks for the answers regarding the hump................always having considered weekends part of the working week they don't hold the same attraction I guess, mind you I get lie in this Saturday as it's "Environmental Day" with all traffic banned between 7 - 10am. Enjoy your daily tasks, (or at least try and look as though you are!)
  14. Morning All, Don whats a "Hump day"? ...................Pete, glad all is OK, was reading yesterday on BBC site about all those still suffering in New Zealand having lost their homes........ Pretty hot and humid here this morning too. Well what ever the weather were you try & enjoy the day. Trev
  15. Morning all, yes out of curiosity I had to look up the Vietnamese currency name.........whats wrong with it? Seems tame, mind you there are some weird ones! Seems like 1216 025 and Robert are in for what we call a two (or three!) shirt day........... But whatever your weather, try and enjoy! Trev
  16. Morning all, Dull and misty at the moment with heavy rain forecast. What a start to the week? What ever the weather though try to enjoy your day. Trev.
  17. Morning all, dull misty start to the day, I see a few birds around here, but the most notable are a pair of blues breasted king fishers. They seem to like the balcony railing. I'll try & post a pic later. Have a good un Trev
  18. Well done Jam,, hope the heads not too bad this morning, No model railway news from me either, though I did look at the 1:24 MW that I started several months ago, but just to knackered at the moment to get inspired............ Enjoy your day all.
  19. Morning all, I agree with Robert, doenst seem to be any real news today.............been a bad night, to much work stuff banging around inside my head!
  20. Morning all, All quite here (so far!) this morning................couple of cockerels crowing away, and the sun will be up in 15 minutes, but rises pretty quickly here. Enjoy your day. Trev
  21. Morning All, a couple of netless days and I come back to find the forums all changed............. Well a bit of good news; three out of the five sets we got running yesterday, sort of a strange feeling you work on a big project like this (not quite single - handedly) and all of a sudden it nearly finished...... Bit like building a kit loco and putting it on track for the first time, and powering up. Oh well, phase two to do, and two others at least....................enjoy your day! Trev
  22. Morning all, Happy Birthday Phil, may you have a good day...............not much going on here apart from my plants commissioning grinding to a partial halt as we found some problems in the high voltage switch gear, dont really want to mess with that stuff! Enjoy the weekend.
  23. Morning all, Sounds like North of the UK is having the rains that should be here! Sorry............. Enjoy your Friday Trev
  24. Morning all, had to laugh at the re-cycled toilet paper, my late M-i-L whose weekly shopping I was coerced into doing was mortified when the toilet paper pack claimed it was made from "Re-cycled paper". She took an awful lot of persuading that it was not pre-used t.paper! Oh well enjoy your day folks Trev
  25. Morning all, Dull & dismal here, I also have been watching the UK news via the internet; words fail me. It's the sort of thing that you expect here.........no I'm not going to say more. Otherwise, if you can have a good day. Trev
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