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Status Replies posted by AndyB

  1. Looking for inspiration: small N gauge layouts that have used Peco track to good effect (ie looked convincingly realistic)

    1. AndyB


      @Neil C it seems my wife had the foresight to back them up to the cloud. Should be able to add them in over the weekend. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Looking for inspiration: small N gauge layouts that have used Peco track to good effect (ie looked convincingly realistic)

    1. AndyB


      Hi Neil. Sadly the photos were lost for my run down 60s/70s terminus

      But I'm sure others will be able to point you to something similar. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Looking for inspiration: small N gauge layouts that have used Peco track to good effect (ie looked convincingly realistic)

    1. AndyB


      Any particular genre? Modern day mainline... bucolic BLT...? I'm sure there are hundreds.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. What an uchronism.

    1. AndyB


      ...or, alternatively, is it....?

  5. Just given swmbo a haircut. I should have taken all the mirrors away first! Out of interest would scenic scatter glue work on human hair? 

    1. AndyB


      Would I have to drive a nail into swmbo to get an earth? Somehow I'd always envisaged it'd be a stake. :biggrin_mini2:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Just given swmbo a haircut. I should have taken all the mirrors away first! Out of interest would scenic scatter glue work on human hair? 

  7. Hello, Mal's wife Gabe here.


    Really very sorry for being the bearer of the worst news, but Mal died on Monday 18 March at 9.40pm. His children Cat, Fin and I and his best friend (my brother Vic) were all with him, here at our new home in Ancrum Bank. It was so very tranquil. So tranquil in fact that it took me and Fin ten minutes to be absolutely sure Mal really wasn't breathing, he looked so serene and calm. But he was definitely ready to go.  All medical and caring staff said how content he looked, wrapped comfortably in all the warm wishes of all those who loved him, from both near and far.


    A celebration of his life will be held at Mortonhall Crematorium, Edinburgh on

    Thursday 28 March at 12 noon to which all are warmly invited.


    I've been working hard all week getting his funeral arrangements sorted and his celebrant, Onie Tibbitt, is keen to get close friends to share the funny things he said or did that exemplified the kind of man he was. You guys were a massive part of his life. He was very close to you. Many is the time he would leave your forum with a moist eye telling me some sad news, or, much more often, with a chuckle. Sadly, you are the guys with whom I have least connection as I have never met or spoken, or indeed communicated in any meaningful way with any of you apart from the briefest of updates while Mal was in Basingstoke after his major op in February last year.


    You guys may have been a facet of his life which was an entire mystery to me but now it is time to unveil the mystery. It is clear, as Onie and I have pored over Mal's lifetime, that the theme of Railways surfaces time and time again as a major focus in his life. Apart from your friendships, I would love to receive sentence or two from you guys explaining the significance of trains in general and RM in particular to Mal.

    It is one of my biggest regrets that Mal never achieved his long-held ambition to set up his own model railway here in our new home. Who knows, in the fullness of time, I may even pick up that challenge, but don't hold your breath or you may turn blue and keel over and I've had more than enough of that thank you. 


    If any of you would like to contribute your thoughts, Onie is happy to get in touch with you for a chat, or you could email her anecdotes of funny things he said, or things he did which seemed to exemplify his character, before 5pm Monday 25th March so she can start compiling a tribute in good time. Onie's email address is celebrant@onietibbit.com, so feel free to email her direct, or if you would rather chat, let her know and she can arrange a convenient time.


    And in case you don't know it already, our new address is 1 Ancrum Bank, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 3AY, tel 0131 660 1609. My mobile is 07563557310. I’ll be shutting Malcolm’s email and phone contracts down at some point, so remember to delete him from your contacts list, but feel free to please add me if you wish ;-) 


    I know you will understand that I have my hands full. So please don't be overly concerned if I don't acknowledge any replies on the forum for a couple of days. Once I can stop juggling balls while unicycling, and once things start to feel a bit more settled, if it is not too presumptuous, I look forward to logging in and maybe getting to know you guys a wee bit.




    1. AndyB


      I knew Mal through the ER thread, sadly not in person. He was a lovely bloke and will be sorely missed. Above all the fortitude and grace that he showed coming to terms with his illness left us all humbled. Rest in Peace, Mal; we were blessed to know you.    

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. Help!! I think I'm being followed.

    1. AndyB


      I say,....hello there,...excuse me, ....coo-ey.....I think you dropped your wallet....?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. I'm playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order!

  10. I have just been driving behind a van that purports to be delivering automatic amusement machines. I'm not really any the wiser for that experience.

  11. ..... has just drilled two holes in the workmate top.

    1. AndyB


      Jigsawed a slice from mine. At the time I did think my 5mm plywood was toughher than usual. lol

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. In the fashion business, nothing is as it seams.

    1. AndyB


      And in cheaper clothing the seams are as nothing.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. If I'm caught on here today, my life won't be worth living!

    1. AndyB


      He's BEHIND you. Oh no he isn't. Oh YES he IS!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. Is it good business conduct for a butcher to ham things up?

    1. AndyB


      Even if it isn't I don't think he could be cured.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Oh for the days ... when the Xmas double editions of the TV and Radio Times were still part of the tradition.

  16. Oh for the days ... when the Xmas double editions of the TV and Radio Times were still part of the tradition.

    1. AndyB


      And a Laurel & Hardy episode was on every morning during the Xmas holidays.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. My plan to model Worting Junction is slightly scuppered when I discover my shed is about 50ft too short.

    1. AndyB


      I'm almost tempted to ask how much rocking horse teeth sell for these days.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. just passed the pullmann observation car travelling down the M1

  19. Is it too early to put the sprouts on yet......

  20. To celebrate the succesful landing by the NASA Insight mission I'm going to eat a Mars bar

  21. To celebrate the succesful landing by the NASA Insight mission I'm going to eat a Mars bar

    1. AndyB


      A hell of an achievement. Not something to be Snickered about!

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

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