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Everything posted by mwrosebury2000

  1. Holes for the fence posts have been added and posts put in place, just need to add the wire. One side of the street has a footpath now, the other side is almost done. I have started to add plasterboad to the cellar ceiling, should have done this before I started the model. White strip added to the midway station. Cables have been connected to the signals (well some of them), going to work on some of the ground signals tonight. More plasterboard to go up at weekend. Going to ask my other half to take some pics as she is better at it than I am. Mark
  2. I had a direct debit set up with them and they took two payments from me in one month so cancled it and now pay monthly, if I had everything out of the collection I wanted I would just bin it. They don't appear to have any sort of organisation and the customer support is a bit lacking. Mark
  3. Be aware I just tried to pay an invoice twice, both times it said that the payment had failed but it had taken the money from my bank x 2. Mark
  4. Not having a good week, my woodland scenics stripe pen isn't working as it should (think the nib is full of dried paint), also had some plastic brick that has bubbled a bit. Sheep have been added to the field and fence posts have been laid out ready to be installed. Mark
  5. I tried to build my own applicator, it worked but I wasn't realy happy with the result so took the hit of buying a premade one... boy it wasn't cheap but it works a treat. Hope you all have more joy than I did. Mark
  6. As above food bag, if it goes hard then wet it and you can use it again, I have doen this a few times. Mark
  7. Radio 4 - The Archers or a documentary if i'm in the cellar. If im painting people in the kitchen then music on the laptop - heavy metal, rock, pop, anything, very varied collection on my laptop. Mark
  8. I don't but I will get one for you when time allows, I have been a bit poor in adding photos haven't I. I have put some stattic grass down or is that up? The midway sation on the preserved line is made from Hornby platforms, these are a mix of old and new stuff so some had faded. I have quickly filled the holes and have given them a quick coat of paint. Whilte lines will be added to the platform edge as well as lighting, seats, signs etc. The footpath in the village is slowly being superglued down, hopefully this will be complete by the end of the week. I want to hook up the power to the track and give it a little test before I add the ballast. Mark
  9. I have started work on the ground signals and have gone through more drill bits than I care to recall. I have bought the final (I think) building for the village, these buildings will have lighting fitted when I get around to it. I have also made some tables from a kit bought off Ebay, they look good but are a pain to build and have lead to a lot of bad language. Mark
  10. I have just received a large number of signal components so it looks like I will be busy building these. Also had a bit of a tidy up in the cellar & painted some more people.
  11. Well a new job has stopped me from modeling for a while. I have finished the brick wall to platform 2, and added the main flags to the surface. I will add the edging stones and the white lines as soon as I get time. I have also got some more buildings for the village and have started work on the footpaths. Cables have been put in for the points, signals and station lighting. I have also done a few more improvements to the cellar. Mark
  12. Well this is my latest update, as you can see I have been working on the station. The platform lights arrived and I bought some modern station lights from the DCC Concepts range, I have removed the speaker from the post (this will be added to the station lights) as I am using these as street lights. I have also added the fencing and put most of the retaing wall in. The point rodding is coming along slowly & I have just assembled my first compensator. I have also started to add the brick wall on the trackside face of the 2nd platform. Mark
  13. Happy New Year to you all, hope 2017 has some good modeling for you. I have taken some pics of the station at the end of the herritage line, as you can see it is a work in practice but it is slowly coming together. Each of the edging stones has been cut out and added individually & there is even one that is broken. Once complete the station will need weathering. Mark
  14. White lines have now been added to platform 1, and the fencing / gates have been cut out ready for installing. The seats are painted and ready place I need to get the lights, bins & station signs. I have also cut out over 2m of Wills point rodding ready to install before ballasting. I am hoping to get a bit more done tomorrow. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Mark
  15. Platform one has now had all the flags laid including the ones along the edge, it is now ready for the lights, seats, bins, people and the white lines. The track has been tested for clearance and fixed in place with screws, these will be removed after the ballast has been put down. Platform 2 has now been started with a piece of timber for the base, plastic bricks and flags will be added just like platform 1. Mark
  16. Platform 1 has had some more stone flags laid and the brick wall has also been added. Seperate stone flags will be added to the edge of the platform before the track is fixed in place, white line will then be added. I was going to add point rodding and cables for signals but we have decided that we will be moving in the next year or two so I am thinking about getting the layout operational and cutting back on some of the finer deatils. Mark
  17. Well three months with no progress on the modelling front, I have however done quite a bit of work in the cellar doing general improvements. Tonight I have started putting the stone flags down on the platform at the end of the heritage line. I have also started to put the cables in for the track power, point motors and signals. I have also bought a couple more buildings for the village. After experimenting with making my own static grass applicator I was not happy with the results so have relented and purchased one. I hope my next post will not be in another 3 months. Mark
  18. I don't work 6 days a week for the good of my health. NO, I work 6 days a week to pay for trains!

  19. I agree this is a minor issue but it isn't the first one I have had with them. I was "late" in subscribing to this collection and it was a case of an extra model arriving rather than it arriving late, that is why i'm concerned it might happen again (I am about 8 models behind some on here). I had the money in the bank so it didn't cause me an issue but the bank account I use for modeling isn't my main bank account thus doesn't hold a large reserve of cash. Mark
  20. I have had a reply from Atlas, the reason they took 2 payments was because they decided to send me 2 models in a maonth instead of the one. I have now stoped the automatic payments incase they decide to send the rest of the collection in bulk. Mark
  21. Has anybody else had Atlas take two payments this month instead of one? I have contacted them and are awaiting a reply. Mark
  22. Not that much progress this week, I have been laying concrete and felling trees. I did however manage to make a trip to a local model shop where I bought some grass and some of the Bachmann low relief buildings. I am going to place these opposite the heritage railway station on the raised section. I was looking at the cafe for some time thinking something doesn't look quite right then it hit me, the interior is upside down! My plans for the next week or so are to complete the heritage line platforms on the raised section, and get the village high street to a stage where I can just place the buildings as and when I buy them. I also need to get started on the wiring for the signals, lights and power to the track. Mark.
  23. Well my plans of putting pics up within a few days went a bit wrong. My phone broke so no camera, then I have been busy so not had much time with my models. I have taken 4 pics two showing the static grass and two showing the elevated section where the station will be. The track has been weathered using the Woodland Scenics pens and i'm happy with the end result. It does take a bit of time to do the sleepers and the nib of one of the pens is a bit worse for wear now (they do come with a replacement tip). Most of the Power Base has been laid. The static grass looks OK but it could be improved, I have bought some grass clumps to go on the steep hillside / top of the hill once it has been painted, this will be populated with sheep once I am happy with it. The station platform will be clad in brick on the side and stone flags for the surface. I have got a sheet of 7mm flags for the edge of the platform. The other side of the road will have buildings i'm not too sure what yet but i'm thinking shops, pub and a few houses (maybe even a little Tesco). I have also spent the best part of a day painting people and other bits, the p-way gang is almost complete along with a load of tools, I have also done the fuel unloading and carriage platforms for the TMD. Mark
  24. Ozzy should be on a train not a tram... YES that would be a Crazy Train. Sorry long day at work Mark
  25. I got a reminder from Atlas Editions this morning for an invoice that was overdue. I have it set up for automatic card payments so I went on my account and it shows my ballance as £0, so I emailed them. On further inspection it is for an item paid for back in March, anybody else had one of these? I'm guesing that they will say it's an admin error, or something about organising getting drunk in a brewery? Mark
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