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Everything posted by TEAMYAKIMA

  1. Nearly there! Before I fit the 'finished' interior of the restaurant I thought I'd take a photo ...... may add some more details before I fit the ceiling but I need to move on and get the building finished .....
  2. Six hours later and it now looks like this - the chicken coups have moved up from the flat 4 floors below to cover the distorted window ........... Then work on the interior of the café/restaurant .... about half done! The railfans are having a break from a hard day's gricing ....
  3. I have been working on this kitbash for almost exactly one month - sometimes up to 10 hours a day and had hoped to be able to finally say @it's finished today' , but this morning with 99.99% of work done and just adding the 'final' detail - disaster struck! Had it on my work bench but left it too near my work lamp!!
  4. Another full day working on the tenements It seems that one of the chickens has got loose By the end of Tuesday the second building was nearly ready to join the first one ...... hopefully by Sunday!
  5. OK, it's been a nice morning so I tried photography in the back garden. Regret cannot get the depth of field I want but here are my best efforts ... note the new edition of the woman checking her bag for keys in the entrance to the block And the best interior shot I could get ... Time to stop this superdetailing this first half and get back to building the framework of the second half of the building
  6. After a full 9 hour modelling shift things have moved on..... Here is the second half of the final building sat alongside the first finished half ..... note the 'shop units' on the ground floor. Several will have the roller shutters left down to save me having to model an interior. Here is the one interior I've made so far ..... a typical Chinese 'workshop'.... sorry for the fuzzy photo ... I'll try again with a tripod later
  7. This is where we are now .... about half way through the project ... roof and l/h walls fitted .... staircase and floors added .... only need to add interior detail into the 'shops' on the ground floor ...
  8. Hi Al The floors (inc cracks) are paper sheets from Model Railway Scenery ... can be downloaded and printed off as many times as you like ...or ... I prefer buying pre-printed ones via their ebay site. Excellent quality and EXCELLENT service from a very nice man. More photos of the building tonight. Paul
  9. This first tenement project is taking far tooooo long! Partly because I've decided to add some interior detail like landings and staircase and it's taking forever! Here is the 'work in progress' .....
  10. In complete contrast to the local family orientated event in Hampton last week ............ this week TDMRC was at RMwebLIVE in Coventry. The theme of our stand was using new technology to build better layouts ......... this demo/talk was given by members of our ADDISON ROAD (7mm scale group) Here is our stand .... Group leader Peter giving a talk ....on how he built the ADDISON ROAD signal box The signal box in question ............... Some of the exclusive components we have had made for our project
  11. Here's an update on the tenement after many hours working on the windows/doors
  12. Rob If my comments offended you then I apologise - I was not aware of your situation. However, I will repeat that I am in awe of your ability with a computer. Moreover, I very much like your photos and would very much like a tutorial on how you produce them. Further, I would like to see more of your work, but I would prefer it in a dedicated thread. Perhaps my real gripe is anything that tends to take this (and other threads) off topic and I think that this thread is about the Hornby P2 - is it any good? Can I buy it yet? Can I improve it? Please keep posting your photos. Paul
  13. I'm sooo glad that someone has finally said this. Let me say that I am in total awe of the very clever computer work involved and the photos are excellent, but for me it doesn't add anything to what I want to know about the model for me to decide if I am going to buy one or to modify/improve one if/when I have bought one. May I respectfully suggest a separate thread or sub-forum where all this photo-trickery could be indulged at length. Then for every new model there could be ONE photo on the main thread (like this one for the P2 ) with a link to another thread of similar if people want to see futher work.
  14. A few hours later and we're here ................... the front of the building is now approx where it will be finally positioned.......
  15. And in situ roughly where it will eventually go .... this is bits from two kits , I need another one to complete it ... it will be fully low relief when finished - not a flat ! No pun intended!!
  16. This is a work in progress ............... I have spent nearly 4 hours just weathering this today .... a down - market communist era tenement ..... spent more time weathering it than assembling it! More over the next week or so as it develops .............
  17. On September 7th 2014 TDMRC supported the 150th Anniversary celebrations at Hampton station .... Pride of place went to our new OO project TWICKENHAM JUNCTION - an accurate recreation of the old LSWR station at Twickenham as if it had lasted into the 1960's .......... We were also discussing prototype practice with a real railwayman on our 'Shunting Puzzle' layout ............... Whilst also entertaining the professional railwaymen of the future ...........
  18. Here's that coach with the top off - the whole interior including floor, seats etc is all mid-blue as delivered ... should be twice as crowded of course but this as shown takes about a two days work.... note bags on seats and tables as train is approaching station and passengers getting ready to get off....
  19. Hello Kev Thanks for your comments ........... some of the tables have suitcases on them , but not the bags you mention ... thanks for the idea ... I'll try it. Progress not as fast as I'd like ..... 40 hour a week job..... partner .... club ....... blah, blah , blah ...... but the clock is ticking ........ TICK TOCK! Have started on some apartment blocks ... keep watching!
  20. Tracklaying has continued but with the usual problems progress has been slow ... Just to show that progress has been made on other fronts, here is a standard coach now fitted with some passengers ... only another 56 to go ... and many of them are double deckers!
  21. Here after a hour's work is the repair .... This also a join between code 83 and code 75 rail.
  22. Have been working on the track most of today ... very time consuming ... last night moved some boards about to take the main lines onto board 3 only to discover just about the WORST piece of tracklaying I've ever seen! How could this happen? I guess that I was so concerned about the horizontal alignment that I overlooked the vertical component ... I suspect that the cork may have risen because the board is perfectly flat at that point but the cork has a hump ( and a half ! ) Will post again later once repairs completed !
  23. TDMRC's next venture outside the Clubroom is at Hampton Station's 150th Anniversary celebrations on September 7th. The Club and its members will be supplying four (small) working layouts plus a static display from the Club's exciting new OO project Twickenham Junction. There will be other working layouts, stalls and displays including the Adams Radial tank and a coach from the Bluebell Railway ... why not come down and meet us and see what club membership can offer? Twickenham Junction is an accurate model of the town's original LSWR station as if it had survived into the 1960's. The model has recently been set up in the Clubroom in its entirety for the very first time to allow final tracklaying between the scenic section (Twickenham Junction) and the Club's new OO/HO common fiddle yard. Here is a photo of the Twickenham Junction team with the layout up for the first time ... and here is a photo showing the OO/HO common fiddle yard under construction .... once completed, this will allow other scenic fronts to be built in years to come without the need to build a new fiddle yard....
  24. Pete asked.. Ian, you’d be good to explain the Exhibition scene - I’ve never built a layout to be exhibited. How would your planning change for a permanently erected layout in a purpose built environment? The ultimate is someone like me .... building a 26ft x 10ft layout inside a 13ft x 8ft shed ! Can only be operated at exhibitions or if I hire the local church hall ! Expensive, but cheaper than moving to a (much) bigger house !! Paul
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