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    My main model railway interest is the transition era, 00 gauge. In my spare hours that nobody has planned anything for me (which is rare!) I enjoy volunteering at the Lakeside and Haverthwaite Railway, and taking railway photos in my local area. I sometime even find the time to do some modelling!!!

    None railway...... I have been know to participate in the odd real ale or two, getting out on my bike and spending time with my family.

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  1. It's August and dark by 9pm! I am sure that way back when..... And I was still at school it was light till about half ten.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ruffnut Thorston

      Ruffnut Thorston

      Could this be that a "while ago" the UK had "Double Summer Time", when the clocks went forward 2 hours instead of the 1 we suffer with these days?


      We think that th eUK should be 1 hour ahead of GMT all the time, and an extra hour "daylight saving time" in the summer months!

    3. trisonic
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