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Status Replies posted by Boris

  1. thankfully the dentist was mercifully short and pain free!!!

  2. looks as if he will be vegetable curry-free this week :-(

  3. is going to watch his entire set of Father Ted videos again :-)

  4. Anyone living in Birmingham will now be able to enjoy Elite League speedway, if only York had a team.

  5. needs a third leg

  6. Horsetan has located a source of glow-in-the-dark toilet rolls - HT, beware! You may end up with a radio-active bum!

  7. wanted to go to Hull show - instead the wife declared that we were spending "quality time together" - cue 7 hours watching chick flicks!!!

  8. is wondering whether this art installation project means that he might have to pose in the nip.

  9. had another curry for dinner tonight. He has now declared himself to be a new source of compressed natural gas.

  10. had another curry for dinner tonight. He has now declared himself to be a new source of compressed natural gas.

  11. has urges instead of mojo.

  12. has urges instead of mojo.

  13. has just had a vegetable curry :-P

  14. dead ped outside the window

  15. What's on my mind? What's on my shoe more like. Dratted fox that laid a present on my garden path. Hands and knees cleaning it off the railway room floor.

  16. Having riden the new push-iron the afternoon, I think Ispent too long out of the saddle.

  17. just found out what happens if you drink Mek Pak

  18. why do voyagers/220's/221's always smell of sewage?

  19. In shock, I seem to have got a Mainline (that's right, Mainline) Warship to run almost reasonably!!

  20. wheresthecoffee

  21. has set the date and location of the 2011 Members' Day. More later!

  22. My reputation just reached Excelent...

  23. I feel I may have eaten too much home made curry

  24. wonders if he puts words rude words like work or Arsenal in his status will make him evil

  25. is amazed that 20% of 18-25yr olds believe an umbilical cord is a musical note!

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