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Ark Royal

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Blog Comments posted by Ark Royal

  1. Thanks for your comments.


    There were some excellent layouts to view and the added bonus was that unlike exhibitions you got a ring side seat and learnt a lot about the  layouts and operations. IMHO i'd like to see one produced for every Scaleforum, but it is a lot of work to produce.


    Hats off to all those involved.


    Made for a couple of interesting running sessions to capture the footage and who needs an excuse to run trains :)


  2. On 25/03/2020 at 15:38, down the sdjr said:

    I have been trying to think of a way to edge platforms like this but alas i dont have a 3d printer. They look really good.



    The "trial" version was literally just glued onto un-treated wood with very little care must say. They seem to adhere best with Rapid Araldite so its a case of masking a suitable distance from the edge of the platform, lightly smeering the surface with aforementioned glue , removing masking tape, placing and then clamping them to the surface with fresh making tape until cured.


    I am quietly confident that with better attention to detail when assembling these that the finished article will be most satisfactory.


    If you are prepared to wait until the final results of Eridge Platforms are posted then I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement. If you are interested then feel free to message me.



  3. On 02/03/2020 at 00:05, 10800 said:

    BTW I see my 16-year old half-built semaphores are still standing. Don't feel any obligation to keep them for my sake, I'm sure you guys could do a better job now (as I also could!).



    They have stood the test of time, albeit with minor repairs from Mike, i think they will be in situ on our first exibition 16 years from Now !!!!




  4. I have stuck with Shapeways   http://www.shapeways.com as my preferred printer for 3D work but there are others around.


    The material used to print these was "frosted detail" but that was chosen only because of the finish required. I initially designed just the steps and had them printed in "white strong and flexible choosing the polished variety" BUT whilst the polishing gave a fairly good smoothness it also rounded the corners to all the 90 degree surfaces so hence reverting back to "frosted detail"


    A word of caution ....Some find it frustrating when they have adhered to the minimum wall criteria etc to find that their models are rejected prior to print having already passed the upload inspection process..Shapeways will not print a model if they feel it will not stand a certain amount of handling...I find this IMHO a positive for Shapeways and have had a few items rejected because whilst it met there minimum criteria in wall thickness etc it would not "in their opinion" stand the test of time..They will however notify you of the reason why your model has been rejected and give you a resolution to make it work which may be as simple as making certain parts thicker or in the case of the staircases above adding the lattice work between the handrails and stairs to strengthen the model...


    The CAD package i used was turbocad because i had it .... there are once again plenty on the market and even a freebie from Shapeways..


    If you think the detail on this is impressive then i urge you to take a look at their website and search model trains or even model figures ...there is a wealth of parts out there waiting to be snapped up... and if you can't find what you want have a go :)



  5. Thanks Guys for the comments


    I will be adding a post as i progress this part of the build.


    The footbridge will consist of 4 parts... the  gallery and roof structure will form the second part, the footbridge pillars and luggage shute the third and finally the window frames and detailing the last part. Hopefully this will alll be covered in one blog.


    The CAD design was done to get the correct height for thebuild the road bridge which has its own separate post and that is still very much in progress.


    Mark ;)

  6. Hi Rod,


    As Ian has suggested leave the roof as it is until it is cast and then smooth back after they've been cast.


    If you do it prior you're more than likely to create gaps between the fine joints which lead to the mold material will seeping into the gaps and creating an unusable mold.


    The better alternative method would have been to use filler to finish off the master.....wouldn't look as nice in the attached photo right enough but would create a "finished mold"


    Something maybe to bear in mind for the future


    Are you cladding the pillars to create the relief detail on them ?


    Keep up the Great work



  7. Hi Jon,


    Deltic looking fantastic,


    Looking at the vacuum hose I wonder if next time you might be better using wire wound guitar strings. The windings being tighter than you can achieve by hand. Never the less your efforts are great.


    Re: Deltic out of Paddington Sunday 06 March........this unfortunately has changed to Out of Euston. Shame really as was looking forward to taking a trip out of Paddington on her



  8. Jon,


    Deltics looking fab B)


    As a fellow P4'er if you need some help with your track issues I'd be more than willing to help you out as best I can. if that's putting you in touch with the local club to invite...just to see or templates to show the difference, guides on how to build a crossing vee....whatever feel free to PM me.


    It may seem very daunting, in fact not that long ago I was in the same shoes as you are now. I went along to my local club....just for a look (non-member) and ended up joining. Soon I had a go at making and building a crossing vee and eventually built the majority for our club layout. With the aid of a few jigs it's not that hard and extremely satisfying to see that they work. Thankfully they seem to work fine even with kettles trundling over them.:lol:


    Building the crossing vee's is is only part of the equation, correct alignment with the stock rails, correct clearances are the other ingredients. Thankfully the society has a wealth of gauges to do that along with some "workshops" at their forums should you need them.


    I am no expert and i'd be the first to mention that but if you don't try you

    don't get the rewards that follow.


    As for using the old OO gauge track...don't think that'll work



  9. Don't forget the green for vees! ;)


    Oh, and your link is broken Mark.


    Thanks for the info about the link.......can't find a way of posting an image directly in a "reply" to a blog entry so uploaded to My Gallery and provided a link........but it seems my request has been declined presumably by "Moderators" intervention :(.......mind you was only a screenshot of said pointwork on Eridge Templot :P


    So please tell me there is a way to post a picture in a reply to a blog rather than starting a new post ?



  10. Trackwork is all down, bar the short new section with the turnouts on the down end of the platform loops, and work has been progressing well on installing Tortoises for the point operation. So the need for the 'new' control panel is starting to press again, but at least this time with DCC there isn't the need for all the cab control section selector switches and the wiring that goes with that. I will just be doing the 'structural' side of the panel as far as installing all the switches and LEDs but leaving the wiring itself to more knowledgable team members than myself (that's you, Al and Mark ;) ).


    Well I'm sure we can manage that Rod........ummmmmm........think Al's got a few spare hours at the moment :O



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