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Posts posted by Theakerr

  1. I sometimes wonder why the hobby is stuck on 12V motors.  As i understand it, the electronics industry uses 5V motors and during web searches I have come across a number of motors using 5V or thereabouts and some of them are coreless.  Some of the specs are pretty impressive, especially the torque.  One even had a shaft diameter that matched that of the motors I was replacing in a friends Beyer Garret.  These motors could be a relatively cheap source of quality motors for our hobby especially as battery powered locos become mainstream or using some sort of dropper resistor.  

  2. Tony, over the years ( agues it really is years now with nearly 11500 posts) you have mentioned changing out the front Bogie wheels.   Would it be too much to post a list of which RTR locos you have changed the wheels on and which wheel sets you have put in.  Yes I am being a bit lazy but living in the Great White North, research is a bit harder.  Thanks

  3. Talking about getting good info from the web.  Many years ago I seemed to have lost my soldering "knack" and I happened to mention it on one of the early forums.  Turned out that the so called fluxed solder that I had grown up on was not the same as the "new improved" variety that I had recently purchased and the solution, but I didn't know this.  Started using flux paste and even if I say it myself I am not too bad a solderer.  

  4. Ditto on redutex, but I get mine direct from the parent company in Spain.  I don't know about Guagemaster but lets just say that the other nominal suppliers did not make life easy because I live in Canada.  One point i will mention is weathering.  The material is very absorbent and I had to develop an entirely new way of weathering.  FYI, mainly airbrushing and then wiping down with a cotton bud smoked in thinner.  Powders were a disaster and dry brushing very difficult.

  5. I am a bit of a collector of "lines" and at times the forum remind me of a couple that I try to live my life by.  

    The first is "tread softly for you tread on my dreams".  Some people seem to get a thrill out of destroying the dreams of others.  Perhaps they do it because, sadly they have no dreams of their own.  Fortunately those individuals are rare on this forum and for the most part (like 99%) the members are supportive, helpful without being critical and honest without being obnoxious.  My model railway is my dream - whatever that may be but, it is "my dream" as your model should be your dream.  Don't ever let anyone trad on it.

    The second is "never say more than you think will be heard".  Unfortunately the forum does seem to have a number of patrons who do not follow this approach to postings.  I find it interesting that posters who fall into said catagory tend to be the dream treaders  and I do wonder if they have actually ever done anything themselves (as referenced several times in the thread).  The good thing is that I have a mind that can reject such nonsense and a mouse that lets me move on from their post.   Enough, I used to be a Metallurgist not a philosipher so now back to my "used  - read cheap - "Hockey Stick Display Cabinet" conversion to a "Model Railway Display Cabinet"  4 rows each about 65" long

    • Like 9
  6. Had nothing much to do last night, it being still +28C @ 22:00 I went to Vimeo and came across "Non Stop British Railways, In the Swinging Sixties" posted by Lewisham Bill.  There is between 5 and 10 minutes devoted to Peterborough North.  Perhaps a bit later than your period but still featuring the shed roof missing a chunk of its end cladding and many of the other bits and pieces you have modelled.  Don't know if you have seen it but well with watching.  Brings home the authenticity of PN the Model

  7. Jason,

    I don't think those are coal bags, they are too small.  When I saw them I had one of those flashbacks to when I live at Waltham Station.   I think they are bags holding track spikes for the rails/rail plates. possibly the springs for later type rail mounting or the earlier wooden blocks for the traditional mounting chairs.  As such they will be about 18" long and about 9 to 12" diameter

    • Like 1
  8. Last night, after installing Mashima motors such that my friends Garret is running the way it should, I had it on the work bench for general maintenance.  Interesting in that with no load the front end defiantly runs faster than the back end at slow to intermediate speeds.  This is more pronounced when running in reverse.  I cannot see this being a function of the motors now that it has "identical" Mashimas, and I cannot find anything obvious in the driveline or gearboxes.  I am more than a little bit suspicious of the wiring after noticing that there are some very uneven run lengths of very fine wire and there may even be some different gauge wires.  I am also wondering if there is any imbeded software on the decoder pin base like there is on the 02/03.  Just wondering if anyone else has come across the same phenomena since on cheaper motors it could very well be an additional problem to cheap motors.  FYI, my friend runs DCC but I have put in a standard 8 pin blank because I run DC 

  9. I got my Mashimas from a German source located via e-bay.  FYI, I am currently in a resolution dispute with an electric motor supplier at Ali Baba.  So far not to impressed.  Not as good as Amazon.  Fortunately not much money involved.

  10. Re my previous post, after transplanting two Mashima motors, my friends Garret now runs the way it should do.  Thanks to those on this forum that made the conversion so easy.

  11. Re the decoder issues, might be appropriate to either hardwire a decoder, i know back to the stone age, or put in a new female pin board that has been directly wired in to avoid any software that might be on the Heljan board.  Apparently some people have done this with the Hornby P2 TTS equipped model.

  12. I am trying to fix a friends Garret.  Common story worked well then back motor seized.  Took it apart and the back motor ran after removing from drive train and spinning by hand to get it going.  OK in reverse but in forward mode a different story.  The body temp hit 56C and then it started to smoke so I shut it down.  Did not do 100mph equivalent!  So I guess I need two motors.  46256, you mention getting some motors from HK, would you mind posting your source and part number?  Also, I may have missed it but is the Mashima motor number referenced in this thread.  Thanks

  13. Same here.  I saw the APT at the Great British Train Show and as a result have ordered a Stirling.  I believe there has been a lot of discussion about retailing it as a package with both tenders but apparently Locomotion has resoundingly said NO.  Shame.  One wonders if it is the MBA sickness that seems to encroach into so many aspects of business today.  Specifically, their business school teaching says they will  get two sales, one of each tender arrangement, with this business model approach.  Instead, I suspect the reality is that for the most part they will only get one, but I believe that had they sold it with the two tenders at a reasonable price increase for the second tender, they would have got a lot of sales with that combination.  I remain a believer that 10% of something is a lot better than 100% on nothing.  But then what do I know know, i am just a Metallurgist.  

    • Like 2
  14. I would suggest that double heading is not the same situation that is found in the Garret.  Specifically, there is a lot of "slop" associated with double heading.  Specifically between the lead loco and the follow loco and the follow loco and the load.  There is minimal "slop" between the two motors of the Garret since it is essentially a fixed platform.  Also, double heading for the most part tends to be a sporadic operation for most of us.  Again the two motors in the Garret are 100% of the time working together.

  15. Recently I was talking to a Gentleman about the problems with the motors in the Garret and he wondered if the two motors being just a little "out of sync" with each might result in different loads on each motor and working against each other.  Consequently, one of the thoughts that came up was would it be better to put two decoders in, one for each motor, and then set them up as a consist.  Just a thought.

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  16. A status up date.  Real coal added, a fall plate added, coal irons added, a crew added, cab doors added, gap between tender and loco reduced to about 2mm (6") and it has been generally weathered.  Pretty much a happy camper.  Picture shows it pulling a load of Northampton lump iron ore as it was circa 1955.



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  17. Thanks for the reply robmcg.  I did do some research based on Google images and all I could find with the guard irons were LNER locos.  All the BR pictures I could find of the 02/03 and similar showed them without the guard irons.  Shame, because I think they look good.

  18. Apologies for pictures and text mixed up.  don't know how to fix it, but you should be able to get the gist.  Next is to add fall pate, paint handrails and weather before adding crew.

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