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Everything posted by DanielB

  1. It's been a while since there's been an update on this thread. How's the layout coming along, any progress?
  2. Love that blue BNSF loco. What's the story behind the livery? Never seen that before.
  3. It's all about stealing 30 minutes here and there - any progress is better than no progress.
  4. I know exactly what you mean Ian, I always prime everything before repainting it myself. I hate the look of paint applied directly over coloured plastic - it just looks... well... plastic-y, even if you spray it with matt sealer. Layout is coming on really nicely, I'm following this with interest.
  5. Had a look around online, after testing various types, user Platform 1 of this very parish came up with the following Vallejo paint matches: Rail blue - 70.963 Medium Blue Rail grey - 70.883 Silver Grey After a search around on Colourpedia, I came up with: Brunswick green - 70.970 Deep Green Not sure on the Yellow though. But still, this gives you something to go on, no?
  6. My river of Realistic Water appears to be leaking. Looks like my makeshift dam wasn't enough to stop it escaping over the board edge! Ah well, I'll give it a day and add another layer! :P

  7. Good luck - deadlines are one hell of an inspiration and motivator!
  8. Hmm... I'll see if I can find anything to match in the Vallejo range.
  9. Cane River is coming on in leaps and bounds. Confident it will be ready for TVNAM in June. :)

  10. See you at TVNAM too! 59th and Rust is one of the layouts I'm am dying to see!
  11. Oh dear god, what have we started? Just imagine the HELIX!
  12. You could always build UP! I'm sure there's a way to add a second floor to that shed!
  13. Why does nobody seem to comment on my layout topic? I don't get it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steve22


      I'm not too sure why that is, Daniel, but something I notice too.

    3. DanielB


      I was wondering if mine was because it's an American layout in the main Layout Topics area, and a lot of people have that old exhibition attitude of "Oh, just another US layout." Who knows?

    4. Robatron86


      I posted my layout on the New Railway Modellers forum, which I have been a member for several years, and they enjoy it because it's not the norm on that forum. Different circles of people with different interests. I wouldn't take it to heart chap.

  14. Really put a spanner in the works by going N Scale - not only will you have to totally redesign the layout but your fleet and rolling stock too! Seriously though - good luck.
  15. Dear auto-immune disease - Do one!

  16. This layout... wow. Amazing. The scenery is incredible, keep up the fantastic work.
  17. Not sure on Gordon's method as I've never seen it, however a friend of mine does rivers by creating and painting, detailing etc the river bed, then lays a sheet of transparent plastic over the top, the covers the plastic with washes of coloured ink to get the right colouration of the body of water he's trying to represent, then uses resin to build up ripples and such to represent the flow of the river. Does that help?
  18. What did the Aussies do to that poor F-Unit?
  19. Have you considered a forced perspective look to disguise the curve? If you put a view block like a cutting or the like along the inside of the curve and then a backscene around the outside of the curve it prevents the layout being viewed along the tip of the peninsula and stops you from viewing both sides of it at once.
  20. I saw Shasta at NMRE this weekend just gone - amazing layout, very nice fully scenic fiddle yard.
  21. A few pictures I took yesterday.
  22. God I'm bored. Can I go home and play trains yet?

    1. Robatron86


      I booked 2 weeks off to play trains :D

    2. Swifty11


      Just how I felt all of Physics and Chemistry... Oh and Maths...

  23. Just got confirmation I'm free Sunday, not Saturday as I had originally planned. Sorry
  24. I can help out one day at least if you still need someone? Just need to find out which day I am free.
  25. Yeah, that whole section of town used to smell of liquorice every day. lol. Good times.
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