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Everything posted by Ruston

  1. This one is a bit of a mystery but then again maybe not. It's in Middlesborough, photo taken by Keith Long in May 1959. A white, or possibly yellow 48DS with dark lining. It would have been brand new back then. (Flickr, clickable pic) There were 3 48DS of similar vintage in the area - 402808 of 1956, of Harrison Bros. foundry, which is pictured earlier in this thread and was painted in the usual lined green and had jacking points under the buffers, so it can't be that. 411318 of 1957 of the Owners Of The Middlesborough Estates Ltd. also pictured in this thread and in green, with oval/double height buffers, so not that one either. Some lettering is visible above the open engine casing doors and it could be 417891 that was new in May 1959 to Michael Baum Ltd. Scrap dealer, Cleveland Dockyard, Scotts Rd. Middlesborough. A very strange choice of colour for the time, especially if it was white!
  2. Teddy Bears Picnic. After BR sold them off, D9513 and D9531 were put to work by the NCB at British Oak opencast Disposal Point, where they were painted in the orange and black livery of site operator Hargreaves Industrial Services.
  3. Here we go again. BR lettering, numbering and crests removed. Roof off. Buffers off. They seem to have used more glue on this one as the bodywork is extremely reluctant to leave the frame. I may have to put a slit in the underside for the wires that will connect the Stay Alive, in the cab, to the decoder, under the bonnet. It will also mean repainting the bodywork in situ. I haven't decided how that will go yet. If it remains in what is more or less Ruston's factory livery I will paint the roof to match the rest but I'm thinking that it would be nice in Hargreaves orange to run on Blacker Lane. I already have a fictional steam loco on there, so one of my favourite type of diesels deserves a place there. It's Modeller's Licence, not... No, I can barely bring myself to type the words... Rule 1
  4. If you go down to the woods today... D9513, Left, D9531, right. I think both of the prototypes ended up at Ashington and both are now preserved.
  5. It's not the factory at fault. They were shown like that in the original renderings, which also showed it with the front of the bonnet being painted black and with the side weights of the 20-ton version. I'm sure I mentioned these two things on here and those faults didn't make it to the finished model, so perhaps Hornby do read these comments? I never noticed the crests and I'm not sure anyone else here mentioned it either. Then again it's not our job to do their research for them! I had assumed that Hornby employ someone to do all this stuff; I certainly know that they did but he left for better things a number of years ago and so it's probably the office cat that does it now.
  6. It won't stay looking like that for long. I'll have that BR lettering, numbering and crest off for a start!
  7. British Oak opencast Disposal Point, operated by Wm. Pepper/Hargreaves. Full story here -
  8. The steering gear on the barge isn't all there but as it's going to spend most of the time parked facing this way it's not really noticeable, so I'll call it done. The Wills signalbox kit that I built umpteen pages ago came with a wheel for operating level crossing gates, which of course I didn't need so stuck it in the spares box. It made a pretty decent wheel for the barge and saved a lot of trouble in making one from scratch. I could varnish around the barge to eliminate the gap but I may build another barge yet, so I'll leave it for now.
  9. West Country barge Annie Maud is loaded with coal for Ravensthorpe Power Station at Blacker Lane D.P. at the staithe on the Calder & Hebble Navigation.
  10. I found the transfers. Picture taken this evening. I'll get some better ones with the proper camera. It needs a barge under there now.
  11. I've seen that, yes. https://www.google.com/maps/@53.8043352,-1.5480045,3a,75y,79.74h,91.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1spDYfZoPYzFsBSd5SvmbiHg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DpDYfZoPYzFsBSd5SvmbiHg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D97.8752%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu I don't know anything about the etches. They're not on the JE UK model shops page.
  12. Wow! That's going back some time! 2005/6? I didn't accomplish all that I wanted to this weekend but the majority of the work on the staithe is now done. It is fixed in place but there are some gaps around it that need to be filled and part of the sleeper retaining wall needs to be rebuilt at the front. The hopper is a Parkside kit that I have been building on and off for months and I finished it today. It would have been complete with NCB lettering but the transfers that I used for the RCH internal users have gone AWOL. I've looked all over the shed for them and I just know that as soon as I order some replacements they'll turn up in a drawer or something! No progress has been made with the barge. I've got some Hornby LNER 21-ton hoppers that I bought second hand, if I can find them, and have a brass kit for an MOT 21-ton hopper that I got from @Mark Saunders that I was about to start when I noticed that the destructions say that it's for EM/P4 only and that major surgery is required to the body to allow it to be built to OO, so that one won't be built now. If I'm going to spend a lot of time and hassle on a wagon it would be one of those Liverpool Corporation types (see pics of British Oak hoppers that have a large control wheel on the side for the hopper doors) but that would have to be a scratch build. I'll stick to LNER hoppers for the forseeable. I think the British Oak-inspired staithe is a definite improvement over the fictional tipper house.
  13. I should have this finished, weathered, and properly installed over the weekend. I will also attempt to finish the barge.
  14. A very thin coat of epoxy adhesive is the best way, IMO. It gives lots of time for adjustment and to squeeze out and wipe away any excess. You will need to hold it in place with pegs or clamps. I have used it to successfully add etched panels to both brass kits and RTR plastic-bodied loco models.
  15. When we were discussing the loading of the barges and the unloading of the hopper wagons, on page 15, I didn't appreciate the size of the chute under the staithe. Or that it seems to have been capable of acting as a storage hopper itself, so it wouldn't be simply a case of opening the doors on the wagon and the load discharging immediately and uncontrollably into the barge below. There appears to have been two hand-operated winches just in front of the buffer stop on the staithe; one for the hopper door and one to adjust the angle of the chute. Now that I've looked at photos again it's obvious that there was a a door at the bottom of the hopper part of the 'chute, just before the adjustable open part. I've been making the hopper and it's rather a more complex shape than I first thought. I need to make the staircase, buffer stop, adjustable chute, winches and that strange tin hut thing. I guess that was just a shelter as I remember having a look inside and there was nothing in it at all; not even a stove or a chair.
  16. Well I never... If you like this and the stuff I post here then, apparently, you can vote for it and me in this here poll. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVprB4ALfO-BPO2zBXLSPI5UiSDDmfxfHLtR8rqfbj7DokOg/formResponse
  17. See above. To be honest, I've only known about the Rapido one since about this time last year, so I can't blame the lack of progress on that entirely, but as soon as I was told about it I gave up any idea of scratchbuilding one. Apart from measuring up the ones at Preston and Shildon, I didn't get any further than preparing a drawing to make a pattern for milling the frames. I think it's great that there will be a RTR fireless in OO, and I'll buy a couple, but it does mean that everyone and his dog will have one and so it won't be the stand out model that a scratchbuilt one would have been. It would be nice to see a load of proper industrial layouts where a fireless would have been used being built for them to run on but then I thought that might happen in 2017, when Hornby announced the Peckett W4 and the layouts never materialised. A lot of people bought the models but most seem to be more into having a cute little engine, rather than modelling proper industrial railways for them to run on and I fully expect the same to happen with these.
  18. Was this kit only ever designed to be powered on one axle?
  19. I tried to remove the front of the tipper house to alter it for the loading chute but it wouldn't come away in once piece and the house would have needed to come out to fix the resulting mess. Having to remove it from the baseboard in any case gave me the opportunity to try the British Oak-inspired staithe again. I will finish it this time and install it for a couple of reasons. Firstly that it is more correct to the British Oak theme and secondly that it makes removing the fixed wagon loads easier. An enclosed tipper house was fine for the plan of actually tipping loose coal loads but with fixed loads that need to be removed by THOG it meant propelling a wagon in, stopping, pulling it out and then removing the load. I suppose it sounds silly either way you look at it but it just seems more natural to lift the load out when the wagon is in its unloading place and not after it has supposedly been unloaded. It's back to 21-ton hoppers for the staithe run and the 1923 RCH minerals will now be joined by some Rapido/BRM 1907 RCH internal users for a landsales run.
  20. I'm trying to click on this again to give it another like. Can I have some more clicks please?
  21. The Class 11 is my favourite loco. At least until the next new loco comes along... I had a bit of a running and photo session, today, so no progress made on the barge.
  22. Ex-BR Class 11, 12099, at Blacker Lane Disposal Point.
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