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  1. To the best of my knowledge there is no flicker control on the PCB in the loco, only on the software on the DCC sound chip. Factory DCC sound-fitted locos will have the flicker when running on analogue.
  2. DC-Ready / Silent models will just have the firebox LED light, no flicker as this is controlled by the software on the DCC decoder used on the DCC / Sound-Fitted models.
  3. Met 1 has 2mm axles on both driving and trailing wheels. Driving axles are geared together. Hope this is useful!
  4. Hello, here are the answers in order: The DCC chip is a straight swap. However, the motor supplier and motor changed in between the first and second production runs, which was one of the reasons to change the sound file. The new file is compatible with the old motor, but it may not perform exactly the same as a second-run example. Yes F2 is an active brake and will stop the loco. The version listed on the website is the V5 and has the new sound files.
  5. Hey folks, The London Transport Museum edition is the same livery as 909004 but comes with the following extras: -Collectors edition box -2 x etched metal headboards (‘150 Underground’ and ‘Underground Pioneer’) -Commemorative postcard using LU150 poster artwork -Exclusive book covering the history of Metropolitan Railway steam, the ‘E’ Class locomotives and No. 1’s preservation and appearances on ’Steam on the Met’ and LU150 specials, written by Chris Holmes
  6. The upcoming Stirling Single model features an updated sound project thanks to an ESU Loksound V5 decoder. Here is a video to demonstrate the various sound functions. This model is due to be delivered in Autumn 2024, you can order one here: https://rapidotrains.co.uk/gnr-stirling-single-no-1/ Function List: F0 Firebox Glow F1 Sound on/off F2 Brake Function F3 Playable Whistle F4 Short Whistle F5 Guard’s Whistle (with answering whistle) F6 Heavy Mode F7 Train Set Mode F8 Coupling/Uncoupling F9 Coal Shovelling F10 Coasting F11 Injector F12 Blower F13 Safety Valves F14 Drain cocks F15 Ejector Sound OFF F16 Water Tank Filling F17 Flange Squeal/Track Creak F18 Sound Fade Out F19 Shunt Mode The whistle sound on the 2nd production run of Stirling Singles has been changed to an archive recording of the real locomotive. If you wish to, you can change the whistle sound back to that used on the first production run by changing CV163 to 1. To return to the default whistle (archive recording), change CV163 to 0. The Guards Whistle plays when F5 is pressed but when released, an acknowledgment whistle from the locomotive will play. F7 Train Set Mode sharpens up the responses of your locomotive, this is to simulate DC operation on DCC to give a ‘train set’ feel to driving your Stirling Single. F14 Drain cocks and F17 Flange Squeal/Track Creak will work only when running at low speed, as your model accelerates they will mute above a certain speed step. F19 Shunt Mode limits the top speed and sharpens up the responses of your locomotive when activated and make it easier to perform shunting operations such as making up trains. Apologies I completely missed your question. Hopefully the above video explains that yes the V5 has altered sound files compared to the first run. The whistle on the latest run is derived from archive footage rather than the 'best match' of the first run, but if desired can be switched to the same whistle as the first run.
  7. Loco-tender coupling: Fixed on loco end, sprung kinematic on tender end. Tender-train coupling: Fixed NEM pocket.
  8. Here's a video about this upcoming range. The order books for the fish/parcels/departmental vans will close on 15th July so pre-order now to avoid disappointment :)
  9. Small update in tomorrow's newsletter, not massive but coming along.
  10. Re: The second part of your post, it also seems to have been the norm that the extra coach was a brake third or brake composite, which seemed strange to me as it meant having 3 coaches, none of which were wholly seating, but it may have been to ensure the guard was always at the end of the train.
  11. They're currently on the boat, it's likely that the payment emails will be sent out in the first 2 weeks of August.
  12. Hiya, the Loriot Y probably won't be re-run for a good while (if ever) - the duplication of the model means they aren't rare in shops and with only 2 prototypes there isn't much uncovered ground to justify it (coupled with not many photos of them between GW and TOPS era. I have not yet seen a photo of DW41990 in anything other than TOPS ZXP/ZXO, or GW livery.
  13. No, we did consider it but decided on plain lamp irons, partly due to this allowing modellers to fit their own lamps, and partly because it could become another expensive rabbit hole as lamp configurations differ so much. For the same reason Omaha doesn't have the steam generator fitted (although this was not present when we did the photo survey).
  14. It'll be interesting to put the OO and HO ones next to each other when the time comes.
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