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Status Updates posted by angell328

  1. Well that's it, 13 years of the Hercules in Afghanistan came to an end with the last two arriving back at Brize last night. One of which brought me back from my last suntan tour, been an emotional 13 years working on them out there, now back to business as usual.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. darren01


      glad your back safe

    3. skipepsi


      Welcome back.

    4. rob D2

      rob D2

      Will you now be messing with those noisy A400s ?

  2. Off to Pendon today!

  3. So glad this work day is nearly over, looking forward to a few cheeky ciders and some modelling tonight to see me through swing shift!

    1. steveb860


      You should try my job. Today I got ranted at by a customer because he was too stupid/ ignorant to read a special offer correctly, despite big orange promo stickers!!Sitting on ones bottom, watching Hercs all day sounds like a good job to me lol

    2. angell328


      We could do with you back in the shed bud, the youngun's need a bit of guidance in Hanger 88!


  4. Ahhhh finally able to tinker and see some progress being made on the layout. Happy bunny mode!

    1. steveb860


      Excellent Smithers

  5. Has got promoted!

    1. Hippo


      well done


    2. angell328


      Cheers, suppose I should try and be responsable now!


    3. Satan's Goldfish
  6. The Blue 52 is here! WOOOOO!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 69843


      I wonder if a B(lue)52 will make it to the USA via airmail?

    3. Horsetan


      It'll probably go there in a Chrysler - as big as a whale....

    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      and it's about to set sail....

  7. Enjoying a nice lazy Sunday wiring the layout in the lounge as SWMBO looks on with concern at the mess I'm making!

  8. Good day at the Calne show catching up with lots of old mates. Then a fun fettling the layout with Mr B, good weekend all round!

  9. Track laid, droppers fitted and soldered. Few days at work then back to fit point motors and fit everything to the busbar!

  10. After 6 months of planning, saving and hording I finally have laid the track for my layout! Just the fun of electrics now.

    1. steveb860


      watch out, coachman will correct your spelling Mr A

    2. angell328


      I gave up trying to spell years ago! I think I'm what they call a lost cause!

    3. class"66"


      Sounds great!!

  11. After 6 months of planning, saving and hording I finally have laid the track for my layout! Just the fun of electrics now.

  12. Fun day a Chippenham show, was great catching up with so many friends and the standard of layouts was superb. Last fix of railways for 10 weeks. They don't have trains in the Falklands!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. angell328


      God no, my mortal enemy! I'm a Techy on Hercules, had to repair enough ramps due to errant forklift tines. Grrrr

    3. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      10 weeks...that's part-time..hardly enough time to sort the chuff chart & make a Pengy piece!!!

    4. angell328


      According to the Lads my Pengy from last time has already been put on the board for the long march home!!

  13. Had a cracking weekend operating Gladstone Road at Trainwest at weekend. Ankle is suffering now but it was worth it!

  14. Had a fun day on the watercress line with Mr B, Convinced him he should get an O gauge wagon kit as he is finding those OO 3 links harder to find! Oh and drove my new van back through some fun snowy roads, nice time to find out you have rear drive!

  15. Had a fun day on the watercress line with Mr B, Convinced him he should get an O gauge wagon kit as he is finding those OO 3 links harder to find! Oh and drove my new van back through some fun snowy roads, nice time to find out you have rear drive!

  16. Off to bed now to make sure I'm up nice and early for Calne show!

  17. Resolution for 2012 is to stick to my track plan and get it laid! I will be running trains on it by Easter, oh yes i will!

    1. RedgateModels


      oh no you won't! it's behind you!

    2. steveb860


      That won't last a day!!!

    3. angell328


      Yes the pile of parts are behind me! Love the confidance guys! hehe

  18. What a great Birthday pressy from the Mrs (with a bit of guidance from Mr B) A BR green class 15!! Thank you hunny!!

  19. Popped into Cheltenham Model center today for a box of code 75 flexi track and came out with that and Thunderer in Laira Blue, mmmmmmmm nice!

    1. steveb860


      And a Silver bullett.Cheers mate

  20. coming home friday! Hopefully be able to make Stormex too. Looking forward to cool temps, cold cider and a warm wife!!

    1. skipepsi


      Good luck with that and Be careful out there.

  21. Another month in the sandpit due to a paperwork faff! Op Bronze is now in full effect!

  22. Relaxing to a desert night sky listening to Pink Floyd and designing random track plans. This job isn't all bad!

    1. steveb860


      Make the most of it,You will be back at Brize soon enough with the rest of us!!!

    2. angell328


      Ha! Thanks for cheering me up!

  23. Finally back to the block after 30 hours straight playing with Herc's in the desert in 56 degrees! Come to me my sweet sweet bed!!!

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