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Everything posted by ColinW

  1. Ian, It was good to meet you yesterday, at the Beaconsfield show, and to be able to view the layout up close (and from behind Avon Junction when I wasn't operating or carrying out minor repairs!!) Colin
  2. Graham, it was good to meet you yesterday, at the Beaconsfield show, and have a chat about the layout. Colin
  3. We managed to put the layout up fully last week to do some testing. The good news is that we ran a loco the full length of the layout and through all the roads in all of the fiddleyards. The bad news was that the double slip in the goods yard was causing a short, which after changing both point motors and watching several microswitches disintegrate while in place was resolved The two pictures show the route to the original main fiddleyard and branch and hidden fiddleyard. The layout will be at Beaconsfield on Saturday (hopefully behaving now!!) so come and say hello. Colin
  4. This looks to be a very interesting project, especially with the low level harbour area. I like how you did the harbour wall. Colin
  5. Went to the show yesterday, and was worth the trip from Kent. Excellent layouts, great selection of traders available (didn't spend too much, but could of easily done so ) Colin
  6. It was good to see the layout yesterday, at Railex. Colin
  7. We have been very busy working on the scenic for the extension boards recently, and here are some photos of them. The first two are for the right hand side (when viewing from public side) and also covers the hidden fiddleyard as well. The cottage is the Wills Craftsman cottage. The next two photos are for the left hand side. The pub is the Bachmann resin model from Pendon, and the trees in the orchard were made by Keith Warren, who formerly owned Realistic Modelling Services. Part of the reason for increasing the work we have done recently is that apart from attending the exhibition in Faversham in September, the layout has been asked to attend the exhibition in Beaconsfield on the 07th July, replacing a layout that unfortunately has had to withdraw from that show. This will be the first time that Avon Junction has been seen in that part of the country. Colin
  8. It appears that the English cricket team have accepted your challenge Bill Colin
  9. Work has continued on the layout, including re-aligning ( ) the station building board and the station throat board, after we had found it left a dip between the two boards. We have also added two extra sets of lights, to cover the extension boards. Colin
  10. I have South Foreland on order with Kernow's, and when I saw that they changed the delivery date from June/July to sometime in 2018 (!), I thought that I would ask Bachmann about it. The H1 La France, I expected to come out in 2019. Colin
  11. As well as having La France on display in the club lounge, there was a version of South Foreland with 2 of the birdcage set on display. When I asked Bachmann about release dates, I was told both types will be released in 2019, as they intend to produce them together. Colin
  12. We have been working on the layout this morning, fixing some of the problems we had from the other week, including replacing a microswitch on the point in the tunnel at the entrance to the original main fiddleyard. This should mean that the layout will now be fully operational and we can carry on with the scenics on the two extension boards. We will be looking to put the layout up again in June/July (work/family commitments allowing) Colin
  13. We had the layout out today to test the electrics on it, and there were only a couple of small problems, that will hopefully be sorted in the next couple of weeks Unfortunately was not able to take any photos this time, but we are hoping to have it out again inthe next month or so, so hopefully get some then. Colin
  14. With a week to go until this exhibition, it has been rather quiet on here, which is a shame as it is a very good exhibition. Colin
  15. Initial figures have shown that we had over 1700 people paying to get in to the show last weekend, remembering that under 10's are admitted free, so thanks once again to everyone that helped to make the show a success. Colin
  16. Thanks to Jetmorgan and EmporiaSub for the comments about the show and for posting the photos, and we are glad you enjoyed the show. Crofton (Chris) it was good to meet you on Saturday afternoon, if only briefly. The club would also like to thank the members of Bexhill MRC, Chatham & District MRC & Folkestone MRC who came and helped steward the show for us. The date for our 38th exhibition will be on Saturday 16th February 2019 in the Angel Centre. I will start a thread for that show later in the year. Colin
  17. The show is now over, and the equipment packed away. It was very busy today, and the club would like to thank the layout owners and operators, demonstrators and traders for helping to make it a successful show once again. If people have photos from today then please put them on here. Colin
  18. Show is due to open shortly, with a queue waiting to come in. Colin
  19. We have started to collect the bigger and heavier equipment for the show, ready for us to start setting up this afternoon/evening. To all the exhibitors, traders and demonstrators coming to us, have a safe journey and we look forward to seeing you this evening/tomorrow morning. Colin
  20. Shortly finishing work, it's club night tonight, so will receive final instructions, before a busy day tomorrow and then the show on Saturday. Colin
  21. Hi Chris, The weather here is definitely better than in 2014, although wet, but not os much rain and nowhere near as strong winds as we had that weekend. In fact according to the BBC Saturday will be mainly fine and dry. Looking forward to seeing you at the weekend. Colin
  22. We can confirm that Avon Junction will be at the Faversham MRC exhibition on the weekend of 08-09 September. This has given us a deadline to complete the majority of the scenic work now taking place. We intend to put the layout up in the next couple of weeks (once the Tonbridge MRC exhibition is finished and out of the way) so that we can have a running day (first in a long time again ) and hopefully I will be able to get some more photos then. Colin
  23. With 4 days to go now, can I advise anyone planning to visit that in recent years we have been fortunate to have some long queues to get in at the start of the day. We do try and get people in as fast as possible, but if you don't want to queue, then late morning/lunchtime could be a better time to arrive, also having the correct admission money will help us to keep the queue moving fast, Can I also take this opportunity to remind people that as well as the main sports hall, we will have exhibits in the Medway Hall, Jubilee Room, foyer and upstairs in the Riverside Suite, this is where the public refreshments are situated. You can ask club members or stewards from Folkestone, Chatham & Bexhill MRC's who are assisting us on Saturday, as to how to get to these rooms, as well as the floor plan in the showguide. Colin
  24. With 8 days to go now, we have brought the exhibition equipment out of its storage now, and members have been told what duties they will be doing next Saturday. Things are starting to get busy for us now. Colin
  25. With just two weeks to go until the exhibition, we can confirm that all of the exhibitors & traders are coming. As said we will be having part of the club's Beaminster Junction layout at the show. Those who went last year, may remember that we had the bridges and were doing some ballasting. This year we are bring 3 of the boards in the photo (it has progressed since this was taken ) and will probably be looking at making the platforms for the station. We should also have a display of models made by club members on display. We should be upstairs, close to the public refreshments and the members will be happy to discuss the layout or answer any questions regarding the club. Colin
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