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Everything posted by ColinW

  1. This weekend Avon Junction will be attending the exhibition in Broadstairs. Hopefully all the work that has been carried out on the layout recently will work as well as we hope it will. Any RM Webbers going please come and say hello Colin
  2. As I said I would, here are some photos of the work that we have recently done on the layout. This is the point motor that I mentioned earlier, that would operate a point and one end of a double slip in tandem (see photo below), making it into a crossover. You can see a yellow cable on each side of the motor, these cables are what is used on remote controlled aircraft to operate the flaps, we have had them adapted so that we can use them on the points. This photo shows the last of the rotary switches being fitted to the control panel. Having drilled out the initial hole, I then had to 'mill out' the hole, to half the plywood depth, so that the locking nut could be used to secure the rotary switch. This photo shows all the rotary switches in place, and showing how the route setting can be used with the layout. All the operator needs to do is follow what LED's are lit up. Colin
  3. All of the Seep motors have now been removed (and put in store!) and the unwanted wiring removed. Minor repair work and testing to be carried out on Sunday. Colin
  4. We have now fitted all of the motors that we had intended to, and the rotary switches have been fitted to the panel facia, after I had 'milled' out the holes so that I could use the nut (will put up photos later, when I have a couple of spare minutes.), & I have ground down the old studs used by the point probe. I have still to take out the Seep motors and wiring in the control panel and underneath the boards, but that should not take too long to do. We are intending to have testing/working (repairs!)/playing day next Sunday, so will look to get some more pictures then. Colin
  5. Hi Ron, Seeing the pictures you have put on here today are stunning , and shows how much you have done and how much you still have to do with the trackwork. Looking forward to seeing more progression. Colin
  6. We have now managed to get the third motor sorted out now, and also the rotary switches and LED route indication. We will be looking to do the fourth and last motor in a couple of weeks time. This is the motor that will be operating two sets of blades as a crossover. Colin
  7. As I mentioned yesterday, here are some pictures of the work being undertaken. The horizontal motor seen in this picture will (hopefully ) control one end of the double slip that leads into the goods yard from the main line and also the point on the down line, so that it will act as a crossover. The other motor will control the other end of the double slip. These motors are controlling the double slip in the goods yard area. Apologies for the standard of this pic This shows the first rotary switch and LED's fitted onto the control panel. The way it works is that despite where the LED's are situated, they are actually indicating where the motor at the other end of the double slip is. This is showing the LED's proving route setting. Colin
  8. Work has now started on fitting the Fulgurex point motors. The double slip in the goods yard is the first one to have them fitted and wired into the control panel. We have been fortunate that we don't have to make a new control panel cover, but we have had to pack it out to increase the depth inside, so that the rotary switches can sit inside it. We have also fitted green LED's that will act like route setting for the operators. Will look to get some photo's of the work taking place put on here soon. Colin
  9. I agree that Ron has produced some stunning modelling that the majority of us can probably only hope and dream about producing. Colin
  10. Well, a couple of months after ordering (& receiving) the Fulgurex point motors, work has started on them to prepare them to be fitted to the boards, will be looking to get some pictures of this when we do the work. The only other bit of news that we can let people know is that the layout has now been confirmed to attend the Broadstairs show on 23-24 November. Hopefully we will see some RM Webbers there. Colin
  11. Hi Ron, Good to see the work you have been doing recently, the warehouse looks absolutely stunning. Colin
  12. That deck looks absolutely stunning Ron. I bet you'll be glad when you have that in place permanently. Colin
  13. I will have to begin the negotiations with the various supermarkets and pubs in Tonbridge, once we know which year you will be coming. As for the scones, we always supply a good range of cakes for the exhibitors in the afternoon at the show, so i'm sure we can arrange for scones Colin
  14. Obviously this would be used for discussions about what needs to be done on the layouts and what exhibitions to attend then Thanks Chris for the information. Colin
  15. When I spoke to Damian at Ally Pally, I was looking more at the 2015 show guys, but yes at the moment it is still a one day show in February. If someone wants to send me a pm or use the e-mail address on my profile to send me the details so that I can pass them onto our new exhibition manager, as Chris has stepped down after this year's show. And yes you were early getting to the show and we never heard the end of it (seriously you never finished the story on the Treneglos thread ) Colin
  16. Hi Damian, Have you had a chance to read the pm I sent you yet, regarding possibly bringing DitD to Tonbridge in the future. (see post 2449!!!) Colin
  17. As promised, a couple of photo's from our last running day. A busy scene with B set waiting to depart, Railcar in the bay platform, and the goods yard looking very busy. a new loco to our fleet, this manor has been repainted and named from a Bachmann BR version. We also have a couple of Bachmann 1st/3rd composite coaches to go with it as well. Colin
  18. As I mentioned earlier, we had our planned 'playday' with the layout last Sunday (although the gremlins decided to join us as well for some small faults!! but quickly rectified) and we had some practice with the new running sequence and using some new rolling stock to see how that ran. We were happy with it but still some things need to be checked. I had a couple of jobs to sort out during the week, mainly with the uncouplers that were fitted, but they have all been sorted out. Will hope to have some photos next week. We have now ordered the Fulgarex point motors for the 2 double slips and the crossover points in the station area, and when these are fitted (and the control panel updated as well) it should hopefully stop a lot of problems like the point blades coming away from the copperclad sleeper. Will advise when we are going to do this!!! Colin
  19. Hi Ron, Its good to see the various pieces being put in place, it gives us not only a chance to see all the work that you have carried out, but also the staggering amount of work originally wanted, and how much work you have left to do. Looking forward to more of it. Colin
  20. Hi Damian, Was good to see you on Saturday, the clayliners looked good. As I mentioned to you I have sent you a PM Colin
  21. Don't even think about that. Like the wagons Damian, will look forward to seeing them next week at Ally Pally. Colin
  22. As we said earlier, the layout won the Ian Phelps Memorial Shield for the best layout at the West Sussex N Gauge show in Lancing in November last year, and we thought that it was only fitting that we photogrphed the trophy with the gentleman who built the layout. Denis is a club member and is keen to follow what we do with the layout and still allows us to borrow some of his stock for exhibitions (he owns the 8F shown running on the layout) and sometimes will attend an exhibition with us if local and other commitments allow him. Thanks Denis Colin
  23. Now that we have gotten the Tonbridge exhibition out of the way, we are considering having a day playing (still learning the new timetable!)/ planning work for the layout later in the year. This will probably be after Easter as there appear to be too many good exhibitions to go to at the moment as well as juggling the usual family/work commitments. There is some new stock that could make an appearance as well! Colin
  24. That baseboard looks impressive Ron, although we shouldn't really be surprised by that. More reasons to keep watching your build. Colin
  25. Having been to the Orpington club several times, either their open weekend show in January or when they have held quiz nights, this looks like another project to follow carefully (future layout for Tonbridge show!!!!!!) Colin
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