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2ManySpams last won the day on January 27 2018

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Profile Information

  • Location
    East Midlands
  • Interests
    The North Cornwall Railway - particularly late 50s and early 60s. 72A Exmouth Junction (I'm not even admitting it got a WR shed code). Strange Bulleid stuff, N calss, T9s, Beattie Well Tanks and lots of other Southern locos. Also finding myself strangely drawn to D63xx, D1000 and D7000 classes too - surely this can't be right? Mildly amused by GWR interlopers used on the NCR and B&W lines.

    Oh, Bulleid and Maunsell coaches too - 3 Set Ls, 2 Set Ps, loose BCKs and the ACE. Nice departmental stock in black with Meldon markings. Places of particular interest include: Wadebridge shed, Padstow Station, Molesworth Crossing, Bodmin North, Boscarne Jct, Helland Bridge and Wenford Bridge.

    To provide more of a challenge, in 2013 my modelling direction wandered to working in 7mm / 0 Gauge. The layout is called Pencarrow and, rather unsurprisingly, is inspired by the parts of Bodmin North I can fit in the railway room. As a Lockdown Quicky I built a small 4mm 00 cameo layout in 2021/22 based on the Wenford branch. That goes by the name of "Polsarrett" and is available for exhibitions.

    Having decided in May 2018 that I was spending way too long on railway forums, and being increasingly depressed by the posting behaviours of an increasing vocal minority, I've heavily reduced posting my modelling work. I'm still checking out a few favorite threads and talking privately to folk via PM. More importantly Pencarrow continues to progress well out of the spotlight.

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  1. No idea, sorry, I don't know anything about the real WR buildings but presume they had their own version of Exmouth Junction? I have loads of info about the SR equivalents...
  2. Yo WR peeps, Just making up one of these GWR PW hut thingies. Can anyone assist by pointing me in the direction of a nice period photo to help finish it off? Not a prototype I am familiar with. Cheers all (It's the 7mm Intentio kit if you're interested)
  3. Did it advise what sort of prod was suitable? Presumably an electric shock prod wasn't available at the time...
  4. And, to answer my own question above, yes the painting I did the other evening did look ok on daylight. The last stage was weathering powder and I'm now considering sealing it with a matt varnish. This is for two reasons. First, that handling the building will affect the powder. Second, that I want to add some more paint on top but I know that wet paint just activates the pigment in the powder and spoils the finish. Why the reluctance? Well, last time I used a 'clear' varnish, it completely changed the colours, darkening everything.
  5. Thanks to @AY Mod for moving this thread somewhere more suitable. Must wear my glasses next time...
  6. Lovely day in London for work, so on arrival back home I decided it was beer and painting o'clock. Not painting beer o'clock... First base layers of paint have gone on the main structure. Concrete is IMO the most difficult finish to get right. I think the secret is to throw away the tin of Humbrol "concrete" paint you have. It's really not that colour. It is in fact a whole range of shades and colours. Will have to check how it looks in the morning, but this is the point at which I called it quits for the evening.
  7. To be fair it's more the dining table but, as the dining room and kitchen are a single space, it tends to get referred to as the kitchen table. I've only nabbed it temporarily as the light next to a large window is better for taking progress photos.
  8. That's this thread now up to the same point as the Western Thunder one. I'll now have to write up and photograph the additions I've subsequently made.... ....and then on to the tricky matter of painting 'concrete'.
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