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Everything posted by 7APT7

  1. Hi All I have found a few photo that you may or may not like but thought they were worth a look by all, these are just mainly Photos over time that GTD has been set up down at Peter's Unit, and were loco we were either just putting on to take photos of or Loco that were at shows over the last 2 or so years... Any Question for Peter are most Welcome.... Jamie
  2. Hi All I have found a few photo that you may or may not like but thought they were worth a look by all, these are just mainly Photos over time that GTD has been set up down at Peter's Unit, and were loco we were either just putting on to take photos of or Loco that were at shows over the last 2 or so years... Any Question for Peter are most Welcome.... Jamie
  3. Hi All The Final Part in this Batch of Photos that I did when I was with Peter Your Comments and Questions are Welcome... Jamie
  4. OOOOooo Man... The one Photo that looks great, I just wish I moved the Glue Bottle first... that’s if you can spot it... I get that engrossed in looking at Peter's Modelling and I forget to move things off the boards for the Photos I'm taking... Still... it doesn’t alter how good Peter is at Modelling though... Jamie
  5. Hi All Some More Photo's of Progress, These were of Peter in the middle of Flocking, as you can see from the one Bluuuurrrrdddd Photo, he moves to quick for even the best of cameras to pick up.... Just a few Step by Step... Peter normally adds several different colours of Greens, yellow, brown ...etc; He will tell you which if you need to know... which also different densities and thicknesses to, Peter then mixes all those together into one of the Ice Cream Tubes that he uses to get a good mix together as nothing is one colour when he starts to Flock... using several colours in one flack is the Key to making it look as realistic... Peter is also very big on recycling everything he uses, so after he finishes each part, Peter uses a little Dust Vacuumed to pick up all the dropped bits, he doesn’t waste nothing, even the next day when the Flocking as stuck to the Glue, he then repeats the Procure and Vacuums the Flocked its self all over the area, which picks up all the loose flocking amongst the Flocked Area, he then tips that back into the one of many Ice Cream Tubs to reuse again later or on the next part to be Flocked on Glen Gillie.... Any Question for Peter are welcome... Jamie
  6. Hi All Some More Photo of When I was up Peters Last... Any Question are welcom and your views... The Photo below was taken while me & Peter where looking round the Abbey, and that was taken from the Window towards the Main Land... Jamie
  7. Hi Kevin Great Photos as always with you mate, I like the Class 47 NSE... I'm taking that as a LTD Edition...? by Model Zone...? or Not... I like the Photo high up of the 'Cambrian OBA this time loaded with a Cararama Land Rover'.... Jamie
  8. Hi All Peter and the 200+ Tree's that he is making in between flock etc..., and here is a couple of Photo's of the Layout, just to give you an idea as to how it will look when it is all completed... Any Question on Tree's are welcome, Peter as made these Tree's, although you only see one Tree in the Photo's below and if you look at some in the above Photo's you will see the Tree through the Tunnel Pics.... I personal think it will look out of this world once it's been flooded with all the trees...etc, Peter is making several types of trees, if you want to know Peter will Tell you are if you need to know...! I like the way Peter never seems to buy out of the box product for his layout or it is very rare, and if he does it normally gets pulled apart in some way because he only wants one part of the item... Any Questions... Jamie
  9. Hi All Some more of the Progress Peter is up to... Comments are most Welcome... Jamie
  10. Hi All Thanks for all your comments, Im sure Peter is to... Some more Pics for you to see... Jamie
  11. Hi All... Again Peter as now Painted the Connecting Bridge to the Abby, and is starting to look great, im sure you would agree... Your Comments and thoughts Welcome... Jamie
  12. Hi All Some Earth Doodle Pictures of the Flocking part that Peter is upto on the Layout Below is the Grave Yard As viewed from above... Below is the Bee Hives and the Allotment area... Any Question and Comments Welcome... Jamie
  13. Hey Peter... I think you need more Ice Cream Tubs, if you need any Help eating it just to get the box, let me know and I will be up with my Spoon... Then perhaps you can start your own 30 shades of Grey Jamie
  14. Hi Everyone... These are the Flocking Boxes with all different types and colours, shades...etc Not to say about the 30 Shades of Grey... lol Peter never uses just one type of green... I dont even know how many shades hes uses... That over to you Peter on that one... Any Question for Peter, are most Welcome.... Jamie
  15. Hi All Pics below are of some of the Products that Peter is using to complete the Flocking... Any Question regarding these items or orther Product, Makes and Types that he uses, then feel free to ask Peter a Question... And... And also... Jamie
  16. Hi Peter It's looking fab mate... its looks like its getting to its final stages, but you still have to flood it with all those trees... Jamie
  17. Hi Peter Its looking very good mate, you dont stop when you get going... Its looking finished now... well apart from the wiring works...etc, but not much for this layout or this end of the layout I should say... Great Work Peter...! Jamie
  18. Hi All Part 3 Well few updates from being up Peter's today... Any Question, Welcome...! Jamie
  19. Hi All Part 2 Well few updates from being up Peter's today... Any Question, Welcome...! The Photo Below... Peter had glued his fingers to the board when trying to stick down the Tomb Stones in the Grave Yard... Not the first time he as pulled this stunt, which We, by that I mean Me, had a good laugh... Regards to the Above Photo... Only because I thought it would be quicker to cut his finger of and the Nail Bed... using his sharp Track Cutters... mainly for fun, nothing to do with the Glue or his fingers being stuck, just thought it was a good Idea at the time, sadly I never said nothing to Peter...! Dam It...! Don’t ask me in an emergency to rescue you, as I get some great thoughts in my head... or at least I think they are Great, Not sure if Peter would agree... Sorry Peter... You know how we are with our Humour... Jamie
  20. Hi All Part 1 Well few updates from being up Peter's today... Any Question, Welcome...! Jamie
  21. Hi All Peter as been busy again, not only painting the layout ready for flocking but also working on the 150-200 trees he requires to make the scenery to his excellent modelling standards... Any question, please ask and comments are welcome to... Jamie
  22. Hi All Peter as been busy again, not only painting the layout ready for flocking but also working on the 150-200 trees he requires to make the scenery to his excellent modelling standards... Any question, please ask and comments are welcome to... Jamie
  23. Hi I would go with Howes every time, I think Howes is by far the best... Jamie
  24. Hi All, And a Continue of the above Photos Any Question or Comments to Peter are Welcome... Jamie
  25. Hi All Some Photo's of Glen Gillie... Progress is coming along now.... Jamie
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