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Everything posted by 7APT7

  1. Hi All These are some Photos of some of the Character's/Figures he will be putting on the Layout, Mmmm, I hear, which one draws your attention the most...? Well... Peter will have the final say on what or how he will choose to use the figures on the Layout but you can imaging the conversations we have had while thinking of the endless possibilities Peter and I came up with and at what point we thought would fit in the best to show at an exhibitions without causing a scene...! (Oops, No Pun Intended) Enjoy, Comments are most welcome... Jamie
  2. That a New one, I thought that was an impossible request... Great Photos of the lighting rig, I take it there is lighting all complete now... Doh! Look forward to see you both soon, Did you have a good time at Barrow Hill..., I did, and on the ELR the next day, when on all the Deltics running that day, as there were 5, Plus the one at Barrow Hill the Day before, I was just missing the Prototype... Ah Well, can't have everything in life... Have you been out and about since...? Jamie
  3. Hi Again Photos of the New Part that Peter is working on or should I say the Extensions, Extension. Any Question or comments, Welcome Jamie
  4. Hi All Some Extra Photo's Of Peter's Work... Any Question, Welcome... Jamie
  5. Hi Bob-65b Thanks Bob for the Info and to all the many links I have had from this thread, it as been so valuable to me and have found enough information to read for the next decade. Iwould like to say thanks you all, for the comments I have had and the responses and Links to plenty of other Photo's...etc Jamie
  6. Hi All Just to say thank you for all your responses and photos... Yes I am aware of the Many Books, but even better coming from people who possibly work on the Railway, it's these members that sometimes give you just that bit more information. I've understood more in that last 2 days of this thread than 2 months going through books, I know to some RMWeber’s it was a simple question. Just need the right person to explain, and interesting from reading through the thread how some other RMWeber’s may have picked up some knowledge, which they didn't know before, I am one for sure, and thanks to all who have had a say in explaining. Thank you for the Photo's uploads and is great to see the different liveries that once were, some I can relate to, others I was born too late to appreciate the earlier liveries back in the Days of Real Steam Travel, but I love to see them still going, on rail tours, which I tend to go on quiet often. I will have sort of some more photos and possible questions, if I need more information...! Jamie
  7. Hi All Can you help me further…? Are there any visual differences just from looking at a Rake of Coaches…? For example, I think I know what a MK2D coach looks like, which as 8 Windows and a Toilet window and all non-opening windows (Air-Con) would I be correct...! Some (I think) are straight forward visually; say a coach that is the Seating one end and Half Brake (Guards) at the other end is a BSK... But there are probably variants on the codes even though it looks the same visually. Regards to MK1 Coaches, I sometimes have difficulty wondering if that is a MK2 coach or a MK1 and that’s before I even begin to tell you the Letters, if they exsist on MK1 Coaches. How do I tell the difference between a MK1 & MK2, and MK3 & MK4 coach…? Are there any visual differences just from looking at a Coach… and also the Letters (A-G for example)...? Does anyone have Photos of each Coach from their neck of the woods and their corresponding Mark’s / Letter / Livery...? It would be nice to have a visual catalogue by uploading your own Photos of each Livery and state their Codes. (even if they no longer are in service, Ex MK2# in Virgin Red & Grey for example...) Thanks again guys for your continued help, and getting to understand the terminology and the visual differences. Jamie
  8. Hi Mick Thanks for the update on that mate, I’m starting to understand most now... with regards to C1, C3 etc… Thanks Mick…
  9. Wow, That's a Quality Photos shot... But then, so are all the others to, keep up with the excellent work boys... Jamie
  10. Are Man... Mick You now have to explain, you are getting Technical... dude They were on all 3 Coaches, the two TSOD's Coaches and on the RFM coach (Buffet)...! apart from the DVT which had the NZ502 - IC but no other lettering under that... Jamie
  11. Hi John What as in... You normally only get one or the other SSL or LSL never together... or is my question to much in one ask...lol (So what does the SP mean under those...?) Thanks for your responce... Jamie
  12. Hi All Firstly Thanks Mick for the information again, Below as I said are a few photos of the trip to Holyhead today... Below is the Class 82 DVT, No.82306 The Arriva DVT Class 82 had C3, I notice with this Photo what does the NZ502 - 1C mean... seen Bleow. The Photos Below are of the Buffet Car of the MK3 Arriva What does the AJ1 RFM mean (I know the RFM part but what does the AJ1 Stand for)...? The Photos Below is what was on the other Two MK3 Coaches... Thanks to Al Taylor for the Answer which I noticed these coaches did have LSL & SSL, What does the SP mean...? also what does the AC2H Mean...? Finally there was a Voyager Class 221, No. 221 105 with the Photo below. On the above Photo, which was a 5-Car Voyager Set (221), the Following Questions... First Box at the Top, bottom line it says Seats 26F 230S, What is the 230S Stand for... (26F, I presume is the Number of Seats in this Car 26 First Class or Forward Facing Seating... Help)...? Is the 230S then, the total Number of Seats over the 5-Car DMU...? Second box down at the top it says 221 (which I'm taking as the Class of Loco) but What is the DMF stand for...? also (because it being over 23M in Length or I should say as it says 23.85m (RMWeber newbryford as you said) Do I take this as a C3 Coach even though it does'nt State anywhere...? Many Thanks Again Guys for all your input and Help, its great to be able to ask these type of questions, to get a better understanding of the Real Stuff...! Jamie
  13. Hi All Some more Photos of the Progress Peter is making on the Layout... Any Question for Peter, are welcome... Jamie
  14. Hi All Some Extra again of Peter and the Extensions, Extension... Any Question Welcome... Jamie
  15. Hi All Some extra Photos of Peter Working Hard on his Layout... All Questions are welcome... Jamie
  16. Hi Everyone, I have to say, Thank you to everyone who as answered my questions in some way, I don’t know if I’m more knowledgeable as I have had my question answered in some many ways or now opens more questions and more answered needed. Thank you for those who have uploaded those snaps of the coach ends...etc. I was thinking one or two will reply, but when I just saw 18 replies, I was gob smacked... Now, with regards to L, C & W, will I find a Plate or sticker somewhere on the Locomotive with L#### (# = would there be a number(s) or other letter(s) of some sort) and the same with wagons. I would be interested if a Photo of where on the Loco the ‘L Code’ can be found and a Photo of wagons, as I do Photo all types of Coaches and Wagon... On another note, I was in Holyhead today and the New Arriva DVT class 82, No. 82 306 and Three MK3’s one of which was the Buffet Coach with a Class 67 in Arriva Blue but No Arriva Decals on the Cl67, No.67 003. I will show a Photo soon and the C3 Codes on the MK3 Coaches... Thanks again to everyone, my knowledge as grown somewhat with regards to C1 & C3 meanings. New Question if RMWebers can just give a little extra information on the following: 'The chiltern MK3s have a sticker on the ends with LSL or SSL'... What does the LSL or SSL stand for...? 'The C1, C3 & UK1 codes only applies to coaching stock (and DMUs). Frieght stock uses W codes'... Does anyone have a Photo of a UK1 Code...? 'L, C & W'... Can anyone with Photos of where I can see on the Codes for/on Loco/Wagon (/Coach... I take it, its all in the End Panel)...? Jamie
  17. Hi All I can't help thinking because Peter as Painted the Layout in part now, when I look at the Photos above, mixed with Loco & Wagons on the Layout, is it me or do they now look like Oil Paintings in some way... It could be just me... Peter, Your Painting is great to look at... when I can compare the same photo shot when it was just a white poly cut to shape the curve of the coastline... then the same photos but painted... Jamie
  18. Hi All Here vare some more Photos of Peter in his Modelling Mode... Any Question, I'm sure Peter would like comments... Jamie
  19. Hi All Also a Continue of above Photos... Eastliegh Open Day back in 2009 Below. Below were on the MK2 Coaches that took me to Eastliegh Open Day. ELR Gala Day in Sept last month Below. Minehead trip on MK2 & MK3 Coaches Below. Thanks again for you valued information, my knowledge as grown for the better, but... Yes you are correct as opened up a can of worms, I'm interested to see a C0 and the 'C1 Appx 3' if you have Photos, I would be interested in seeing them, Not that I dont beleive anyone, the ones that have been said are new to me and as they do not run in my neck of the woods, would love to see a Photo. Thanks again to RMWeber's newbryford & John M Upton for the input on this so far... Jamie
  20. Hi All Many Thanks for your input on this it all helps, and like you, still raises more questions then... I have had a quick sort through some photos of trips to Minehead with a Sleeper on a mix of Br Blue MK2 & MK3's, and most recently at Birmingham Snow Hill on the Class 67 Chiltern Railways MK3's and nearer to where I live the Arriva North Wales Class 67 MK2 & MK3, (was the Class 57 Arriva)... Interestingly, I was in Deganwy Station yesterday (Saturday) just outside Llandudno and in a photos below I catch the First Car of a Class 175, No.175101 with C3 on it, slightly blurd as it was moving out of the station. If anyone can join in on uploading photos of this, would be a good idea... Arrive North Wales MK2 Coach Below. Chiltern Railway MK3 Coaches Below. Chiltern Railways Class 165, No.165 011 Below. Deganwy Class 175, No.165 101 with C3 on the First coach Below. DRS Trip Wolverhampton to Carlisle MK1 Coach Below. Jamie
  21. Hi Mick, That’s great mate and thanks for your Photo upload to... Sorry Mick for the other questions that now that I need to ask, just so I know for sure, in lemans terms... So I take it, there is no C2 is that Correct...?, and when you say clearances, is that as in, to stop the coach de-railing or the bogie doesn’t turn enough to make the curve...? Interestingly does it apply to Loco's and Wagons, as some Wagons are longer or equal to MK3 with a C3 code... or do they have a different code on wagons...? Are all DMU and/or EMU classed as a C3 then, and is there only certain parts of the rail network that will accept the a C3 coach/DMU, as I take it C1 (and if there is a C2) can go everywhere around the UK rail network...? and that would leave me to question what parts of the UK can a C3 go...? Thank you so much again Mick for your input... and Photos Proof on a DMU. Jamie
  22. Hi All Please can someone resolve for me a bit of a mystery or lack of knowledge on my part, I'm sure someone on here will know the answer and who as more knowledge on MK1, MK2 & M3 Coaches and possibly MK4’s. Unsure on what MK4 Coaches have, as that is an ECML, but comments on what they say would be appreciated to. I take many photos of Modelling and the Stuff or Real Railways, and something as been bugging me just lately with regards to Real Life Coaches and what is Written on the Ends of the Coaches, I have asked serveral people mainly family and I am no wiser. On the one where you have the Weight of the Coach and Max Speed which is normally in its own box along with TSO/FSO/BSK/SLE/SLEP… etc, depending on what coach it is, well just under that information and outside the box is a Large C1 or C3, I have never seen as of yet any C2 on Caches. I have found that on the Coaches that have the C1 I have found written on a MK1 and MK2 coaches, so it cannot be it Mark Reference, and on the MK3 Coaches they all seem to say C3, as I lived mainly on a WCML, I cannot speak for what it says on a MK4 Coach. Does anyone know what these C1 & C3 References mean and would I find a Coach with C2 on a coach, they all seem to be on ex BR Stock as when I am on Gala Days when out and about locally I tend to either be on old BR Stock and in that case I see C1 only whether it’s a Mark1 coach or a Mark2 Coach, or If I’m travelling on Ex-LMS or Ex-GWR I don’t get these printed on the coaches at all. Hope fully I will get some photos uploaded of what I am referring to… soon I would appreciate any possible Answers…. If anyone as a Photo of a Coach with a C2, that would be cool to see on here as Proof they are out there... Many Thanks in Advance for your Time & Knowledge Jamie
  23. Hi All Well, I have returned back home after a 22nd Barrow Hill & 23rd ELR Gala with all 5 Deltic’s running, then a few weeks later on the Bridgnorth Gala on the 6th with my Family. Went up to See Peter & Wendy and couldn't believe how much progress Peter had advanced in the 3 weeks I was away, I also have a Nikon Camera that a bought off my Brother because it wasn’t being used, so playing with setting at the present although some photos have been taken with my existing camera. As always any Question to Peter are welcome... Below are a few pictures I have taken yesterday... Jamie
  24. Hi Richard Yes, I have to agree Peter does mate the rock really well and puts a lot of effort into achieving the look he want... I will try and dig some photos out to upload for you... Jamie
  25. Hi Mate I have to say, you have some excellent model work, love the building and all the Scenery on this layout... What is the overal size of this layout... Jamie
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