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Everything posted by Campaman

  1. I just used use the wife's nail file sanding sticks until she caught me, then she went a got me a load of my own
  2. I don't have any of the expensive kit, just a home made flyswatter applicator which does a reasonable job, bit I still find that a 50p pack of balloons helps get more of it standing up. Method: Apply grass using applicator, admire nice Flat grass, leave for a few minutes for glue to start to go off, blow up a balloon and tie off, rub on your cardy to generate static, hold balloon close to your flat grass and watch grass stand on end. Simples...
  3. Hi Allan, How do the inhabitants of the castle get up onto the ramparts, there are no stairs opening out into them? Just teasing, as already said, excellent work, I may just try building a castle just for the fun of it, I don't need one but find more and more the trains are secondary to actually making buildings.
  4. Wonder if it would build up ok if I try to scale it to 4mm, you say print at 61% for 7mm, what scale is it in as downloaded?
  5. Mmmm, 26" of genuine thatch, don't matter to me what colour it is I can soon change that with my (H)airbrush
  6. I seen Sundew on its final walk in 1980 when it went to its final resting place to be scrapped, I am currently sat just off Steel Road in Corby at work, which was originally part of the original steel works.
  7. With my home made applicator i have made a funnel attachment to get into tight spaces
  8. Just finished this, not upto GT's standard but I am reasonably happy with it. Card construction.
  9. Are you going to treat them with glycerine to preserve them?
  10. There is already a modern industrial building that can be built, flat, low relief or full, you could vary the colour of the panels by using water colours after you have built it, but also remember that a lot of modern industrial estates have lines of identical buildings. http://scalescenes.com/products/T009-Modern-Industrial-Building
  11. I will stick some up into a Dropbox folder and will start a new thread in the Card Modelling forum with links to some as I think that is probably the best place for them. I will start with the stone paper that I used for the building above. If anyone else has any they have created and wants to share you can send them to me and I can add them to the Dropbox folder.
  12. Thanks, they are not hard to create, I am willing to share them if any one is interested.
  13. The texture sheets apart from the roof are all home made, yes the signal box will appear soon, its my model of a local box that my grandfather used to work in. Thanks Andy.
  14. OK, Just got the Wheel Rights to a level ready for here, still stuff to do, but here goes... Just posed on my cutting mat, base to come shortly... Been fun... May need to try some more pics, once the sun is not so bright, they seem over exposed...
  15. I also will be giving the last lot a plans a build, but as I am still doing the Wheel Rights (Dam you stubby for being so quick) it will be a while before I can post the results. Why does the lawn grow so quick, having to loose two evenings a week mowing the ruddy thing rather than modelling.
  16. Thanks for the plans Allan, going to keep me right busy. I am currently building your Wheelwrights Line side Industry, wont be as quick as Stubby47 though as I have limited modelling time due to unwanted domestic duties.... She's got me decorating the bathroom... smallest room in the house but the fiddliest to do...
  17. I would be interested, I like working with card and paper so its all of interest.
  18. A low relief row of shops, based loosely on Cromer high street And finally for now a GWR station building from the Fairford branch Sorry about the poor quality of these, taken with a phone camera, and ignore the wonky supports....
  19. A grounded van made from an ASDA Smartprice Eggbox (They are made from thin styrene) And a Tudor style building. I am currently redoing the upper storey with plain card, as the foamboard didn't work as well as I wished.
  20. Yes you can wire in the loft using what's up there, but for exactly the reasons RJS1977 states I also drop a lead down to the hall so I have to unplug to close the loft off and I am then 100% sure I have left nothing turned on.
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