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Status Updates posted by 67A

  1. 67A

    Hi Andy,


    You may have noticed I have a new project taking shape on DENT, rather than have two topics is it possible to rename 'DENT STATION' to 'DENT STATION with CHESTERGATE'.


    Please let me know mate, hope you and yours are doing okay in these difficult times.


    Best wishes,


    Mike McManus

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Hi Mike, all good here thanks chap! If you go to the first post in the topic and click on Edit you should be able to change it whenever you like. BTW, this came over as public message rather than a private one. ;)

    2. truffy


      And to your ‘old’ account. :lol:

    3. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      @truffy - this one has probably arisen because I'd disabled PMs to the old account.  #theendlessbattle

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