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Everything posted by PenrithBeacon

  1. Nowt wrong with the track, you built it! Actually it didn't get that far, I made up the gearbox, became unsure and put it to one side. Thanks for the advice.
  2. I assembled one of these at the start of the lockdown and became very unsure of just how compensation was intended to work. I put it to one side but I've never got back to it and I'm still unsure. As I see it having a central beam and the arm with the idler gears in it on one axle means that there are two compensation beams on the axle. Perhaps I'm missing something.
  3. I'm intrigued by the enormous size of the hydrogen fuel tank in railway vehicles when Toyota has a car that has a range of 600+km with what seems to be a fairly standard sized fuel tank https://www.toyota-europe.com/world-of-toyota/articles-news-events/2020/mirai-2020
  4. There is a huge cost to the infrastructure of electrification, I'd be surprised if we see another electrification project until hydrogen power is proved that it cannot do what it says on the tin. Quite simply, 25kV electrification has priced itself out of the market
  5. I've looked on the web and I can't find enough info for me to make up my mind on the practicality of this device. I suspect the design isn't mature enough yet, but the Government (which is never too bothered about details like that) has gone ahead with a photo opportunity. Best to wait and see.
  6. https://www.railway-technology.com/features/next-stop-hydrogen-the-future-of-train-fuels/ https://www.alstom.com/solutions/rolling-stock/coradia-ilinttm-worlds-1st-hydrogen-powered-train https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_cell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_internal_combustion_engine_vehicle My current reading list!
  7. All seems a bit dramatic to me. I get the impression that Type 1 Connectors are obsolescent anyway, just a matter of time for them to disappear.
  8. All aboard world's first hydrogen-powered train https://news.sky.com/video/share-12465585
  9. Agree with this wholeheartedly! But we should still be pursuing solutions vigorously, negativity should not be permitted to intervene. We can't now stop global warming but it is still possible to limit its impact.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/nov/09/carmaking-west-midlands-electric-vehicle-industry?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  11. It did all work out on Halford's drawing board, but he, like a good many other draughtsmen, forgot about working clearances, tolerances and wear on all those pin joints. There is an issue of the ProcInstLocoEng of about 1920 where all the possibilities of derived valve events are laid out. Ok on the paper but would have been weird in practice.
  12. I don't understand why people are trying to avoid the inevitable. Burning stuff for fuel where greenhouse gases are a by product will not work if we want to limit temperature growth to 1.5deg C.
  13. Thanks for that. I have one of these which I intend to convert to P4 using the Judith Edge chassis kit. Interesting that the RC gubbins will fit in the original chassis. Terrific stuff!
  14. https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/lufthansa-campaigners-urge-eu-set-e-kerosene-green-jet-fuel-target-2021-06-30/ First I've heard about e-kerosene. It's difficult to see what advantages it has for surface transport vs batteries/hydrogen.
  15. You clearly have a close relationship with the shows organisers. It's also clear that the site's owners are making mask wearing optional, not compulsory. If I attend I will not be wearing a mask.
  16. No I'm not going to stop buying petrol but I'm going to buy an EV as soon as Honda bring out their EV range which is , I believe, next year. I have mentioned my intentions re EVs before. As I said in my earlier post there is no point in getting all defensive about this issue but it is important that it is known about so pressure can be brought to bear on the industry to improve the situation of the miners. Elon Musk, among others, is making a fortune out of their misfortune.
  17. If you changed the last sentence to 'Strange how nobody cared about artisan miners on here before EVs', then it would be true. There is a clear issue about the way that these metals are mined and how the miners are treated and being defensive about it isn't going to help. EVs are fine the batteries are not. The sooner other types of batteries are developed the better, but in the meantime something has to be done about these miners.
  18. I think respect is something of a double edged sword. Quite how to resolve the issues surrounding mask wearing is very much beyond me and the issue of mask wearing itself is becoming very authoritarian. It's protagonists, at least on here, seem to be moving away from respecting any other point of view. I won't be wearing a mask at Tolworth this weekend. I won't be doing so because if I wear one my glasses immediately fog up and I can't see a damned thing. Because of this there is no point at all in going if I have to wear a mask, no point at all. I'd be grateful if the organisers of the show could come on here and say whether they want, or perhaps insist, on visitors to their show wearing a mask, then I can make a decision as can others.
  19. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/nov/08/cobalt-drc-miners-toil-for-30p-an-hour-to-fuel-electric-cars?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other This isn't nice
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