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Hampshire Hog

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Everything posted by Hampshire Hog

  1. If you are free this evening you could pop up and run it yourself!! Best regards, Kevin.
  2. No Pete, to be honest I needed to do something about the Purply Blue and I couldn't be assed to respray it, so I gave the sides and roof a thinned down light grey wash first and then did my usual wipe off bit to try to achieve the "carriage washer faded blue" look - then I weathered it in my usual way and I am more pleased with it now, I hope that you like it? In my opinion this loco is one of the best locos to appear for along time, ok I appreciate it has livery and lighting issues and that just should not be, but if you look beyond that it is very well detailed (just look at the bogies and underframe), well designed (just take the body off by unscrewing 4 screws (one in each corner of the body) and it just lifts off - no pushing and pulling or having to use credit cards) it runs very smoothly and quiet with good haulage power, and to my eye it looks like a 73. My best regards. Kevin
  3. My Dapol Class 73 does not have working tail-lights, and the cab interia lights are always on when fitted with a Dcc decoder. Best regards. Kevin.
  4. Sorry William I realise I wasn't very clear, the lighting issue I was referring to is the one where they operate in the wrong directions and you have to change the CV settings. Best regards, Kevin.
  5. I have fitted a 21 pin Howes ESU Soundchip to mine and it works fine (apart from the lighting issues previously mentioned) just remove the fitted blanking plug and refit the soundchip the same as any Bachmann, Hornby, Heljan, etc loco, there is even plenty of room for a speaker. Best regards, Kevin.
  6. Like many others my loco fleet increased by one today, hopefully to be joined by another soon. Best regards Kevin.
  7. Should have given me a shout, I'd have moved the car!! Thanks Scott. Best regards, Kevin.
  8. Blimey Nigel you were quick posting those picks, many thanks as always not only for these excellent photos but for your company and also to Paul for his. Phil the new bit added on to the Dock section is just a short spur at present which opens up more shunting possibilities, but I am thinking about extending it further if what I have in mind can be made to fit. Scott you are most welcome to visit if perhaps you can PM me with a date that is suitable for you between now and the 18th of January (going away for a month then) I will ring you later today) and Phil and Ian too. I very much enjoy having people visit for running sessions and the chinwag as well of course, I have two 73's on order that should be arriving soon they will certainly be something to talk about. My thanks to everyone for your kind interest in Leaford. Best Regards. Kevin.
  9. Wow! Pete what a fantastic Photo, I think my attempt at the model has still a long way to go, I would love to find out where this train is going - heading west through Southampton - assuming it was loaded at Swaythling, maybe it is being diverted around the Laverstock loop (Salisbury)? either way many thanks Pete for posting it especially with the unusual 37 in charge. Regards Kevin. Class 08 shunts the factory yard at Leaford Town.
  10. My thanks ess1uk I appreciate that. Kevin. Construction sector 60 042 "Dunkery Beacon" arrives at Leaford Town with a short term stone traffic flow from Westbury to Leaford Docks, the loco will have to run around its train in order to continue with its journey.
  11. Blimey Phil you are going to have to increase the size of your layout if you keep increasing your stock levels, perhaps an extension? Regards Kevin.
  12. My thanks David, I am glad that you like them, here is another one that I hope you like. Best regards Kevin The Engineers yard looks busy as usual.
  13. Paul based on the diecast Transits with opening doors etc. that you have done previously, I am sure this Escort will be excellent. Kevin. ps, Scott I have checked on Hattons site they are showing more than 10 Mk 3 Transits in stock.
  14. Hi Scott, unfortunately I can't make the Christmas do - I have a reunion with some ex colleagues on the same night, typical everything happens on the same day, perhaps we could have a play night with Leaford at some time in the new year when ok for all. and Paul what engine are you fitting in that XRi if you have take it apart to fit it , I look forward to seeing it when its done. Best regards, Kevin.
  15. Many thanks Phil, the camera does all the work - I just point the thing honest! Best regards, Kevin.
  16. The recent arrival of the Oxford Diecast Ford Transit Mk3 and Cargo has enabled me to re-create happy memories of times gone by stood on Basingstoke platform. Best regards. Kevin.
  17. Many thanks for your kind words gents, I enjoyed the chat, and the company, and David and Ess1uk if you are ever in my part of the world please call in, but best to pm me first. Anyway more news of the Colas surface dressing tanker Albion (lad cab) CLV 509 K, on talking to Nigel - He does have a couple of pictures (see below) taken before being painted in the full Colas livery after its first transfer to Andover depot, he also believes it originated in the Birmingham area - and the old livery possibly Tilcon? Cheerio for now Kevin.
  18. I hav'nt Phil - coz I've never been much of a photographer especially back in those days, Nigel may have though (perhaps taking pictures to help with the build) but thankfully not with me in it, I will ask him. Best regards, Kevin
  19. Paul, many thanks for your company and the excellent photos and videos, you are always welcome, and Pete another Exhibition Layout is always possible but not for a while. I came across a model road vehicle the other day built by my good friend Nigel Leadbetter, it is of an Albion (LAD Cab) surface dressing tanker CLV509K belonging to Colas it having a very distinguished career spraying bitumen all over Britains roads, back in the late 80's early 90's both Nigel and myself were both employees of Colas and we were both fans of the ageing fleet of road vehicles run by them, unfortunately we were both saddened on opening the yard one morning to find an empty space where CLV509K had been parked, it having been stolen over - night, the suspicion was that the vehicle either as a whole or in parts was on its way to Africa. Anyway a couple of pictures of the said model at least a reminder that it did actually exist over 25 years ago.
  20. Many thanks for your kind comment David. Best regards, Kevin. Another photo of the "Canberra" Steam Pullman Excursion.
  21. Hi Scott, the layouts size is approx. 3m X 3.8m and I do not have an overall track plan because it would be very complicated, but thanks to Nigel (Melangoose on here) I have track diagrams for each individual section, There are 3 scenic sections and 3 fiddle yard sections, 2 of the fiddle yards are underneath 2 of the scenic sections, and the other fiddle yard is purely for trains under the control of the computer, the 3rd scenic board is the original "Leaford" layout which no longer leaves home but some may have seen at an exhibition at some time, the other scenic sections are still under construction and are now permanently fixed to the original. I have attached a photo of all three of the scenic sections with the docks section the furthest away. My best regards. Kevin.
  22. Hiya Paul, as can be seen by my last post I still haven't sorted out my confuser yet when posting, anyway, perhaps you could visit one evening if your commitments allow. See you soon, Kevin.
  23. I have had a lot going on for a while (and indeed still have)and therefore not done much posting on here, but I thought perhaps it was about time I posted again, so here are a couple of photos I took earlier on today, I hope that you like them, P&O Cruise Ship "Canberra" called in at Leaford Docks today and in connection with this a Steam Hauled Pullman Train ran to London Waterloo and return with some of her passengers, Merchant Navy Class 35029 "Ellerman Lines" did the honours. Locos's wait for their next turn of duty in Leaford Town Yard:- Best regards. Kevin.
  24. My thanks David and Peter, 50002 "Superb" shunts the yard at Leaford Town.
  25. I am working during the day Friday but the evening will be fine if you both can make it, and Phil too if he is able, and your right Scott the layout does look empty I must get some more stock!!
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