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Andy Ross

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Everything posted by Andy Ross

  1. So the other new etches I have are for the benches that run down both sides of the erecting shop. I managed to track down an original bench that was liberated from the site which I used to measure up and produce a drawing. From the drawings i produced etches for three different variants you would find on site. The etches cover two and four draw versions plus I have done one with no draws for the areas were there we cupboards under the benches. These need painting and then wooden tops will need to be fitted. The draws will also need to be locked in as they work at the moment. There will be a lot to make. Andy
  2. Last weekend I managed to draw my first part in 3D to be hopefully 3D printed. See below the air filter housing for the Bord na Móna loco. I don't have a 3D printer (yet) but I have a friend (innocentman) that does who offered to give them a go. Today he dropped them off. So I have dropped one on to the trial assemble and it looks just the part. So i now need to look at the Exhaust silencer and head lights This will make the chances of making this into a kit even better but still a long way to go.
  3. The problem is that the loco is 38mm wheel base and looks like Marks only go up to 35mm. Black Beatles look like they went to 38mm but they do not appear to be available at the moment.
  4. Richard So I looked back through my old information and it was Dowding and Mills that did the geni. Yes we kept the clutch drive for the fan - the biggest issue was the right angle drive gears. It was a good job and I enjoyed it - we had some good night in Belfast as well when we went for meetings - I am sure the Crown pub is still there not so sure about the red Panda Chinese. Andy R
  5. Many years ago (21 in fact) I built 13 trusses for Headingley depot. these were from 2 and 1mm brass angle. the drawing was drawn with CAD, printed out and stuck to some soft board with double sided tape and the angles pinned in place and soldered. I think I only had to change the drawing for a fresh one twice. Incredibly strong when all put together. I have some large ones for the new layout and I have made a wooden jig, but the etches for the joining plates have only just turned up so i have not tried it yet. Andy R
  6. If anyone is interested I am looking to see what the interest might be if I do the Bord na Móna loco as a kit. I have started a new topic for this, if you are please go to https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/163029-interest-in-bord-na-móna-locomotive Andy R
  7. As part of my Hunslet project (See link at bottom of page) I have been producing etches for several Hunslet Locomotives during different parts of the build process in the works in 7mm scale. Because of what they are intended for they have been drawn almost the same as the originals including all cut outs and internal details, and component parts, such as fuel tanks and air reservoirs, etc. One of the these loco types is the later Bord na Móna locos that were built in the 80's. I have done changes to the etches so I can build one of these up at 21mm gauge to run up and down the yard but it would still not be complete and pretty much as the photos below. Yes it still needs wheels. I am considering doing taking some of the drawings I have done and making these into a basic kit but it would be quite involved and there is the issue of mechanisms, casting etc. to get over. Although I have never produced a kit before I have several friend who have so I know I could get some help if needed. I am not saying I would definitely do this but I would be interested in how much interest there would be if I was to invest the time. Also what gauge would be preferred This is just to get a feel and I am not going to hold anybody to this they say they are interested and there is no time scale at this stage. Thanks in advance Andy R
  8. Yes I work for Hunslet. The engines were taken out and overhauled. I am trying to remember who did the generators. I think it was Dowding and Mills. Andy R
  9. Very Impressive models In 2007 and 2008 I project managed the refurbishment of the six of the powercars so I would like one in this livery. This is 8093 just after we delivered it back to York Road.
  10. I have changed the name form Hunslet Engine Works in O Gauge to Hunslet Engine Works in 7mm Scale on the recommendation of a fellow member of the Leeds Club as he rightly pointed out that not all the locos are O Gauge as can be seen by the ones above.
  11. Nice little layout - My current project is a move to O gauge but I have gone in at the deep end. Not very big, but I do need to make nearly everything from scratch. I must Admit I have thought about a small shunting layout so I can run something just to shunt a couple of wagons.
  12. More progress with the working version of the Bord na Móna Loco. Even managed to make reasonable representation of the drivers seat that has all the controls on it. The seat still need some more detail adding and I just placed it inside the cab to see what it looked like. The seat still need a couple of controls and arm rests.
  13. As well as the Locos for Bord na Móna there were two built for Shotton Steel Works narrow gauge network. It will not be a big job to alter the drawings for these, they are a bit longer. The fuel tank is re positioned to be in front of the cab and a gas conditioner fitted in the space at the front of the frames. The cab and the drivers seat and controls were all the same as the Bode na Mona locos. The only other difference was the track gauge which was 2'6" as against 3'.
  14. Dave has been associated for many years with the Leeds Model Railway Society both as a member in the past and supporting the exhibitions with layouts. In the late 70's I used to cycle over to his parents at Barkston Ash to help him with his Highland layout when he use to model in 00 and help with his layouts at many exhibitions. In normal times we would see Dave and Liz around the country at various exhibitions and spent many evenings in hotel bars. My thoughts are with Liz and I extend my sympathies on behalf of all the members at the Leeds Model Railway Society. RIP Dave Andy Ross Chairman - Leeds MRS CIO
  15. I have just had a look on Satellite pictures of the area were I believe the crane was left and it all looks like it has been redeveloped by the Chinese for a new line they are building, so I have no idea what happened to it. Even in normal times I can not see anyone going any ware near this part of the world to find out. I was there for 5 days in 2006 with work and although it was an interesting visit and I am glad I had the opportunity to visit, I was glad to get on the plane home. I also had a look at the original image and I can not see any readable numbers on the plates on the solebars. Andy
  16. I suspect you are right - talking to the CME who was taking us round there was no appetite to do anything up. there were far more modern cranes sat in the yard rotting away. there were also the odd Steam loco just left to rot as well. I have a lot more photos so if anyone is interested I might start a new topic on the trip.
  17. Just for interest I thought some of you may be interested in the the photos below - taken in the Nigerian State Railway Maintenance depot Lagos, in 2006.
  18. I think over the years we took Leeds Trams in one form or another to the Festival three times. Was one at Crich? The last time we took Headingley Depot to Manchester. We never exhibited at Kew but we visited a couple of times. These specialist shows were alway excellent both to exhibit at and to visit but always inevitable come to an end.
  19. Pete Although the rear arch wont be visible will it not need to have something there to represent them and more importantly the roof lights so that when you light it the shadows etc. will not look out of place. Just a thought! Andy
  20. So as mentioned above i got the original drawing wrong for the cab roof. The revised drawing has worked a lot better and is now soldered on. The gutters are now separate and they are still tricky to fold so may change them for the future.
  21. So having previously made frames for the Bord na Móna locomotive for the loco in build I also need to be able to have a fully working version to run up and down the test track. So I re drew it with the chevrons and axle boxes in place. The axle boxes will take a 1/8 axle. This is the etch for the combined buffer and drawgear This is it built up and fitted to the frame. I did build two up but while soldering the first one onto the frame I left the big Iron on the back of the frames for too long and it all moved. I won't be doing that again. I have also built up the fuel tank that sits in the frames.
  22. I use PPD in Scotland. Several of us in the Leeds club use them. see https://ppdltd.com They are very helpful and have a reasonable turn around time. Less tha 3 weeks for this batch. Andy
  23. So the door assembly may need to be paused as the latest etches have arrived today. These include the reworked Bord na Móna cab and drivers seat assembly. The new frame drawing that will accept wheel sets and motor for the complete loco to go on test. There are also reworked etches for the stillages and benches. These are the prototypes - although they went together ok there were a couple of slots and tabs that did not work as they should but the new ones should be right now .
  24. Jeremy I agree that it is the boiler for Trangkil. I had not made the connection with the number on the photo. Thank you for pointing it out. Andy
  25. As promised photo of boiler being tested - please don't ask me what it is for as I don't know.
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