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Posts posted by Mrkirtley800

  1. 23 hours ago, Worsdell forever said:

    Managed to get a start tonight on jobs that were noted at Newcastle. The first is the electrical connections on the lights, these were never very good, the chocolate blocks never seemed to be all that reliable, the wires were too short and I was forever reconnecting them. Hopefully this will sort them.


    From this...



    To this...





    The link from the FY board needs a plug and socket but it will be simplified.

    This is a mess... 



    This is getting better.



    The two strips of LEDs were wired separately as the both had remote dimmers but as these were both on the same frequency they have never been used so the 2 strips are being wired together to simplify things even more, it will also make it easier to add another strip, which may well happen. 


    Also don't forget to nominate your favourite NER, EM gauge layout set on the Rosedale branch in the BRM awards...:o




    Paul, I am open to bribes.


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  2. I am so very sorry that we have lost another good friend in Jim.  He was such a nice, approachable man and a pleasure to have a conversation with.

    RIP Jim


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  3. post-6110-0-19442500-1453752122_thumb.jpgThe drawing I used to build my 0-6-0WT was the Skinley blue print, shows how long ago it was started, plus as many photos that I could find and in the 1960 s  not a lot.

     J.N.Maskelyne, editor of the Model Railway News, published a series of engine drawings which contained a couple of outside framed Midland Locos, an 0-4-4WT and an 800 class 2-4-0.  I bought the drawings and during my most productive time in the 1970s scratch built them.  The 0-4-4 drawing was to 7mm/ft but the 2-4-0 was to some odd scale, I think 8.25mm/ft.  It turned out that they were drawn to fill a page, hence the odd scales.

    I was later told that Maskelyne had a very good knowledge of the railways south of London but was a little weak on the Midland.  Having said that, I used to hang on to his every word.  

    The rather poor picture above is of the 800 class 2-4-0 on Kirkby Malham turn table


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  4. 3 hours ago, KNP said:

    A midships of Misty




    And before I get some wag commenting on why a trawler has gun ports they are movable flaps to allow sea water to wash off the decks back overboard during heavy seas....!


    Edit - or washing down the decks as well


    What a dreary and uninspiring explanation.  I thought it was a pirate ship.


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  5. Hello Jamie,

             The KM branch is purely fiction.  I used to know the area very well and always thought a railway could be built, terminating just north of the village.

    I assume for this excercise that the line from Skipton, up Wharfedale, into Coverdale and down Wensleydale to join the NER near Leyburn had been built.

    This line was heavily promoted and had it been built in reality, it was intended to be electrified.  Sites for electricity sub stations were ear marked.

    However WW1 intervened and by the armistice, the world had changed and the idea of building the line was dropped.

    The line to KM would leave the Skipton/Leyburn  line at Rylstone South Junction and run up Airedale serving some of the intervening villages en route.

    If you look at my thread in Layout Topics, Midland Railway inEM Gauge, I describe the whole idea in more detail.

    Thank you for your interest.


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  6. That looks wonderful Martin, thanks for showing the piccies.

    Frank Roomes was around in the 1950s.  The very first model mag I bought was Model Railway News in early 1953.

    The pic on the front cover featured part of his EM gauge layout Lutton, and prominent in the front was a scratch built model of a Kirtley 0-4-4 well tank. I lusted after that engine, and when I got married in 1964, immediately started on my own, finished in 1967, painted by Coachman Larry in 1972 and still running on Kirkby Malham on the Skipton local.  It has had new and better wheels and motor fitted, but the bodywork has not been touched.

    Frank Roomes went on to model in 0 gauge, and still called his station Lutton, and had many scratch built Midland engines on it.  I never met him, but devoured his magazine articles.


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  7. Thank you Alan.  It was really ‘Hobsons Choice’.  Canal road had a long siding along the back and to keep it cleanI had to climb on my bench to reach it.  When my knees went on strike, I could no longer climb anywhere, so that siding became a dumping ground.

    So if I wanted an operational railway, it had to change, and, as ‘they’ say, the rest is history.

    For a while everything worked OK and I was able to operate myrailway to my hearts content, until this last six months or so, when my arthritis seems to have taken over.

    So, now I am happy to sit at my bench and make things, even things I don’t need.

    I am really pleased to say the 1808 class is operational.  I took the bit between my teeth and settled down and managed to build the lovely High Level gearbox.   The engine purs as it runs, but I seem to have made a hoo haa with the tender and made the frames a bit narrow, so a bit more work is required.  But, I am really enjoying it.


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  8. Now, as they say, something completely different.  Over the years, in my exhibition going days, I often told folks how magical Whitby could be, and that the sun rises and sets in the sea, during two weeks or so in mid June..  Many looked at me in disbelief, so here is proof for all the unbelievers.

    My two eldest grand daughters, Niamh and Emily were staying for a few days, when Emily took this photo of the sunset over Sandsend bay.  Taken on 20th June

    The reason is, of course, due to local geography, , we are facing north, and on the days either side of the 21 June, the sun sets in or near,  the north.





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