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Happy Hippo

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Everything posted by Happy Hippo

  1. Just stop it, because when you are in the Welsh mountains, time stands still. Regards Richard
  2. Tony, he is merely trying to lick you into shape. Give him a pot of paint and I'm sure he could put a lick of paint onto any surface of the house you care to mention. I did think that the loss of one of our Staffies would create a compensating reduction on the amount of dog slobber that had to be cleaned off the conservatory window(s). Apparently not! Regards Richard
  3. Many years ago, we had this system installed in our 'offices' at 9 Signals Regiment in Cyprus Istr it was made by a company called Nilfisk. We also had a Lamson system for sending messages and signals from our location to the Commcen. This worked on the vacuum system and we would place the signal or message into a container which was inserted into the Lamson system and sent on it's way by vacuum. Inevitably it came to pass that one of our newer soldiers attached the Nilfisk hose into the Lamson tube, and sucked the entire contents of the ops room floor into the Yeoman of Signals priority in-tray! Whoops! Regards Richard
  4. We used to 'fly' all sorts of airfix aircraft out of my bedroom window down what would now be called a zip wire, trying to land it on a piece of 5' x 1' plywood. A much loved and played with carrier landing system. The wheelie bits and 'control' column all being manufactured from bits of Meccano. Some years later, a commercial version was available on the market called 'Flightdeck'. This was more refined than our fun version and even featured a catapult launched Phantom. Happy days Regards Richard
  5. Last night I was reliably informed by an impeccable source that this morning is going to be spent cleaning. I are obviously not doing this right, because it is the only job I seem to do that I have to repeat...........frequently. For example, when I put up a set of shelves, they stay up! The sortie to Chester yesterday looking for bedroom furniture, was not really successful. So I'm stuck with the same chest of drawers that I've had for the past 25+ years. There is a lot of solid mahogany in it and the rest of the dressers, and I can't wait to turn it into really useful timber for modelling purposes. It's a grey day so far and the wind is beginning to move the smaller branches on the oak tree and the bottom of the garden. The dog, having breakfasted, is now snoring at the top of the stairs. The impeccable source has yet to rise from her slumber. (So I will not be firing up the hoover just yet!) Regards Richard
  6. Got up, Fed dog, saw son off to work, then made tea for two. Please note the priority of dog before tea! A squadron of geese just did low 'honk pass' of the house, so no fog here. It's grey and overcast at present; I hope it bucks up for our furniture shopping expedition to Chester later on to day. Food prices are creeping up, and I sometimes feel that the time and effort we put into growing our own veg probably costs us more than buying it from the shops. 1216 025 will be pleased to know that I'm sitting here in a Tee shirt. The dog in her post brekkie snooze, is snoring away at my feet. I hope Ashers enjoys her prancing dancing this morning. But please don't overdo it! We don't want a relapse. Bob, I think you will find the restriction on parcel inspections excludes bills! Regards Richard
  7. Ashers said: "Ever since singing Mozart's "Requiem" at school I've been moved by the "Lacrimosa". My family know that I'd like it to be played at my funeral. " I think my family are planning to play AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" for mine! Regards Richard
  8. Debs, Very appropriate as yesterday was Trafalgar Day! Hope all is well with the rest of the ER fraternity Regards Richard Edited for sleep induced spelling errors
  9. I thought E collie was what Debs had Regards Richard
  10. Was he in there with his camera when the gang mower passed......................? Regards Richard
  11. A rather belated good morning from a grey and misty village near Telford. I would have signed in much earlier, but my attention was diverted by a certain Stationmaster who insisted in posting an irresistible link about the Mosquito which sent me on a Merlin fest. (Acolytes of aircraft powered by big piston engines will know what I mean). Ian, I suspect that if I tried placing my services for serving fillies, they'd be charging me! Regards Richard
  12. All this talk of cars reminds me that the Punto Mk2 in our garage really needs to have the new starter motor fitted(to get the old one out, first take off the inlet manifold!!) and putting the new discs on the front wheel hubs. This would enable us to wheel it out so that the Seat Leon my son bought .....sans gearbox, can be pushed in and ...............oh Lord.......the 6 speed gearbox he has in his VW Golf can be fitted into the Leon, and the Golf then broken for spares. But is he up bright and early this morning, eager and ready to start? No he has gone caving in South Wales. And next weekend he is away doing something else. Meanwhile the drive to the house looks like the forecourt of some shady second hand car dealer. 'Got a nice Astra for sale mate, only one careful lady owner' (And seven careless boy racers). It looks a lovely day outside, with hardly a cloud in the sky. We just need the sun to make an appearance. Regards Richard
  13. More rain overnight, but blue sky now, with a few grey clouds being whipped along by a brisk sou'wester. the obergrumpenfuhreur gets back from her visit to her mother in N Wales, so today I will be donning the pinny and making sure that the house is clean and tidy. This will mainly be ensuring that the wrappers from an e bay purchase are carefully tidied away, and the contents are cleared off the marshalling yard (aka the conservatory table), where a number of highly technical calculations have been establishing how long the fiddle yards of my next project need to be. Alternatively, it might just have been a self centred boasting exercise at how much stock I have with no railway to run it on. It also reinforces the question: 'Why did I buy that?' Get well soon Ashers Regards Richard
  14. I've just been for a swim (to the post box and back). The overnight rain has cleared and there is lots of blue sky. The sun is there somewhere, but as of yet has not made its presence known. Whilst going through some documentation last night I came across my old FAI Parachuting licence: Obviously I am the only ER who has been certified insane! Regards Richard
  15. A miserable day so far, rain being driven across the garden by a rather sharp wind. Elsa had her breakfast, but has so far declined to venture outside, just as Stubby predicted! I think that any attempt at working today will be of an indoors nature. Regards Richard
  16. Mike, These universities do like buzz words and phrases. Can I suggest Maltese Mobile Copulatory Pleasure Interface Facility as an alternative. Regards Richard
  17. Robert, Now there's a face from the past! Drop by and see me in Horton next time you're home Regards Richard just as a matter of interest, do you still have the time to volunteer on the SVR
  18. Rather than rouse you with my dulcet tones, i'll bid you all a good night. Richard zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. Max, I have this terrible mental picture of you pegged upside down on the washing line, dripping gently, like a ginormous bat! Regards Richard
  20. A lovely typically autumn day. there is a breeze in the air and the sun is shining, but it is tinged with sadness. I've just got back from the vet's having said goodbye to one of my staffies. I'd had 'Bron' since she was a puppy back in 2000, so she'd had a good innings She'd been unwell for sometime, and it was an inevitable outcome. Definitely not the Happy Hippo this morning. Regards Richard
  21. Excellent photos of German stuff, 1216 025. I notice the complete lack of lineside fencing: something I remember from my days in Germany. It could never happen here Regards Richard
  22. Ray, Just caught up on the latest developments. It looks great, but I fear the wrong wheel has come off the sand lorry. Should it not have been the front off side wheel to make the lorry tip that way? Regards Richard
  23. Good morning all, It seems I'm first up this morning. It;'s too dark to comment on the weather so I think I'll have another cup of tea and some toast made from the seed loaf I made yesterday. (It'll make a change from muesli) Regards Richard
  24. I thought a parsec was a french root vegetable! Regards Richard
  25. I'm sending this using my rhubarb and strawberry crumble..................is this a first? Tomorrow I'll use a banana and toffee yoghurt. Regards Richard Richard.
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