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Blog Comments posted by relaxinghobby

  1. Should there be many more vertical supports between the tracks? iron posts to stop the gutters sagging.

    eg   http://shedbashuk.blogspot.com/2014/11/rugby-1956-1965.html


    Yeah the shed isn't finished yet, far from it.



    I suspect Rev Awdrey's illustrator had as little appreciation of civil engineering requirements as he did mechanical ones.   His North light roof appeared to face south.

    Northlight roofs have north facing glazing so  direct sunlight does not enter but good daylight does.  Bit like the reverse of solar panels""


    Well, it isn't a North Light design.  The peaks are equal.  I've seen several structures with a very similar design.


  2. I would be tempted to do a little as possible only adding droppers and feed wires only where they are necessary, especially on a big layout., Perhaps some sort of face mask or visor would be useful when going under?


    As for sparking at the points, is this as the wheels run through the switch rail section where the closure rails can be pushed out of position by heavy rolling stock,

    Perhaps a general question in the questions section would bring out other peoples experience of dealing with this?


    Try here   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/114509-peco-electrofrog-code-100-small-radius-point-wiring/






    good luck.

  3. Superelivation seems to be the last thing ever modelled but it makes the look of trains running around curves much more realistic.


    How will you make the transition from flat straightr track to elevated curved track?  Could cardboard spacers of different thicknesses be just as good?

  4. Hi.  I can see the likeness To Denny's in the junction station layout, but will you need more sidings in the junction's marshalling yard south of the platform area?

    Will you model the branchline station or just have the two dead end fiddle roads as shown in the diagram in the diagram. 

    The mainline circuit will be up and down gradients, will these be shallow enough for long trains, what will be you maximum train length, counting the squares in the junction I guess you can have up to 5 foot or so. 

  5. Sorry what are "retcons", retrograde conditions perhaps. I've read The Thomas The Tank Engine Man, the big hard back biography of The Reverend, I think that's what it was called. I know he was dissatisfied with several of his artists depictions. I can't check the book was lost in a flood.

  6. I live 'oop North', and dispite my enthusiasm for the ideal Layout to aim for I have only a 4 ft long shunting layout. But. It has 5 sidings where wagons can be spotted so operation of the shunting puzzle type can be carried out.


    I've started to cut wood and mdf to build an extension that will nearly double the size of the layout and increase operational potential by adding more sidings and so destinations for wagon and a fiddle yard so wagons can be exchanged for new ones.


    Trains will then be able to run from the top of the chest of draws to the book shelf next to it and a time table can then be devised to help vary the operation.


    So far this extension project has progressed only slowly. Wagon building has been my main area of the hobby and I have enough to cover all the track several times over.

  7. I agree many exhibition layouts lack operational interest but have nice scenery.

    I used to read the American Railroad Modeller, which usually featured a large layout each month. As well as nice scenery such a big layout would be operated on a point to point method, station to station and station to fiddle yard. With fast and slow passenger trains, block goods and pick-up goods operated from station to station or between industrial siding. A time table or schedule would be used to keep everything in order.


    Also traffic or wagon requirements would be generated by a computer or random playing card system to tell the train operators what wagons are needed where on each railroad system. Often a non-train driving central controller ( a human sitting at a desk ) would marshal all train movements.


    Groups of operators would meet monthly or visit each others layouts on a round robin bases. Something very rare in this country.


    The open or scenicked fiddle yard is also a feature, and is built as a big marshalling yard, on the Denny layout the central through station, is it Grandborough Junction, had this task?


    Also the Denny layout was built up from smaller sections over many years, in his book he said he never threw anything out so old buildings could be recycled onto a new section.


    To me such a layout is the most attractive, here is where clubs could do more and develop the more common round and round or terminus to fiddle yard into something bigger and better. A whole railway system where the signals and other railway stuff are as important as the locomotives. With the increase in sophistication would come lasting interest.

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  8. Perhaps like me Prodigy is using the old fashioned way to fund his model railway habit and is saving up for the next loco, wagon or other item from the model shop and £52 is what has so far accumulated in his piggy bank.


    As an alternative to a piggy bank how about buying super market savings stamps, these act as a Christmas box as they claim you get a few extra quid back if you has saved enough convert them back to cash just before Xmas.

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  9. Pictures please.

    What scale and gauge, any particular make of track?

    Future plans for expansion?

    If it is set up at school how do you store it, does it have it's own room or does it have to pack up into a cupboard between work sessions?

    The Summer holidays are coming up, will it go home with someone for the holidays like the hamster at my niece's school does?

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