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Everything posted by EHertsGER

  1. Or, in other words, 'about time we had a crack at that 0-16.5 effort' we have been muttering about, 'cos it looks like a chassis the narrow gauge community will snap up if its offered post-High-Level replacement...
  2. I did more or less that: I bored them just under 2mm for an interference fit on the regular Ultrascale axles, making sure they meshed with the offset gears of the drive unit. Once happy with all that, a smear of araldite and all is done. Some trimming of the stub on either side was necessary to ensure a fit between the hornblocks, but nothing difficult. The bogies should be available at Scalefour - best to nag Justin at Rumney Models as he is marketing them. Best, Marcus
  3. Having built the bogies now I found that my P4 wheel set required washers to set them equally in the bogie. I haven't taken measurements, but my feeling is this slack may be enough to enable an EM assembly. All is not lost...yet.
  4. I forgot...65460 is also 'out of scope' unless you want to fit the tablet catcher to the (noticeably different) tender - a relic of its M&GN branch line days from c1940 onwards I think. Anyway it was there from the early logo to its demise, by which time it had also acquired red lining (the only one of the class to do so) - but by then it was a Buntingford branch regular. More anon if I can find/remember it...
  5. EHertsGER

    Oxford N7

    ...and the differences in cab windows should become apparent. It would be nice to have a choice...
  6. Not much to go on, admittedly as I have not had time to cross reference anything with Yeadon et al, let alone read my notes, but this lot (the lower group) are all from the same batch (batch B70 of 1912) as 65464, so that may set you in the right direction. 'W&VE' = Westinghouse + Vacuum ejector. Alas 65464 (and 65465) cannot be modelled as is, so to speak, as by the time they acquired the depicted livery they were fitted with the LTE trip cocks (1939/40). Not likely to appear on anything by Hornby just yet... From L-R: BR number, BR numbered date, 1946 number, date allocated 1946 number, maker (" = Stratford), build date, date withdrawn. And some notes on brakes: Hopefully useful for now... Best, Marcus
  7. Give me a day or so - I have Yeadon & RCTS but a busy schedule....
  8. EHertsGER

    Oxford N7

    Would you believe it! 'The Great Eastern' (Argo Transacord DA14) has J15s galore, J20, E4, D16, B12, J69, B17 aplenty, but only the merest peep of the whistle of an N7. 55 years too late (recorded in 1962, so N7s a bit thin on the ground, admittedly) to cry 'foul', alas...
  9. Completed bogies, painted and wheels/wheel springs attached. Bolsters sitting on top: ...and here with the original Hornby drive installed and the bolster reinstalled around it. Bar the cosmetic sides, ready to fit to the chassis. One or two tweaks to the other one (a gear was not aligned with the drive train so had to be moved) and we should have some movement... More soon...
  10. Probably very little - this is the Hornby bogies side frame as it prior to the P4 bogies: Best, Marcus
  11. EHertsGER

    Oxford N7

    The 'Hertford' Quads being an exception and available from Bill Bedford (eventually - order your Ultrascale wheels at the same time) - but they really are worth the wait. If all goes to plan, the kit, the wheels and the N7 will all come to fruition on my bench at the same time...
  12. EHertsGER

    Oxford N7

    Once upon a time there was a 'Great Eastern Steam' LP from Argo Transacord (I think...) that might just do the job. Come to think of it, I may just go and check...lovely noises..!
  13. Same old, same old, then...first order the Ultrascales just in case..
  14. Well I got one done in a busy day yesterday - clearly not painted, nor are the springs the right gauge or finished properly, but it all seems to go together well and settles down nicely. More as we keep going. So, contributors: paint or blacking; if the latter, which one...? Best, Marcus
  15. I believe so - best to check the site. It has been a while since I (ordered!) bought them...
  16. The center bearing is set lower to accommodate the small wheel. The springing is on each wheel so there will be no interplay between the larger and small diameters.
  17. No, I am solely responsible for funding this effort. All the hard work has been done by Justin Newitt of Runmey Models. He will be marketing and supplying the kits through his business.
  18. Well that little exchange shook me out of my Saturday morning lethargy! So, first up, the wheels: NB NO Wheels will be supplied with the kit. If you are planning on using Ultrascale wheels, get your orders in now! Next we have the completed bogies showing the final arrangement of bogie frame, bolster supports and side frame locator, together with the hornblocks in place. Note the sprining is on the outside of the bogie assembly, but of course inboard of the cosmetic side frames. And finally the Hornby chassis (yes, one of those chassis that suffered cracking) showing the actual bolster and the inner drive components. All to be assembled today, so watch this space... Best, Marcus
  19. Ha! After my own experiences with a LIMBY project (see separate notes on the prototype) we have added the EE exhausts as a small 'extra' etch for those bashing the LIMA body...
  20. Hmmm...springing: something I seem to have taken up where Ian P of this parish has not the time to address (see my Class 31 bogies). Hadn't thought about it, but... Hornby: you do a new 86 and I'll do the sprung bogies. Fair?
  21. Much muttering about the '87 (of which I shall add to my stable - why??? No idea, just want one...) but nestling hereabouts are hints about an '86... So do I persist in tarting up my Hornby one...or hold my breath...?
  22. Could you please direct me to the source of your plans?
  23. No price has been set yet - but it will most likely be in line with other P4 sprung bogies for diesels etc
  24. Alas it is only for P4 due to design constraints relating to the sprung bolster unit. An EM version would have had to be a completely separate project.
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