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Everything posted by EHertsGER

  1. Coming soon to a (Hornby chassis) Class 31 near you...P4 sprung bogies. Test build under way...
  2. Coming soon to a (Hornby chassis) Class 31 near you...P4 sprung bogies. Test build under way...
  3. I have completed an LNER version using a 'quad' drive from High Level kits successfully, replacing the drive supplied and a fabricating a set of replacement chassis frames (easily cut - a 'first' chassis, for those new to the task, perhaps?). Now to find your Impetus kit, I suppose (mine was from eBay at the usual ridiculous price, but I wanted one!) Best of luck!
  4. Patrolling around the Kabul suburbs they come across a strange sight. ‘’Radio it in.’’ Says the corporal "A big black bloke is ballroom dancing on an old ford car roof. Over." Says the young radio operator on his first patrol. "You can't talk like that over an open radio" says the corporal, ‘’you know the correct way. You have to use the correct terminology and be pc about it!" "OK" says the nervous young operator . "Zulu...Tango....Sierra."
  5. A man sees a sign outside a house - 'Talking Dog For Sale.' He rings the bell, the owner appears and tells him the dog can be viewed in the back garden. The man sees a very nice looking Labrador Retriever sitting there. "Do you really talk?" he asks the dog. "Yes," the Labrador replies. After recovering from the shock of hearing the dog talk, he man asks, "So, tell me your story." The Labrador looks up and says, "Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I told the SAS. "In no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one imagined that a dog would be eavesdropping. "I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years. But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger so I decided to settle down. I signed up for a job at Heathrow to do some undercover security work, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded several medals. I got married, had a few puppies, and now I've just retired." The man is amazed. He goes back into the house and asks the owner how much he wants for the dog. "Ten quid," the owner says. "£10!!? But this dog is absolutely amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheaply?" "Because he's a lying bastard. He's never been out of the garden!!.
  6. Thank you...through some particularly convoluted conversation involving plums and gin I have established that the wagons were most likely that color green land rover used to paint their series II and disco 2s - or similar... So, progress. Now, who built the wagons - Roberts, Gloucester...
  7. Anthony I've replied via your other note to me, but for the more 'public' record I have to send my thanks for prompting my thoughts. I recall,the little shop front in Ware - they supplied the coal to our house and I remember the lorries were green!
  8. Anthony Thank you for your post - yes, the Standon picture is known to me. I also have a rather indistinct picture of Page wagons - 150 Years of the Hertford and Ware Railway, p95 , but no idea of its base colour or shading - I am going for 'red' for some reason, but clues would be welcomed! Best, Marcus
  9. Yes, the drawings have been done and, I understand, a test etch is imminent, which will be built to prove it's design. So, not long now...
  10. Tourists... "Oh, gee, isn't heaven...heavenly...Elmer, keep up." (Breathless) "Dammit, Ethel that was some walk up from the coach park. Say, mister...Peter, or whatever your name is, why don't you put in an elevator?" "We find the stairway quite satisfactory, sir. However, you will find your elevator after the 'Exit' sign. It only goes one way. Now, if you will follow me..." "Elmer, Elmer, look...'last supper re-enactments'...we should get a reservation...say, Peter...it is that with the real Jay-Z...?" "That would be JC madam. We prefer to call Him Jesus Christ. A lot of carpenters do...something to do with a hammer, I believe. The other fellow is not expected here..." "What is that heavenly music...?" "That would be the choir invisible, madam..." "Well I don't see anyone..." "Indeed, madam..." "Say, Peter..." "Actually, sir, my name is Saint Peter. I would prefer 'Sir' if you don't mind. It will help you become accustomed to the possibility of meeting the boss.." "Springsteen died??" "No, sir, the actual Boss. God, Jehova, Jahweh, all the other names and so on..." "You got all them up here, too...?" "One and the same, sir..." "So, how do you get to meet this God guy..." "It is quite simple, sir. Your place has already been reserved. The rest is up to you as to whether you 'blow it' as I believe you are fond of saying." "So what if I do...blow it, you know...?' "Hey, will you look at the time...Elmer, we have to go, it's time to leave...we gotta be back in Mudpuddle, Arkansas..." "Awww, Hell, Ethel...." "Indeed, sir. The elevator is right this way..."
  11. Perhaps in this ambiguous 'socio-political climate' (whatever that is) calling a spade a spade would remove any uncertainty...
  12. Nonsense..try listening to Prime Minister's Question Time...then any political pundit show afterwards...
  13. OK! An oldie but goodie and in seasonal spirit (for those who have been living down a mine for the last thousand years) Why was Jesus not born in (name your most disliked town/region/football team)? They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.. OK, now that is over we can all go back to actual jokes...
  14. One thing puzzles me...when I watch reruns of 'The Flintstones' this time of year, they are celebrating Christmas... ?
  15. The recently proposed merger of IKEA and NIKE has been called off after consumer watchdog organisations objected to the format of the new instruction sheets. To save costs they would have delivered a standardized message, regardless of product: 'JUST DO IT!'
  16. I have it on reasonably good authority from a friend of mine who bears an uncanny resemblance to Tommy Lee Jones - or maybe Will Smith - no matter... ...that sometime in February there will be an inaugural cabinet meeting at Trump Tower...after which the engines will start and it will lift off, returning to its planet of origin...
  17. Down at the mission sat a dejected soul. Concerned for his well-being the kindly young lady volunteering that night thought she would try to cheer him up. Upon enquiring as to the cause of his sadness, he replied; 'I haven't had sex since 1955.' Aghast, the young lady took pity on the man, and, most unlike her, whispered details of her proposed assignation to him quietly and unobserved by the rest of the mission. The man, though appreciative, looked at her slightly taken aback. 'That's very kind of you, my dear, but I'm not as fit as I once was, you know. It's only 2100 hrs now...'
  18. ...but he knows where all the bad girls live...(and, strangely enough, all the bad boys...'and those of you yet to make up your mind...')
  19. How tall is Mike Pence, then...short-ish; 'Titch', perhaps...? Anybody remember 'Titch and Quackers..'?
  20. I understand that in some houses it did go from my hand to letterbox to dog to roses...automated recycling?
  21. Worked as a postie during my student years - my goodness I was fit and never a winter cold - nor any need for one of those fussy gym subscriptions... and junk mail or no junk mail we still carried a lot of rubbish!
  22. Ah, but did you give up sex too...??
  23. As I once commented to a friend; "You have this election fiasco, we have babies...we're sorted for almost the next hundred years"
  24. I am just waiting for 'Mr Punch' to address some contentious issue with that oh-so-transparent, 'earnest' expression of his by uttering the words "That's the way to do it"...
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