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Everything posted by 10800

  1. Are you meant to be able to alter the tender coupling to the shorter distance? On first sight you can only detach it by unscrewing it from the loco, or can you detach the plastic pin on the tender to use the closer part of the 8-shaped hole? (probably makes more sense if you are looking at one).
  2. Going back to headcode options for subscribers Dave, I'm not sure if it's too late but 8- (or -8 ) and 16 would be handy
  3. For a secondary line, would the OHLE currently found around Bedarieux be the same as it was in the 60s? (I've seen some pics of Midi catenary on main lines, see what you mean!).
  4. I think I'm going to bend history quite a bit just to make a 'suggestion' of the area. I'll probably electrify the line west of Bedarieux in the process ...
  5. OK found that - quite cute, but would that be a local Herault loco as the coach is marked, rather than Midi, or did they all just buy locos off the peg?
  6. Thanks both, that's all very useful (oddly enough I'm also a geologist ...). The 63000s are nice, any chance of a 67000/67500? How about diesel railcars? What might the last steam locos on the line have been (I can be quite flexible!). We drove past Salagou last week on the way back from having a visit to the Millau viaduct, strange terrain, but I didn't know about the coal and bauxite background let alone uranium at Lodeve, somewhere else we drove through after coming up from Bedarieux via Lunas. It's a shame there is no equivalent of a Mitchell & Smith series of line histories!
  7. Having just been back to the same place on holiday (Mons La Trivalle), I fancy a little HO layout based on this line. Now I know very little about French railways, but something involving a steam locomotive, a diesel railcar and maybe a diesel loco with associated stock would be nice. So that would have to be 1960s? What options for locos and stock would I have? I've hummed and haaad about the Trains Oublies book but 90 euros for what I think is just 10 pages on this route seems a bit steep. I have however ordered '50 ans de voyages en France' for some general pics (which may or may not include anything directly relevant). Any info or pointers gratefully received.
  8. Ridiculous comment. I had no idea about a 3D printed King at Warley and was just offering an answer to the question in this topic. More sniping at Hornby, FFS ...
  9. Hard to tell, I would bet on a kit though. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/95067-model-rail-scotland/page-3&do=findComment&comment=1789087
  10. Thanks again Jeff. I'm just trying to decide which model to go for that I can justify (under Rule 1) running on the Brighton main line c1960 having been slightly modified for 3rd rail running! The postwar LT livery might be more plausible but the preserved Sarah Siddons is so attractive with the additional lining ...
  11. So the differences between the preserved Met and LT liveries are minimal then? Just number font and London Transport instead of Met emblem?
  12. Can anyone advise on the differences between the LT preserved livery on Sarah Siddons and the 'in service' LT livery on Sherlock Holmes (and presumably as carried by SS up to 1962)?
  13. Thanks to some Ebay sales my wallet has finally decided it can order one (plain green E5004)
  14. Am I correct in thinking that the lined London Transport livery previously carried by SS is what the 'preserved' model #9004 will be, and that #9003 would be the simpler unlined LT service livery? And the Metropolitan liveries on #9000 and #9001 are similar to what SS is currently carrying? What livery did SS carry when first preserved and enabled for 3rd rail operation, and when was this? TIA
  15. No publication date in the book but ISBN is 0 946184 08 9
  16. Probably already mentioned earlier, but Judith Edge do an etched pan for the 71 (and the 70, whenya gonna do those Dave?).
  17. There's quite a story about tender swapping on the S15s, starting when the Lord Nelsons were introduced. I'll see if I can post chapter and verse later (not from the Irwell book although that presumably has it). From Salisbury and Exmouth Junction they needed the 8-wheel bogie tenders (Urie and Maunsell flat-sided types) for the long distance freight work, and the Arthurs on the Eastern section got the 6-wheelers. Possibly the S15s got the 6-wheelers late in life when all the survivors migrated to Feltham (working from memory here). I like the quirkiness of the modern looking Maunsell locos with the older Urie tenders.
  18. 10800

    Hornby 2 BIL

    Indeed, even as a motorised chassis that's good value.
  19. It's been a long time since there were any updates to the viaduct project (and no I haven't done any more to that footbridge). This has been due to a variety of non-modelling issues for both John and myself. Anyway, we're back looking to rebuild some momentum. This weekend we have made significant progress in conceptual planning of the final presentation format (of which more in due course). The main thing was to decide how high to have the track, bearing in mind that it will be different (higher) for the viaduct on its own compared with when it's exhibited with other modules. This has been done, and the track level will be at 1.40 m off the floor for the viaduct solo, and 1.15 m otherwise. The next thing was to determine depth of scenery at the back to the backscene, and the height of the backscene, taking into account likely viewing distances and eyelines. With some experimentation we were able to reduce the depth of board behind the layout without seeming to compromise the illusion. This is the real view through the viaduct: And these are the preliminary test images from today's experiments: Don't worry about the missing balustrades and pavilions - these were never permanently attached and have been removed pending final detailing and fettling. The backscene image is based on photos from the actual location. Obviously the final versions will be in (muted) colour with some 'real' vegetation in front. We'll decide on the actual sizes later on when we are nearer completion.
  20. I've only just seen this. Very sad news. RIP Dave, you were an inspiration in more ways than one. Condolences to Julie and all his family and friends.
  21. (10800 awakens from RMWeb slumber - other things going on in my life at the moment). Brilliant news Dave, I had a feeling that someone would produce this fairly soon, pleased it's yourself. I hope (believe) it will be a great success. Ian, yes Balcombe was the trial site together with Lovers Walk in Brighton. We don't think it was ever used for revenue purposes, although of course it will be on our model! Oddly it was the Eastern section that went for the OH yards, the Central addressed the issue by just having 3rd rail in the reception roads.
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