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Everything posted by 10800

  1. Colin, this cab-front detail is getting so good you are surpassing Geoff Kent IMO in your working with plastic card.
  2. And don't forget photographers - O Winston Link and Colin Gifford for starters!
  3. Pissarro and Monet could colour in quite well. http://www.artandarchitecture.org.uk/fourpaintings/pissarro/art/railways_art.html
  4. Tom Purvis - publicity poster designer for the LNER. http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?W=4&F=0001&Step=1&screenwidth=1349
  5. I was reading an erudite summary of the climate change 'debate' on the way home this evening, and there are many parallels - on both sides of the argument objectivity and real world data have been usurped by dogma, politics and spin. And worst of all, the dreaded 'report summary' which is often nothing of the kind but is what the media rely on for their 'research'.
  6. Never mind the width though, feel the quality Colin. Not just the models but all the research material gleaned in the process and shared on here.
  7. I haven't seen it yet, but the July issue of Southern Way (23) apparently has an item on the Brighton Atlantics.
  8. Could you get him to have a Mallard/Blacksmith 'K' built for him now Tim? See if that also works. (It looks lovely by the way).
  9. According to modernlocomotives.co.uk/issues it's still available as a back issue.
  10. It might help if you stated which issue you were looking for.
  11. Excellent news if not entirely a surprise, given:
  12. Not heard that one - they did have a pale green Lord Nelson to go with a train of plum/split milk coaches (as the LMR had a Patriot in the same livery) which looked horrible IMO.
  13. 10800

    Heljan Class 16

    Lloyd you're so impetuous ...
  14. Thanks Martin, interesting film though (so what did he think all that third rail was?). (OT - John - Balcombe tunnel, station and viaduct from about 2'30")
  15. Well he will have his work cut out for sure. Notwithstanding this, how is it that HS2 has completely lost control of the PR agenda on this, allowing the objectors' lobby to perpetuate the stories that were wrong in the first place, and leaving the media with little option but to run with it because of a lack of counter material from the proponents? OK I know the media will always go with the opposition because it sells more papers, but you know what I mean. I have no problem at all with informed debate and consultation, but that's not what we have had, or ever seem to get with major infrastructure developments which inevitably raise objections, some valid and reasonable and some not. [rant] Same with fracking (about which I don't have enough objective information to make a decision about which way I go) - no real distribution of hard facts leaving the antis to claim (and keep) the high ground for their own distorted agenda; as if oil wells haven't been drilled through groundwater aquifers for over a century (including in the UK). As for earthquakes I don't recall much hue and cry over the longer term creation of earth tremors due to subsidence in old coal workings. No doubt the minor earthquake off Blackpool a few days ago will be attributed to a delayed action effect of the curtailed fracking trials in Lancashire. Maybe it will turn out to be an uneconomic technology in the UK, but let's make that decision based on science and not prejudice (which means you have to explore and test first). [/rant].
  16. 10800

    Heljan Class 16

    Yes, I've reduced the cab height on the 15 a bit by that method, but there's still more to remove!
  17. 10800

    Heljan Class 16

    My D8400 ran very smoothly on the DRAG test track straight out of the box tonight, very impressive I thought. I took a P4'd Class 15 along for comparison.
  18. Possibly, some of it needs to be (technical that is) - but that's why they have a Non-Technical Summary. The NTS is as far as most people would get I expect.
  19. Thanks Robert, you learn something every day! I'd always thought it was spilt milk without really questioning it, probably because the phrase was in common use as in "don't cry over ...", and I'd never heard of split milk before. (Just checked a couple of books - Jenkinson refers to 'spilt' in Big Four in Colour, whilst Haresnape/Boocock cleverly go for 'off-white'; but spilt/split would be an editor's and proof-reader's nightmare).
  20. Depressingly few I imagine - you don't want to let objectivity get in the way of an opinion after all. Applies to both sides.
  21. And then there will be Lewes ...
  22. 10800

    Heljan Class 16

    Mine's just arrived and here are a few more shots of details since we've already had some general views (oh alright there's a general view too). A convincing representation on first glance, shame about the 'plain' cab interior but you can't have everything. I managed to cop all 10 of these from my bedroom window in SE London when they were on transfer freights to Hither Green so it's good to have one. This will be P4'd in due course for that 'Ouse Viaduct shot'. I'll give it a twirl on the DRAG test track on Monday night and hopefully return with some video.
  23. Thanks Howard, useful tip about the Society lever frame kit, of which I have one! I did buy a couple of the LU end ramps for experimenting with but yours seems a better solution.
  24. How have I missed this? Very nice work Howard. Are they the Scalefour side exit ramps as well? How did you get on with them?
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