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Andy C

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Status Updates posted by Andy C

  1. The great thing about having a blog is you dont get know it alls chiming in on it.

    1. Andy C

      Andy C

      tsk, armchair blog users!

  2. So the Mayan calendar predicts that the world is going to end next Friday. So for our last weekend on earth, Martin Stringer has organised a pre-apocalypse piss up at the Marble Arch on Saturday evening. Im looking forward to drinking quality ale on my way to oblivion!

    1. Revolution Mike

      Revolution Mike

      Have fun - one of my favourite pubs in Mcr (and handily en route to my brother's flat from Picadilly!)

    2. Leander
    3. Horsetan


      The morning after will feel like death anyway. :-D

  3. Just finished writing my New Hey article for MR. A large malt is well deserved.

    1. davefrk


      Try re-reading,,,

      you'll find loads of mistooks I'll bet.

  4. Dewsbury Midland on the BBC NW Inside Out programme at 7:30 tonight.

    1. Michael Delamar
    2. paul2001


      Looks good as always Andy

    3. RedgateModels


      ooh, lets see if it's on Yorkshire too ..

  5. Off to Wakefield show in a half hours time. Should be a tad more relaxing than Warley!

    1. eastwestdivide


      it's a bit parky up this way

  6. No Warley for me this year. Thats going to save me a fortune.

  7. Whats the project for tonight the - a lowfit last week, do I start on the 3F and the Standard 4 conversions (or even the Duchess lol)

  8. Fullers boozer on Vauxhall Bridge Road and a pint of ESB. Nuff said.

  9. .Need to get sorted out for tomorrow and the arrival of Mr Nevard to photo the train set. The main problem being how to occupy the hounds!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andy C

      Andy C

      Floyd and Jess will eventually do the same, they do get a bit over enthusiastic when we have visitors though!

    3. Swifty11


      Congratulations on getting into model rail, I'll be watching out for the article, may I ask what your layout is called so I can read the article

    4. Andy C
  10. Another lowfit built tonight

    1. davefrk


      What, just the one...

  11. Off shortly to play the Royton Rememberance day parade, 3 hymms, "Nimrod" and the march "British Legion". Then ou Remebrance Day concert this evening. Always a reflective day that brings back memories of my dad who served in North Africa and Italy.

    1. queensquare


      Hope the day goes well Andy. My dad was also in North Africa and Italy.

    2. ianwales


      Hi Andy, Who do you play for? Ian

    3. Andy C

      Andy C

      Boarshurst Silver. A good morning, our first cornet Billy Reynolds was playing the last post for the first time ever, and he nailed it beautifully.

  12. Off to a tenth birthday party shortly - Greenfield Brewery's 10th anniversary at our band club. 10 of their real ales to sample. Glad its notme to play the last post tomorow!

    1. coachmann


      Have a good night Andy...

  13. Going to be spending the evening converting an expensive 6 car DMU to EM

    1. Supaned


      Saw one earlier. Lovely model , but 'ow much!!?

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      dont forget the pics

  14. I dont like Mondays, especially when Ive miss set the alrm and got up a half hour early!

    1. davefrk


      That could be 30 mins of modelling time then....

    2. davefrk


      What is it about the Company that both you and my SWMBO work for, she doesn't like Mondays either. But then she doesn't like Tuesdays or Wednesdays and the rest of the week is pretty poor aswell.

    3. Andy C

      Andy C

      Now as it happens Dave I'm having a particularly fruitful day so its a good Monday! Still a pain missing that half hours kip though, may just fall asleep on the computer screens this afternoon.

  15. WMD to most people means a Weapon of Mass destruction. In this house its a Wet Muddy Dog. No difference really I suppose.

    1. Debs.
    2. Welly


      Nowt more friendly than a Wet Muddy Dog!

  16. I must be getting old - Im moderating myself !!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Don't think it'll be the drink...

    3. Horsetan


      Moderation's fine....in moderation.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      'Moderation is as Moderation does', as Kenneth Brannagh might say... ;-)

  17. A Duchess has been obtained at last. Looking forward to this EM conversion.

    1. davefrk


      Surely you'll need to convert it to P4 for the new layout Andy, I'll see if I can find a photo of one at North Ballahulish.... Eh, nop...

    2. Andy C

      Andy C

      The problem would be the axle weight load limit on the Bridge Dave. So to EM it goes for an occaisional thrash round New Hey and on Glaisden running the "special"

    3. davefrk


      Okay, and I might let you gently trundle it round Wharfeside in 2014, if it's finished then. The layout not the loco....

  18. New Hey set up at the Holmfirth show, looking forward to playing trains tomorrow.

    1. coachmann


      Bloomin' cold up there I'll bet..

    2. Michael Delamar
  19. And its off to Oslo tomorrow.

    1. davefrk


      Are you taking that overgrown trumpet of yours or SWMBO....

    2. Andy C

      Andy C

      Off to see the son and his wife so Tubby the Tuba is staying at home Dave.

    3. Horsetan


      Norway...nul points.

  20. Sat in the Centurion on Newcastle Central with a pint of Jarrow Rivet Catcher.

    1. dagrizz


      Ah, so the 'pint' of JRC might explain your penultimate post in the 'exhibitions' section.

    2. Andy C

      Andy C

      Funilly enough it was posted in the Centurion off my android


  21. Cream crackered! Glad I booked the day off.

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