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Chris Nevard

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Blog Comments posted by Chris Nevard

  1. Phew! Looks great and I'm glad it worked for you - it's hard work but well worth it and not everyone has success. I've been using matt emulsion to paint after doing the rail sides. I little washing up liquid helps it stick to slightly glossy surfaces.

    • Like 1
  2. Cheers!


    There is a 2ft 3" gauge line running along behind the platform halt, and around the same time a preservation group relaid a couple of hundred yards of track so they could run trains two or three times a year on it calling themselves 'The Moors Light Railway'. Sadly the move to road transport made it inconvenient fo the preservationists to be there, and they disbanded around 1970/71. It's not known what happend to their loco, rumour has it that it was turned into Austin Allegros (baby poo coloured ones).


    Here's a rare photo (of the engine, not baby poo)



    • Like 2
  3. Thanks :)


    This is what the eye sees, hence the clouds having a slightly odd angle, because they really are on the backscene (homegrown photographic one) and we're viewing it from an angle here. The only cheat, apart from a puff of smoke is that the layout room could just be seen above the faintish cloud top right where the backscen ran out (it's a foot high), so a little 'blue' was painted in over.

  4. This has all the makings as something great and one to watch... proper thought out backscene - hurrah!

    I've no idea how big this mock-up is, but you could sell it as a ready to lay track T or Z gauge layout once you've built the pukka 0 gauge layout (I'm not being serious, but....)

    • Like 2
  5. Thanks chaps - the lederly chap in the photo was/is quite a character I recall, though it must be a good 25 years since I last saw him. He was a retired British Transport Police officer and had many great tales to tell us lads of jellified bodies being pulled out of the mud in the docks and their arms pulling off!


    Does anyone know anything about Victoria South? It's the one info wise which is still eluding on that front. It's got that comforting Frank Dyer kind of feel with handlaid track and much brick paper:





    <edited for typos>

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