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Everything posted by shortliner

  1. A.K.A. "The Flat Surface Filing System" - fine until SWMBO decides to move them in order to dust - no amount of complaining about such activities has any effect!
  2. As I returned northwards from Inverness yesterday am, I was passed by one of the old Porsche (sp?) sports cars heading south on the A9 - what a lovely sight!
  3. I followed an Audi SUV this morning through Inverness, and "she" indicated correctly at every turning - I know it was a "she" because I pulled up along-side her at a traffic light where I was turning right.
  4. At one point I owned a very short Metro 2 door - having been hit from behind by a Range Rover - the rear wheels were hard against the doors, preventing them from opening, and the back of the car was up against the front seats - I got out (unscathed !!!) through the passenger door window! - That was the point when stopped buying BLMC cars!
  5. I suspect that cutting out the pit, and inverting the girders, would improve it beyond all recognition
  6. Thanks for that, Gene. Part of the problem is that it will be a single tree - (there really isn't room for more), and it needs to be demountable along with the back-board. I think I have found a suitable candidate from the Model Tree Shop here in Scotland , and am awaiting its arrival. Not got to Inverness so far so still need some paint and bits - hopefully early this week.
  7. Ray - I strongly suspect that the sky is going to be a DIY paint job with torn sponge applicators - stormy skies are difficult to find. Gene, Great idea but what sort of trees - the problem is it needs to be reasonably, but not excessively, bushy, but tall enough that the lower branches will be high enough to clear the rolling stock, and being across the pond, I don't know what grows where, except in desert regions!
  8. I know I said I'd post some updated piccys, but I have just decided to do an updated/different warehouse. building for the back-scene Regretably this will need to wait till I get into Inverness for some paint and bits - I'd like to do a stormy sky too, so this is going to take rather longer than I thought. I'd like this one to move out of Florida, so if anyone has suggestions and ideas/suggestions for suitable trees, at building ends to replace the palms (please, NOT bottle-brush Pines!) I'd appreciate it. I have a rather nice CF7 lettered for Transrail in "grey ghost" and a Geep 35 in "Arizona and California" that might work well
  9. See what I can do, but no promises - and it won't be today or tomorrow when the guys come to trim my hedges and bushes - an annual event, as it is becoming beyond me as I get older. Also they take away all the brash !
  10. Thanks, Wendell - This layout still exists - though I have to admit it hasn't been out of its box in a while! - maybe need to get it out and give it a run!
  11. I have heard it said that most fishermen (the trawler and inshore, etc variety) haven't learned to swim, preferring to drown quickly, rather than thrash about in the sea hoping for rescue. In the North Sea in winter, survival times for pilots, after ejecting, and not getting into a dinghy, are quoted as about 4 minutes!
  12. The world of Building Modelling has just lost its premier exponenent to that filthy disease - very sad indeed. Sincere condolences to Allan's family. RIP Allan
  13. I thought it was time for some wallowing and a suitable avatar popped up - It is possible that US switchy-things may follow, if I keep trying!
  14. That looks like the sort of "pocket- rocket" that would very rapidly put points on my licence!
  15. TBH Mal, we had some fun for a start off as the Computer was playing up (don't they always?) and then they had to get the car back from one of the staff, who'd had a puncture in his own car the night before. We took it for a run, and never even looked at anything else - it fulfilled our requirements exactly - came back and said "Thank you very much". I didn't even have to leave a deposit, as a previous customer - I've heard of people doing a handshake deal, but this is my first ever! Classic firm to do business with.
  16. Yesterday was absolutely GORGEOUS in the far flung north with blue skies and multiple vapour trails . Two aircraft drew a ST Andrews cross in the sky against the blue background. We decided we should think about changing the car, as it will shortly use up its 7 year warranty and had more or less decided that we would get the base model to replace it - However the very, very nice man suggested that we might just like to look at an ex-demonstrator, which is basically a 5 door version of our current 3 door (which isn't made any more) with just over 1000 miles on it It will be 11 months old when we get it - 1 September - and will be less than the base model we were thinking of - Instead of a creamy white car we shall have a black one - the only disadvantage is having to wait 5 weeks till we can have it! This afternoon I visited the dentist for a quick polish and whilst there read a Magazine review which showed that it came out best against a Suziki and A Vauxhall Guess who is a happy bunny?
  17. Nice to hear from the manufacturers - who us guys on this side of the pond don't get to meet - apart from Jason Shron of course
  18. Hey Old Horse - Look on the Googly-thingy for Home-made Swamp Coolers - basically a fan blowing air through a dish cloth/tea towel with the cloths bottom in a basin of cold water _ DIY air conditioning!
  19. For those in UK looking to buy American locos and rolling stock, Chris Gilbert has a site on Facebook especially for this purpose https://www.facebook.com/groups/165859160933905/ which might make your life a little easier
  20. It's been a while coming - but it is here If any of you are interested in more photos and videos of the happenings from BAPM 2018 - The 15th Annual SF Bay Area Prototype Modelers Meet, we've compiled links to the photo albums, press coverage and YouTube videos here on the BAPM website: http://www.bayareaprototypemodelers.org/photos We are even featured this month on the website for Railroad Model Craftsman Magazine this month too! We hope that these images and videos will inspire you to get some modeling done, and to come out to BAPM 2019! Mark your calendars NOW for BAPM 2019 - Saturday June 15, 2019! Sincere Thanks again to all of our attendees, exhibitors and sponsors for helping to make BAPM possible!
  21. If the queue is on a fast road where traffic would not be expected to be at a stand-still, I put my hazard flashers on too if I'm the last car in the queue!
  22. Yes , but many users are too cheap to buy and fit it, and anyway you can't text on it, which is how most of the female population seem to work them - remember "That's what your thumbs are for!"
  23. I thought the ANPR ones are on fixed sites, rather than mobile - but that does make sense
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