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Everything posted by shortliner

  1. Probably not, but it looks like something for holding a glass chimney/shade on top of a paraffin lamp when it is lit and being moved. - I shall now retire!
  2. One for Ian Able to remind him of home https://www.facebook.com/CBSMinnesota/videos/10154157796558825/?video_source=pages_finch_main_video
  3. Maybe we should take a leaf out of role-playing enthusiasts books.....and display this at Model Rail Exhibitions
  4. Martin, only just seen this - had a small idea - can you send me the XTrkCad plan and I'll add my suggestion - Jack( Chacmool at lineone dot net )
  5. I've had the pleasure of visiting them several times in the past -That one on the Northbound side has to be one of the very best "Little Chef " establishments in GB - they aught to be better known - Highly Recommended!
  6. No idea of the value, but you may be better on Ebay or a "specialist" auction - Ebay will certainly get you a much bigger audience.
  7. May well be a small scale manufacturer with another job as his main income, who casts to order (as many are!) - I'd give him a few days
  8. Sorry - been chuckling since I saw it ........... This is SO non-PC!
  9. This may have already been posted - but just in case it hasn't http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Volkswagen-Beetle-Classic-/141928276209?hash=item
  10. Yes - and I initially added a comment to the picture to that effect - then removed it as I didn't want to get moderated for a polly ticking comment! - The world is, without doubt, going MAD! BUTT I'll leave you with another, that you can't "un-see"!
  11. Pete - Google says http://forum.quoteland.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&f=099191541&m=5901986433&r=8911907433
  12. Ian - one for Gemma! and congrats to them! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-35816887
  13. Secret Service reverse escape training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0l9fXB99z4
  14. A guide to hunting "The Monster" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-35820105
  15. I'm sorry - Someone ,and I dis-remember who, posted recently that they had taken on a new (to them) cat from a home - and it suffers from an internal gas-production problem - Saw this today and can't resist putting it on here in sympathy!
  16. Beer bottle boys If you (or if you don't)) like beer, you'll like this. (Needs Volume!) https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NkbZlautuUc?rel=0
  17. A heartwarming Scottish story A thoughtful Scottish husband was putting his coat and hat on to make his way down to the local pub. He turned to his wee wife before leaving and said, "Maggie, put your hat and coat on, lassie." She replied, "Awe Jock that's nice you are taking me tae the pub with you?" "Nay," Jock replied. "I'm turning the heat off while I'm out."
  18. I'm so glad you explained what the H in the circle was for - as an ex-Hairy Trafficker, I was wondering how you were going to drop an Air Ambulance Helicopter in under the tram wires, and onto the helipad!
  19. Had a thought to save you waiting Go to google maps street view and put in Lidl, Tulloch street, Dingwall. It is on the other side of the road from the entrance to their car-park - It looks as though the derrick has gone it used to be on the LHS of the yard as you face it. Lidl car park entrance is behind you. Hope it helps - a click will enlarge it slightly
  20. Dan - can't promise when, it really needs to be a nice sunny day - like today was! But hopefully next visit there will be fine and I can get them for you
  21. Dan - how about a monumental masons - gravestones etc - there is (or was - not sure if it is still there) a small one in Dingwall - Not rail-served but I can probably get photos. I know it had a stiff-leg derrick crane outside
  22. I notice that another disappearee is our Japanese sqiid and his squidlet - I trust all is well in the orient.
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