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Everything posted by mason

  1. The loco looks superb, very nice weathering and detail. Fantastic
  2. WOW i am so pleased to see it out and about still, thats fantastic
  3. After some advice, i need to match the point throw on the screen to the point direction on the layout, how do i do this on the screen on the ECoS 50210
  4. Looking superb mate The shot from one end to the other is outstsnding
  5. Looks superb mate some stunning scenery
  6. Looking superb mate Really does look awesone
  7. mason

    Masons lane

    Here is the short digital video from the Midrl Rail article https://download.wetransfer.com/eu2/6119283be6183b36e28de8e1a2b45fae20170725100533/Masons%20Lane.mp4?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.d3htWCRyxpHZ-Az8k0RI3Vdw1E2stIE7bkg8aIGlYgA
  8. mason

    Woodley Yard

    More details ring added Rusty transfer tubes, a signal gantry with a dummy signal and a few rusty tanks and containers All from the scrap box
  9. mason

    Masons lane

    Although the layout has gone to a new home it is still going strong Check out this months Model Rail Magazine for a great feature on the layout Really pleased with it
  10. mason

    Woodley Yard

    Buildings added today with some detailing This small shelf layout is coming together nicely
  11. mason

    Woodley Yard

    A few of the industrial buildings have started to look like I want them to now The z shaped building is scratchbuilt with foam board base and wills box profile material sheets The other two buildings are the peco modern buildings which with a little work don't look to bad at all
  12. mason

    Woodley Yard

    Not much action on the layout due to work layouts but hoping to get a few structures painted tomorrow and another cladded In other news though I have picked up this stunning loco that will run on the layout Looking forward to adding some sound into it once it arrives. Also on it's way is a very dirty 09012 I really should stop buying shunters
  13. Looking good mate I think the backscene is cool, it does look higher than the buildings but that could just be the view the pics are from But to be honest it looks bloody cool
  14. mason

    Woodley Yard

    Thanks Richard I am going to have a bit of a modelling night on the layout and get it up and running and a few structures started
  15. mason

    Woodley Yard

    Just a quick canvas note to see if anyone has one of these knocking about unused and wanting to part with Thanks in advance
  16. So Its been a while since i posted anything separate from The business of the little layout company. The business has grown like crazy and most of the layouts we build are either customer commissions or our advertising show layouts. So i thought its about time i built a small plank for messing about at home with and something independent to Little layouts with no deadline or exhibition date to work to. We built a few stock shelf layouts last year and had a 00 gauge one left over with a backscene and track laid and ballasted which would give me a great starter to work from. I wanted to go back to what i loved building and thats a small shunting plank that uses just a few locos and stock, dirt and grime and scratchbuilt units. I also got sparked by the upcoming CavAlex models http://www.cavalexmodels.com/index.html PGA and i wanted to do something to incorporate these superb wagons. The scenic board scetion is 4x1 and i have used 2 long and 1 curved point to give it some shape, i always like the look of layouts with a slight curve to them There will be a fiddle yard board eventually but this will depend on if i decide to show it at a later date. The layout will be DCC controlled and i am debating the use of dcc controlled motors via cobalts. at the moment i am going to have a small hopper wagon loading road and a small repair shed at the left side and i am undecided about the right side so i am open to suggestions, i have to say its very hard to resist a fuel point, anyone who knows me will know i cant resist a fuel point hahaha This will be a steady build as it will be done at home and i will be utilizing as many scrap parts and items that i have left in boxes or bags laying around the workshop. Here are a few pics of how the board looks currently. as always, comments and suggestions are always welcome
  17. Awesome to see the old layout out and about at shows again Looks in superb condition and I like the fuel point addition Hope to see it at a few shows over the next year
  18. mason

    Masons lane

    Ok so it's been a while since any posts Mainly due to lots of customer builds and a busy shop and lots of shows to attend and exhibit at. Following a very successful year for our exhibition layout Masons Lane we have decided to put his fantastic 'little layout' up for sale. Mason's Lane has exhibited at national shows such as Alexander Palace and Doncaster and is due to be featured in Model Rail Magazine. With just one more outing to go at Stamford Model Railway Show on 6th May - Masons Lane will then be ready to go to its new home. At 5x2 Mason's Lane is a DCC operated layout with point control via cobalt point motors. A Tam Valley shuttle system controls the upper section independently from the lower section. All buildings are scratch built and the layout has lighting in the yard and an LED strip in the pelmet. The layout sale will include the trestles, removable side panels and front folding panel. There are many more details so if you would like more information please drop us a message. There are many more photos in our photo album. Masons Lane is for sale for £1200 Ono Please pm me if you require more details or pop on our little layouts Facebook page
  19. mason

    Masons lane

    Here is a little video of Masons Lane from a customer in the shop who asked to film it while i operated it. Looks really good https://youtu.be/BVSucNkGK2c
  20. mason

    Masons lane

    Happy new year to all The layout is nearly complete and will make its debut at the Chiltern show on 14th/15th January A few little tweaks to sort but everything is looking good. Including a new addition Sound fitted 56 done to 56109 This has been done by our shop resident Weatherer and sound guru Paul Wright This is stunning and Iv wanted a large logo 56 for a while now
  21. mason

    Masons lane

    Thanks mate It's going to be ordered in Jan ready for its first show I got the green light from the boss
  22. mason

    Masons lane

    The next addition is something I can't wait to get https://youtu.be/0_vqdfNkwvo This will add another dimension to the layout and I hope will set it apart at shows. I would to hear people's thoughts on this
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