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Ian J.

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    : In the Park, living the Park Life

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  1. Linux. Grrrr.... :banghead:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Market65


      Oh dear. Well, I shall not upgrade from 18.3 for a while then. 

      I hope you can get those issues sorted out quickly.

    3. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Linux is a pig to sort things out on when it isn't out-of-the-box. So much CLI crap, and no clues as to how to get things done because pretty much all CLI development presumes knowledge of how to ask the system what its current state is. Also, the online community is so CLI centric it gives answers that are always CLI based (partly because all the development is done for CLI and GUI is always an afterthought). I'd pay good money for a GUI-centric distro of Linux with all functions having GUI equivalents, and proper commercial software support. Linux Mint is closest I've seen to date, but even it fails dismally in so many situations when it isn't basic usage, or something goes wrong.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      bloody Penguins


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