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Everything posted by cornelius

  1. Thanks for the positive comments, Simon! James, I could do nickel silver for you if that would help - however timing would depend on when I do something else for myself in n/s.
  2. The most common requests so far outside of what the service set out to do have been pre-painted plates and larger names suitable for 16mm:ft scale narrow gauge. Details of both of these options have now been added to the website. http://www.narrowplanet.co.uk/
  3. Thanks Craig, I suspected there would be someone else who could supply that kind of thing.
  4. The 48DS details mentioned by jukebox on his loco build thread are actually by Ian McCormac. http://ianmaccormacmodels.blogspot.com/ I would be happy to do individual Ruston motifs if you can't source them elsewhere.
  5. The focus is on things useful to narrow gauge modellers so headboards would be unlikely. The lower case nameplates were based on a request to do "Class 60 style" names for NG locos so I guess it depends what "modern image" looks like!
  6. Gill Sans is no problem, I would just need to know what size the plates should be. A photo reference of a real Britannia plate would help as well.
  7. So far I've been able to stick to the prices quoted above for 4mm and 7mm scale narrow gauge nameplates, and I expect a 7mm industrial would fit in to that as well. Let me know the height and type style you'd need and I'll confirm.
  8. is on a grime tip. Brap brap brap!

  9. Where was the yard in relation to the station? There are very few clues left as you speed through on a fast train. Has it always had the crazy narrow bit of platform under the bridge?
  10. The new chassis is part of a modified and reissued kit... they withdrew it for this reason. Interesting and sad to hear about the fate of Augher Valley... is there anything left worth taking pictures of?
  11. What a great idea - especially to use Selhurst as the fiddle yard as well. You had better go and capture some detail photos of the concourse structure before it all gets torn down though!
  12. A good choice of location and a great looking model. I hope I get a chance to see it for myself. Got a few quarry Hunslets on the workbench then?
  13. SAG is compulsory for people inside the M25.
  14. Very useful and informative, Kenton. I haven't got to tackling hornblock yet but I'm sure I will refer back to this when I do.
  15. We can agree on going to a nice pub near London Bridge this year.
  16. Last year we couldn't even agree on where to have the Christmas do. :icon_lol::icon_frustrated:
  17. ExpoNG is the familiar name for ???Expo Narrow Gauge??
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