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Dan Randall

RMweb Gold
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Blog Comments posted by Dan Randall

  1. Hi Martin


    I thought you'd been a bit quiet of late and hope your mojo returns at some point. Glad to hear you're hanging on to the 7mm stuff for now - perhaps a visit to the Bristol O Gauge Show on Sunday 28th January will do the trick?






  2. Hi Ian,


    It's always nice to see the results of my figures when painted, you've done a nice job on these.  Looking at the original scan it looks like the scan itself did not have a lot of facial detail.  For future figures I'm looking at rescanning the head and shoulders separately as this will allow for a much higher resolution face.  The scanner captures about 2 million triangles in the bounding box of the scan, so when you only scan the head and shoulders you are getting all 2 mill of triangular detail in that area.  Then it is a short edit job to marry the head & shoulder scan onto the full body scan.  That's the theory!  I'll see how it works out in practice with the next installment of figures.




    Hi Alan. Just wondering if it's practical to swap heads (or even hairstyles), around amongst your figures? This would add some more variety and perhaps avoid the same characters/poses populating everyone's locos or line sides, whilst you're working to expand the range of figures on offer.


    Nice paint job by the way Ian. It's reminded me that I have some 7mm prints of myself to have a crack at soon.






  3. Oh yes I noticed the red wire after posting. It's the wire that goes through to the cam sensor for regulating the chuffs on the lead driving axle. I think I just need tuck it inside a little better...


    I shall need to practice my weathering on some lesser models before I tackle this one, it's going to be heavy..!!





    Hi Jon


    Any chance of some piccies of the cam sensor please? I have a sound chip knocking around and may well stick it inside the "Castle". cool.gif


    Nice photos, by the way. icon_thumbsup2.gif






  4. Hi Rob. If it's the Ian Kirk Siphon G, you didn't get the wrong one - it's the only planking variant he does!


    I was going to buy one myself at Telford last year and like you, I wanted an inside frame Siphon with vertical planks - I came away empty handed.


    If you've managed to convert yours to a vertically planked example, I salute you!






  5. Excellent work, Dan, and very motivational. I think your prolific and detailed work benefits from the blog format.



    Thanks for your kind words. I'm a bit new to this blog thingy and I'm also a bit of a computer muppet - I've recently discovered my blog entries are actually far too long, which is why the Western one just kind of fizzles out where it does! I've only brought about 50% of it over from the old forum so far....


    I now have to go through it all again and break it into smaller chunks and will have to do the same with any other posts too. It might take a while, as I really have to be in the mood to go through all that again, but do pop back from time to time and see how I'm doing!






  6. It's now apparent why finished AGH wheels command such a high price! There's a lot of work goes into them (especially when you consider the original pattern making too), but don't they look nice! cool.gif



    I hope to be able to flash out on a set of these one day, but to keep costs to a sensible level, it will probably be a simple 0-4-2 or 0-6-0 tank loco. smile.gif






  7. Hi Dave and Dan,


    thanks for the comments, it's the fireman's trousers that you can see, I'll have to dust him down a bit more (when he has sorted the coal out, when it arrives).


    I started construction on the Thursday before Guildex - 3rd September, but have not worked on it every day.








    Thanks Mike icon_thumbsup2.gif Considering you've not worked on it every day, that's a pretty good rate of progress and, I would suggest, gives a good indication as to the quality of the kit. smile.gif



    So, as it's nearly there, what's scheduled to land on the workbench next? biggrin.gif






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