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Everything posted by Oldfield_Park

  1. Hornby have always called it Maroon, but every photo so far seems to suggest Crimson. The Hattons pics suggest likewise by my eye. Will have to take a look at one in the flesh.
  2. Thats my proposed set for my early 50s interpretation of the Saltburn-Whitby line. Just need to grab hold of an L1 to run them beind... I'd best scrape some funds together before Warley...
  3. hates Pulsacoil boilers with a passion.

  4. PRIV card through at last. Happy days.

    1. Mickey


      priv is a con ;)


  5. I will not buy this tobacconists, it is scratched.

    1. Raffles


      [Pedant] I veel not buy zees record, eet is scratched [/Pedant]

    2. keefer


      my hovercraft is full of eels!


    3. JaymzHatstand


      Would you like to come back to my place, bouncy bouncy!

  6. "Whoops. You appear to have attempted something impossible. Please re-install your common sense and try again."

  7. Trained up on TOPS today.

  8. I happened to stumble across this flickr page a couple of days ago, which shows a couple of Gresley Suburbans on a Fraserburgh-St Combs service in the mid '50s. Thought it may be of interest to many Scots region followers. The below link is to one of the clearer photos, though it's worth looking at some of the others on that page. http://www.flickr.com/photos/38727358@N04/3558488235/in/photostream
  9. The bravest animals in the land were Captain Beaky and his band...

    1. Ramblin Rich

      Ramblin Rich

      ...Timid Toad and Reckless Rat, Artful Owl and Batty Bat. They march through he country, singing songs, that tell how they have righted wrongs!

    2. Ramblin Rich

      Ramblin Rich

      Oh dear, now what have you done....

    3. Oldfield_Park


      It's been stuck in my head the last three days, I felt it fair to share the burden!

  10. The OP considers everyone born in the "1930's 1940's, 50's, 60's and early 70's". I think that probably covers the guilty generation somewhere along the line. If you ask me, the sooner folks stop being 'mamsy-pamsies', the better for everyone concerned. All we need now is for the country to pull its finger out and realise that raising kids who know their 'rights' (something my better half - a teacher - hears far too much about) over everything else isn't really the way to go about things...
  11. Excellent. Many thanks. At least that will both save me a few quid to form my entire rake as teaks, as well as the time spent trying to remove the markings without the risk of also removing the fine printing. A few Crimsons and one teak should do me nicely.
  12. These really do look the part. I'll definately be picking up a couple of these for my NE layout. I could do with knowing though, which livery would be best for 1953 or thereabouts? From photographs I've seen it would appear that they were a bit slow in repainting the coaches on minor lines. Would it therefore be best to buy a few teaks and try and remove the LNER markings or could I get away with a couple of Crimsons?
  13. I find it slightly ironic that half the things discussed with such nostalgia in this thread have now all but disappeared thanks to the health and safety legislation/compensation culture created by the same generation that remembers it so well. The other half, if they occurred today, would probably be met with incredulous headlines about 'Broken Britain'. As for being safer for kids? The Wests, Brady and Hindley provide notable exceptions which, thankfully, haven't been repeated in many years. Just playing devils advocate here.
  14. Two great films, two different channels. Shall it be 'Edward Scissorhands' or the the original 'Brighton Rock'?

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Firefox on channel 5 a seminal classic with mr eastwood


    2. coachmann


      Recording 'Brighton Rock'.

  15. Wendy Hurrell, previously of the weather forecast on Anglia News, was always worth a look. Continuing with the earthy theme, BBC's 'Coast' offers up Miranda Krestovnikoff and Alice Roberts (my own personal favourite despite her being best part of 15 years my senior). They always made the programme worth watching for reasons other than my own geographical interests.
  16. was surprised to see a faded Blue Class 26 by the line at Burton today. Can't believe in all the times I've travelled that line lately that I'd not noticed it!

    1. alibuchan


      it only moved there in the last few weeks

  17. To those who haven't managed to get into Uni this year, I would suggest taking this as an opportunity to sit down and give some serious thought as to whether or not it's what you really want to do. I know that the mass media in all it's ghastly forms will try and press upon you the merits of a University education but in many cases it's not all it's cracked up to be - take it from someone who knows! I would strongly recommend considering the following points: - How flexible am I prepared to be regarding a subject to study? - If you had your sights on doing a Law degree and the only offer you're made through clearing is Biology (which, if you're anything like me, you despised doing at A-Level), then don't simply accept on the basis that it means you'll go to University. I know plenty of people who went on courses that weren't for them - they either dropped out quickly or had a jolly miserable three years. - Can I/Am I prepared to pay for it? - Studying isn't cheap, especially these days. My degree set me back best part of £20k, which gathered interest for two years before I was able to find myself in a position whereby I could start paying it off. Unless I hit the big time, I'll be saddled with this until I'm well into middle age. Also, remember that the loans you recieve to pay your tuition fees/basic living costs are only a percentage of the total cost. My maintainence loan, which amounted to a little over £1000 per term, barely covered the rent on my digs. Money for food, clothes, travel, books and the ever present utility bills will have to be found from somewhere, not to mention a few quid so that you can actually live the life of a student as opposed to a monk... Remember that £20k would go a very long way towards putting a deposit down on your own house. - What could I be doing instead? - Do you already have a job? Where could you be in three years if you stuck at it? If, in all probability, you'll still be stacking the same shelves/mopping out the same toilets as you are at present then it's probably no great wrench to leave. If, however, you stand a chance of having a promotion or two, with the corresponding pay rise, then give some thought as to wether or not it might actually be worth staying on. Who knows, in five years you could be the manager who takes on one of your old (graduate) schoolfriends to stack the shelves... And finally... - What will I do with my degree? - Try to keep in mind that there aren't as many jobs that require a degree as you'd think. Of course a Teacher/Doctor/Lawyer or similar will need one, as will any graduate recruitment schemes (obviously), but the majority of jobs should be open to anybody posessing a few GCSEs or A-levels with a bit of enthusiasm and background knowledge. Investigate your chosen career path (if you have one) and ask yourself how it would benefit if you had a degree. It may also be worth looking at the probability of there actually being a job available for you when you graduate. I gleefully waltzed off to University a few years ago where I specialised in the planning and design of flood defences. I graduated and discovered to my dismay that there were far more people with a similar specialism than there ever would be jobs. My degree then proved to be something of a barrier to employment, as it was quite difficult to justify my reasons for wanting to work behind a bar when I was qualified to the extent that I am - "I need the money and can't get work anywhere else" isn't a valid reason! So thats my advice. It may seem that I'm desperately trying to push people away from further study, but this is far from the case. All the above seeks to do is to help ensure that the uncertain 18 year old is fully aware of the task they're taking on. It's advice that I'd have liked to have recieved when I was considering my options back in 2004, as opposed to being nudged into it so as to help satisfy a certain Tony Blair's infamous 50% target. I must say though, I really enjoyed the experience of University, and it taught me a lot about life, the universe and everything. I also met my present girlfriend of some years, and lived in an area that supplied me with my username on here, so those three years weren't entirely fruitless! The debt still hurts though...
  18. The news pretty much drove me crazy with some of the 'right on' apologists they were giving airtime to last night, including some bloke from a group that calls itself 'Right To Riot'. Bet he wouldn't be so sure of his ideals if they were smashing in his house. Smug little ****. Other than that, all I can say is that I'm glad we moved away from Birmingham when we did, although I'm a little apprehensive about going back there for my meeting today. I've heard stories from friends in London about seeing gangs of masked youths tearing past their house, must be terrifying. The Police need to go in hard with this lot, and make sure the innocent citizens are safe. All the best, folks.
  19. It's not a photo that was taken in Liverpool, but there is an image towards the bottom of the page in the link below of a GSYP example on a Workington-Liverpool Exchange working in 1963... http://www.davidheyscollection.com/page9.htm
  20. Does it feel like your lifes become a catastrophe? Oh, it has to be, for you to grow, boy.

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Listening to Suppertramp while using supper glue?

    2. Oldfield_Park


      Something like that!

  21. smells of Birmingham...

  22. For the next hour, it's 1967...

    1. Oldfield_Park


      There was definately no shortage of Hammond I can tell you. I really should have been born a few decades earlier!

  23. I'm seldom too sympathetic towards those who take drugs/drink themselves away etc, even at University just a few years ago I saw more than one brilliant mind drift away in the smoke from an exotic rollup. I consider it a criminal waste. However, I can't deny that she was a highly talented person, whose music was head and shoulders above the nonsense that pollutes much of the charts these days. We can't begin to understand what her life may have been like, we've not lived it. Like all the other singers that have gone before her in similar circumstances, we should remember them for their music, not for what became of them.
  24. is not best impressed with First TPE. Look out, Customer Relations...

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