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Everything posted by JohnDMJ

  1. As I post, I am given a fine example of a good old pun:
  2. Good Evening from a now sunny part of the south coast. Must try some Rainex on the car screen to try and repel the tree sap which I have to wash off every morning. Since my last visit: I trust you refer to this amusing (clean) album filler (remember vinyl?): UK and america: two countries separated by a common language! Although I have heard it said that the separation stared with the Mayflower and that in said ship's destination country, the language has been less diluted by external influences than that of its country of origin. Hey Ho; off to translate, as necessary, a couple of articles into UK English before supper then maybe look at a bit of SQL before bed! BTW; iD: good to hear about your results; with hindsight, could you not have undertaken the stress test in the dentist's chair; dental work is enough to stress anyone!
  3. On the above, ISTR a regular appearance in the Rag Mags of the late 70s, early 80s relating to some students not looking out of the window in the morning. For my part, I had little time to look out of the window for most of the day being (theoretically) engaged on a course involving at least 30 hours of lectures with the expectation of doubling that in your own time! Relaxation came in the form of practicals in Dynamics, Tribology and Fluid Dynamics.
  4. Whilst I note your comments about the tenants, how can returning the property to its rightful owner be seen as fly tipping? If kiddy's football landed in your garden, I'm sure you'd return it? Is the principle not the same in both cases?
  5. An interesting scenario! IIRC, as the trees are on the aforementioned Mr t's property, they are his and any trimmings made by external well-doers should be returned to said person, i.e. dumped unceremoniously in his garden! The last thing you want in this situation is to be accused of stealing his hedge! Check with your council tree man
  6. Good morning! Shopping shopped; part of front garden strimmed; summonsing energy to tackle the other three quarters! Interesting that @leopardml2341 and @BSW01 stroll in under the radar but @chrisf is mentioned in despatches!
  7. Good Afternoon, Toasted bacon buttie duly disposed of; today's shopping shopped; meat acquired, including, for test, a pork and buffalo burger from the local butchers (a traditional family business making their own products on site)! At some point over the long weekend (the bank holiday is on the date it represents, which does not seem to happen too often!), the instructions for something known as a strimmer will be sought and read before attempting deforestation of, initially, the front area manifesting as a garden, followed, possibly, by the larger back area of similar ilk. See how the front bit goes first and maybe consider a 5L can of RoundUp for the back!
  8. Good Evening all, and glad to be away from a very 'heated' thread which has reached some 18 pages in about 24 hours! Had mine on Saturday, fine Sunday, lethargic and feeling flu-like Monday and Tuesday with sore shoulder until today. Paracetamol and Chlorphenamine taken sparingly for relief! Hopefully the brain cell will function better tomorrow!
  9. Be careful next time you're near New Scotland Yard! No goats' milk in sight, surely you mean yogurt? Surely, the only replacement for a Kenwood is a ... Kenwood? I once applied for a job with them and had an interview with a tour of the factory. Their test facility was very interesting! To test their mincing* (grinding, I believe, for some of our overseas brethren) machines, they used a wooden broom handle to replace the raw meat. Their test facility was such that, if they needed to run a test overnight, the lab was pre-halon-purged! An advanced facility for somewhere not too far from the birthplace of Scalextric! In today's ""enlightened"" times, never will the innuendo of "mincing some prime beef with gay abandon" ever be the same! Where's a decent Double Entendre when you need one?
  10. Hope CV29 is set even rather than odd!
  11. Good Evening as the after-effects of the second dose take residence. Like? My reaction kicked in two days after the event. Today is day 3!
  12. The UK is one of the six who fund the contest; that's why they just go straight in to the final. Be interesting to see how the voting goes this year!
  13. Akin to the German Purity Law; yeast, hops, barley, water.
  14. Good Afternoon, if I can call it thus! 13:23 train to Bognor Regis for my second Jab at (nominally) 13:50. Fine. Back at Bognor station and seated in the 14:17 back home to be told: "This train has been cancelled due to an incident" (one under, it transpires) We were told that replacement buses had been arranged. Bognor Regis station does not improve over the two hours spent inspecting it! No sign of a bus. Many staff being taxied here there and everywhere but not the passengers. The driver of the 14:17 stuck to his duty and, having recognised me from other locations, was very helpful and informative. A train arrived and, after much negotiation between platform staff and control, the 16:17 departed on time (using the 14:17's stock!!) One now OBS (On Board Supervisor) (used to be platform staff at my local station, so on first-name terms) who was caught up in this at Bognor was taxied to my destination; when I arrived and exited the station, there he was, greeting me with "You made it then!" and telling me that the taxi had passed the scene with all its attendant vehicles. As I exited the station, there were the replacement buses; why was at least one sent to Bognor? (rhetorical!) Of note, the bus to Bognor was double decked; the only route it could sensibly take to Bognor was past the incident! In short, what should have been accomplished in about 1.5 hours has consumed the afternoon! Hey Ho! Reference names and languages: May I cite a certain city in Belgium, Liège, Lüttich, Luik, Lidje. The English call this by its local French name of 'Liège', however, strictly, we should call it 'Cork'!
  15. Good Morning, Second jab due later but must do a fodder run in a differing direction first. Thus, two train trips in opposite directions. Pronunctipashun of foreign names never ceases to amuse me, even from my colleagues! (And I know that they do it just to wind me up - water off a duck's back as they've done it too often!) I offer Viessmann (vice man), Märklin (Mark Lin), Fleischmann (fleeesh man), Noch (Nock or even Notch), Faller (fall er), Preiser (pressier) und so weiter, und so weiter. (Wiking and Seuthe are for open discussion!) There is a noticeable pair of exceptions: Piko vs Peco; although Piko should be Peeko, we stick with P-eye-ko to distinguish it from our Devonian colleagues, the PPP Company (Pritchard Patent Product Co. Ltd.), i.e. Peeco (alias P Co.) (although some still insist on referring to them as Pekko!) Fortunately, most recognise München in Bavaria and translate it to Munich rather than Munching!
  16. Belated Good Evening! Today has been today and industry-related politics have been processed! Posts to this thread seem to becoming more proliferous. At 25 posts per page, it seems today that from 06:00 (BST) until 19:00 (BST) some 2 or 3 pages require review! On that basis: Perhaps, ChrisF or I may be able to help with this? If Paris can not be avoided, take RER D Gare du Nord (Platform 44 IIRC?) - Gare de Lyon (stopping at Chatelet) Have witnessed this many times; youth giving up their seats for elders or otherwise! Respectfully, each to their own!
  17. Having recently been discharged from an enforced hospital stay for observation following a routine, planned procedure, I have nothing but praise for the dozen or so Nurses and Health Care Assistants who looked after me, as well as the medical and catering teams. It is more the local surgery level that is problematic and getting worse here as more and more housing is replacing the glasshouses in which were once grown your local UK tomatoes!
  18. Errant WiFi hub investigated. Norwegian Blue found. Dinner Time!
  19. Good evening all from what seems to be an area of increasingly blustery wind with the potential for more than just a little light drizzle (no, @polybear, not of lemon!) Only one comment from above posts: Didn't it used to be just the letter 'K'? That's what my Marblehead yacht carries, although it has not been in the water for some years! Dilemma: which to do first; eat or look at an errant Z21 WiFi Hub?
  20. I never tip! I recall a conference at a holiday camp back in the late 80s; back then, it was usual for each guest to be assigned a table and a waiter/waitress for meals. Our conference structure was much too much relaxed on this than the staff were used to and when one of the waiting staff asked a delegate for a tip, it is reported that she was told "I'll give you a tip: smile!". Do I detect the strong aroma of excrement de bull?
  21. That was the App to which I referred!
  22. Good evening and just back from another night as guest of the NHS! (Kept in 'for observation' following a routine procedure which ended 'spectacularly' in a non-procedure based reaction!) ECHO and 24 Hr Tape to follow up. Checkpoint Charlene seems to be a hotly-doscussed topic and having recently given up after progressing from 12th in the queue to 6th in nearly the time of the free call is fully used, I gave up (more than once!). My last repeat prescription was on paper as the App no longer connects; I added a note to this effect and received 4 emails: login name 1; password 1; login name 2; password 2. None of these work with the App so now I need to ensure that the App I used to use is still valid. What Joy. However, as the procedure for which I presented yesterday (and was discharged today!) was requested by one of the GPs who usually follows up on hearing the results, I shall have an excuse to be in the 'inner sanctum' sometime soon to ask the pertinent questions. I note: Given their propaganda about "it costs £xxxx.xx for every missed appointment", I feel it is better to arrive on the early side rather than the late side; when you present for the appointment is the crucial aspect here. With a distance to travel to the surgery, journey times can not be guaranteed so allowances must be made. At least my surgery takes your mobile number and, around the appointed time, calls you and asks if you are in the car park (yes) come on in...! (Don't want to test a 'No'!) I recently received a letter from the GP to say that I had missed a telephone consultation! (Yes, the 'phone rang but I couldn't swipe the answer button quick enough!) Wish me luck next month for the rearranged appointment!
  23. Evening and still confined to barracks. Tomorrow begins the preparatory potion for Monday's procedure! Rissoles!
  24. We should also not be surprised that less than 20% of their production run will arrive in the UK by direct means! One reason why the Kato catalogue is only available in Japanese is that the UK market is so small that it does not warrant the cost of translation!
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