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Everything posted by Gene

  1. Glenn...thanks for the input. Funny, I would have thought and hoped that the BlueRail system would be less impacted by dirty track/wheels than regular DCC....if you're correct, which I suspect you are, that could be problematic. By that I mean that if you troll through multiple forums you'll see that the clean track/wheels subject is as much an issue now as it was 10 or 20 years ago...so a system that is more sensative to dirty rails or wheels than existing DCC is actually a retrograde step IMHO., not a progressive one. I don't see the limited sound files as an issue because I think it is easily solved and will change for the better in the near future. To me the bigger issue than the sound files is the sound location...ie: sound from phone rather than loco speaker. Among the reasons that I previously mentioned...with my DCC setup I can control 3 locos with the push of the recall button...one sitting idleing on a siding,one working the yard and one on the mainline...and all with the appropriate sounds emanating from them.....can't do that with the existing Blue Rail sound system. I agree with you that the BlueRail is the way to tempt todays youth into the hobby...the ability to control trains with a device that virtually everybody has in their pocket is awesome.
  2. Some further thoughts and impressions on the BlueRail/Bachmann Ez-App and trains. I don't think this system, no matter how well refined or updated, will ever satisfy those techies who can really fine-tune a DCC loco using the finer parts of JMRI or other open-source DCC software...and I don't mean that as an attack on either side. But for guys who understand about bits and all that comlex DCC stuff I just don't see this as being of interest. And I'm probably wrong But I could see it taking-off and becoming very popular if certain things are improved or incorporated into the system. 1)Sounds: the existing sounds, especially diesel prime-mover are generic and not applicable to many locos...probably the same for steam. I'm sure the BlueRail folks will add more sound-files as time goes on( I certainly hope they do) otherwise the system will too limited by the existing soundfiles. 2) Although having the sounds come from your mobile device isn't a huge problem on a very small layout like my 6x1 shunting plank it will be problematic on large layouts....it just won't sound right.....and could be problematic at exhibitions. I would really like to see speakers and sound coming from the loco like existing DCC. And yes I saw the video of the small speaker in the stock car...nice idea up to a point but still a stop-gap. 3) Connectivity....I have noticed,even on my small layout and even with my phone within 24 inches of the loco some odd connectivity issues.... things like the loco not connecting to the app or suddenly disconnecting while running...or most oddly...the sound totally disappeard while running and no way to get it back, it was like the sound files had been wiped from the app. I had to completely shut everything down,layout,locos,phone app and then restart and the sounds were back...it was bizarre. The other thing is with sounds coming from the app in the phone you can't really have two or more locos working or idleing on the layout....even when consisted you only get one engine sound. I think once these issues are sorted this becomes more than just a sideshow/gimmick for the kiddies and it then becomes a more viable train-control system . IMHO. I really like the concept of simplified wiring that the bluetooth control gives and the ease of consisting and especially the ease of speed-matching are really awesome and are potential gamechangers for the system. The actual apps...both the Bachmann EZ-App and the BlueRail App are free to download( big plus).... I found the BlueRail app to be slightly better and more featured for both actual train control and ability to tweak control parameters than the Bachmann app..but since both are free try each and see which you prefer. I downloaded both apps to my iPhone and to an older Samsung phone and to my iPad. I found that the apps seem to work better and are better laid out on the Apple product but Android users will not be losing out...its just my opinion. At the moment the consisting and speed-matching features are only available for the Apple app not Android but I'm certain an update offering those two features for the Androids will be out any day. All in all the system is very good and IMHO has a huge potential if the builders follow-up and keep tweaking and improving the system. These are just my personal opinions and I have absolutely no connection or financial interests in either Bachmann nor in BlueRail...I'm just a customer. Cheers Gene
  3. I revieved my second BlueRails equipped Bachmann loco yesterday...Another GP in CN livery. I first put it on the layout and madesure the app picked it up and all ran normally....which it did although with sound off I heard a very distinctive and regular clunking sound as the loco moved...a sound I hadn't noticed on my first loco, another Geep. More on that later. My next step was to change the address from 3 to 4009 and run through the various sound-effects. All good. So back to that clunking sound. My first thought was the dreaded cracked-gear syndrome...but I decided to turn off the sound on my first Geep...and there it was the same clunking sound. I opened a couple of trucks and checked but no obvious gear issues, then lifted the body and saw no obvious fouling or other issues so I put it down to some manufacturing or build issue. You can't hear the noise when the sounds are on. Next...I re-watched the BlueRails video showing how to consist and speed-match locos and saw and watched the video about improving slow-speed running....WOW....there was the clunking sound again...if you watch the slow-speed running video you can just hear the clunking on the Geep....so its an issue across the board and not just my bad luck. Like I said though...it can't be heard above the sounds and it doesn't seem to interfere with the actual movement of the loco. So, now to consisting and speed-matching. Very very cool. I use an NCE system for my regular DCC locos and never had a problem consisting my locos...I've found it pretty easy, although I've only consisted 2 locos at a time. The BlueRails app makes consisting very very simple,easier and quicker than regular DCC even as easy as that is. Its definately quicker. Watch the videos...it really is that easy. Speed-matching....now this is really were in my opinion that this system stands out!!! A quick caveat...my home layout is just a 6ft long shunting plank with the longest straight stretch being about 24 inches...so not optimal for speed-matching. I will be taking the locos to the club layout which has some nice long straight track to really test the speed-matching out. Suffice to say it really is a very cool and easy system to use. And it works. I can't say how absolutely accurate and precise it is...after all it uses the Mark 1 eyeball as the main measureing tool....if there was a way to read all the parameters with something like JMRI or other tools we might find it isn't that precise....but to my eyes it does work and it works well enough for my needs. And its easy! Watch the video on the BlueRail webpage!!! To me the best feature of the system is the speed-matching and the fact that you can control the train wirelessly using a smartphonr...something virtually everybody owns and knows how to use. Now I have noticed some minor problems and issues with the system...I'll discuss those in a seperate post later today. Cheers Gene
  4. Hi Nile...funny enough I just tried tieing my app to a small wireless bluetooth speaker that I have and had no problem...had the loco running on the layout with the speaker on the shelf above the layout projecting the sounds instead of from my iPhone. Although it worked well and does allow for a surround-sound effect if you have the right set-up it aslo demonstrated the shortfall in that effect that I mentined earlier. I'm going to be interested how the sound effects work out when I have my second loco on the layout and they are both running. I do see the plus aspect of the sounds being in the app instead of the chip....right now Bachmann has an Alco RS3 available with the easy app but it uses the generic diesel sound that is loaded into the app....which bears zero resemblence to the real RS3....now if the user could just load a RS3 sound file that would be great... .meanwhile BlueRail and Bachmann have to do that asap!!!!
  5. Nile...I do agree there is huge potential for this technology. It will be interesting to see how it pans out. I'm assuming that the existing Bachmann E-Z app system is a "joint-venture" setup with BlueRails and that they can move it along. Right now its seems more of a gimmicky kind of thing aimed at the kiddy train-set market. Granted I am only into this for a few days but I think if they want it to become more mainstream and something that will expandand be able to compete with DCC they need to quickly increase the number of sound files available, improve the quality of the sound-files and the delivery of same......and I'd really like to see the sounds coming from the loco itself for exactly the reason I previously mentioned. Actually the best would be if you could, using the app on your phone, switch the sounds from either the phone or the loco itself depending on the situation. I'm not tech-savy enough myself, so forgive me but at present are the loco sound-files all within the app itself? Or are they on the loco hardware and are just being broadcast via bluetooth to my phone??
  6. Nile...that screenshot certainly does have more motor controls than the Smartphone app. As for the board itself...I know absolutely nothing about it. The sound in the phone not the loco....my thinking on that is that for a smallish home layout its ok....but once you get to a bigger layout,at a clubhouse for example, it might not work so well. My club layout for example...if the loco is diagonally across the layout from me and my phone it might sound very odd hearing the sound coming from across the room to those standing right by the loco. I'll find out next weekend when I go to the club. I do admit....I broke down and ordered another loco,I'll have to renumber it. What convinced me to do it, besides the awesome price, was seeing the BlueRails video about speed-matching and consisting. The apparent simplicity of both with the BlueRail system, compared to regular DCC could become a huge, huge selling point IMHO. So I really want to test that out. Cheers Gene
  7. Yes I did try the Bluerail app...it is pretty much the same as the Bachmann app as far as actuL train control goes. It doesn't appear to offer any more motor control-functionality than the Bachmann app. The horn sounds better on the Bluerail app and the momentum control seems to do a better job of gliding the loco to a stop than the Bachmann app does but those are about the only diffrences that I could see. I did watch the Bluerail video and the whole consisting and speed-matching does look very promising....the speed-matching in particuler looks very handy!!...... almost wants to make me buy another loco just to try that out with
  8. I agree with you on general principles. Not familiar with BlueRails so can't comment. The Ring Engineering stuff looks really interesting but I think most people who are already well-invested in DCC aren't going to suddenly switch....I'm not...and I can afford to...most can't. I think newcomers to the hobby might be the ones to take it up. As far as the Bachmann app....if they can improve the ability of the consumer to fine-tune the motor performance parameters and improve both the sounds in quality,variety and the consumers ability to tweak them as well as move the sound to the loco I think it will be viable....if it stays as is then its just a sort of gimmick IMHO.
  9. So just for laughs I bought a Bachmann bluetooth EZ-app equipped loco and downloaded the control app to my phone. Just recieved it yesterday and had a quick play. The locobody ..a US GP35 diesel is the usual Bachmann US product...good,not great detail, nice crisp livery and letters. Standard motor and eight-wheel pickup. I'm using a NCE system to power it. The app and controls are all obvious and simple to use for those used to DCC and smartphones. the learning curve was a minute or two. Loco performance was very good and you can adjust the momentum control to a certain extent. Diesel engine sounds are generic...an Alco sounds just like a GP, can't modify the sounds,bells,horns etc. Overall its an ok system, sort of a gimmick...I wouldn't bother buying anymore locos. I think Bachmann would have been better off using the money to improve and fine-tune their existing motor/geartrains and to update some of their older models. The bluetooth to control the loco is a great idea....but the sounds are too limited and having them come out of the smartphone instead of the loco itself doesn't translate well, particularly on larger layouts. Just my opinion, Cheers Gene PS....this system seems to have a future and is slowly gaining some traction in NA...http://www.ringengineering.com/RailPro.htm
  10. An awesome layout well-deserving of the award, now further enhanced( if thats possible) by your latest additions and changes. The power lines really add to the gritty industrial atmosphere and the laundry hanging out to dry is an excellent, very rarely modelled detail. Well done indeed and congratulations!!!! Cheers Gene
  11. A few Alcos and an NW2 on my shunting plank.
  12. I really realy love my Badger 105 Patriot. My second favourite is my Badger Krome followed by that very Iwata.
  13. Milo...thats great! The company in your link is in Canada not the US....even better! Thanks very much! Gene
  14. Was married. Now I just have girlfriends...hehehe. Its not the cost....its the volume of products and getting them shipped across the pond
  15. Thanks Ray...its improved it...not 100% perfect but much better...thanks much! Gene
  16. Reduce it from 70 downwards 1 at a time? On the faster loco or the slower one??
  17. Just downloaded the mst recent MRH and was pleasantly surprised to see a nice photo-spread of this wonderfully atmospheric urban layout. Congratulations Ray!!! Well done!!!
  18. Buy all?? Everything? Or just the streaking effects. ??? They have sooooo mannnny products!!!!
  19. Ray...finally home...reprogrammed both locos to these values and they both run much better....one is a bit faster than the other at speed-step1.... Any tips on how to get them closer together speedwise....I assume some change to CVs 209,210 but have no clue what they control or which way to go. Cheers Gene
  20. Just had a quick look at the AK webpage...man they have alot of weathering products 14 streaking effects alone!! Where to start where to start???
  21. Thanks Ray...on the road at the moment...when I get home next weekend I'll try them out and let you know. Cheers Gene
  22. Ray...any chance you remember what the CV tweaks are that you mention here???? Cheers Gene
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