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Sidecar Racer

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Everything posted by Sidecar Racer

  1. There is also several vids of drift cars that are using 6 rotor set ups .
  2. I heard that a high ranking air force officer was once asked about the accuracy of there bombing capability , he is supposed to have replied that it was 100% and every bomb was guaranteed to hit the ground .
  3. Found this , Diversion routes are suggested by the companies carrying out works and the general rule is to divert traffic to the most appropriate category of road. For example, roadworks on an A road require a diversion route to be provided on another A road, if available. As the local highway authority we cannot refuse to accept suggested diversion routes unless there is already a significant level of activity on that part of the network. AFAIK if you know the area you are free to pick your own route .
  4. Diversions have to be usable by HGV hence some of the odd routes .
  5. And after each stop the damaged police vehicles need expensive repairs or in a bad case replacement , say 3 at a couple of thousand for repair and no write offs , if this happens several times in a year that all comes out of the budget and not insurance , so next year the police part of your council tax has to be raised cue howls of outrage about how ' we never see a policeman ' . So do you still want them to play dodgems with a several £30,000 or more cars ?????? Written as someone who worked for the police for 34 years as a mechanic , so I've seen it from inside .
  6. If the truck got snagged in the upper metal work as the span pivoted down then that could limit the depth . I can imagine a vehicle hitting the water will still be quite bouyant and not sink as rapidly as the bridge structure .
  7. And it's dark then . 😎
  8. Sadly not mine , just a photo from a web site .
  9. Under construction , 2021. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@39.223352,-76.5201995,3a,75y,290.29h,84.45t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sTZ7QWQjGLOk9zuSzaFwPIQ!2e0!5s20210501T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
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