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Sidecar Racer

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Posts posted by Sidecar Racer

  1. Morning all ,


    it's chucking it down at the moment and showing no signs of stopping .


    I actually broke my rule not to watch any olympics and sat through last nights stadium

    events , great results for Team GB , I think I will watch the remaining cycling events

    later today .


    Time to get some 'elevenses ' , have a good one all .

  2. Morning all ,


    sunny spells in between the grey cloudy bit's .


    Oh I remember the punctuality of the Swiss , the train will depart at 4 minutes past 4 , and it did , exactly as the

    station clock ticked over .


    Off to find something to do now , have a good day .

  3. Morning all ,


    the sun is shining through a hole in the clouds at the moment , no prediction for how long though ,

    will spend some time in the shed later getting the turntable and approach tracks lined up , then it

    will come back indoors and wait for drive gears to arrive , probably another couple of weeks as those

    that I ordered are out of stock .


    In the meantime it's off to the shop before the weather changes .


    Enjoy your day .

  4. Morning all ,


    the cumulus whatever it is overhead looks a bit threatening so it better be a trip to

    the shop before it loses it's grip on any water content .


    I ought to do a bit more fence painting if it stays dry , but probably wont . :jester:


    Have a good one all .

  5. Morning all ,


    grey , overcast and dribbling at the moment . Will have to brave though as I need to

    do some shopping .


    Nothing to report of any importance so I'll finish my coffee and get moving .


    Have a good one .

  6. Morning all ,


    it's gently raining at the moment , not looking likely to stop for a while either .


    No plans at the moment but I'm sure something can be found to while away

    the hours .


    Note for Mike ( Stationmaster ) you have a PM in the box .


    Off we go then , have a fun day all .

  7. Thought I'd post this photo .


    Tesco are doing a major expansion to our shop , in one corner of the site

    this is under consruction .




    I hope we get some residents .

    • Like 2
  8. Good morning ,


    grey-ish and cool at the moment , we could get some wet stuff by the look of things .


    Lots of things I ought to be doing but not sure in which order to do them . I suppose I

    can decide while I have nother cup of coffee .


    Enjoy your day .

  9. A pretty little girl named Suzy was standing on the footpath in front of her home.


    Next to her was a basket containing a number of tiny creatures;

    in her hand was a sign announcing FREE KITTENS.


    Suddenly a line of big black cars pulled up beside her.


    Out of the lead car stepped a grinning slick looking man.


    "Hi there little girl, I'm Prime Minister David Cameron.

    What do you have in that basket?" he asked.


    "Kittens," little Suzy said.


    "How old are they?" asked Cameron.


    Suzy replied, "They're so young, their eyes aren't even open yet."


    "And what kind of kittens are they?"


    "Tory supporters," answered Suzy with a smile.


    Cameron was delighted. As soon as he returned to his car, he called his PR chief and told him

    about the little girl and the kittens.


    Recognizing the perfect photo op, the two of them agreed that the Prime Minister should return the next day;

    and in front of the assembled media, have the girl talk about her discerning kittens.


    So the next day, Suzy was again standing on the footpath with her basket of "FREE KITTENS,"

    when another motorcade pulled up,this time followed by vans from BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky News.


    Cameras and audio equipment were quickly set up, then Cameron got out of his limo and walked over to little Suzy.


    "Hello, again," he said, "I'd love it if you would tell all my friends out there what kind of kittens you're giving away."


    "Yes sir," Suzy said. "They're UKIP supporters."


    Taken by surprise, the Prime Minister stammered, "But...but...yesterday, you told me they were Tory SUPPORTERS."


    Little Suzy smiled and said, "I know.




    But today, they have their eyes open."

    • Like 8
  10. Morning all ,

    the sun was shining when I got up , but now we have grey sky's and a shower of rain .


    A good day out yesterday at Pendon and Didcot has left me amazed at the dedication

    and perseverance that some people follow in both modelling and full size restoration work

    on the subject of railways ,


    Have a good day all .

  11. I'm getting into sports mode now.... exactly when is the womens' beach volleyball on?


    :nono: :punish:



    Morning all , looks like I'm first in today , dont panic though it won't happen again .


    Looking like it's going to be a hot and sunny one for the Pendon ,Didcot trip , must remember the sun cream .


    Time to finish getting ready , have a good day to those that cant be there and I'll see any of the ER gang that wil be

    In about three hours .

  12. Morning all ,


    another hot one so far , looks like indoor jobs again .


    Nice to hear that BoD is having fun , and Tony and family are about to . Enjoy the

    time .


    Time for cornflakes I think , then I'll start painting two 65ft turntable side girders .


    Have a good one all .

  13. Morning all ,


    another scorcher here , 24.5 C indoors in the shade . Hope it stays for

    Saturday and roaming Didcot and Pendon .


    Hope the cruise go's well Tony , I am like Mike and not sure if it's something I

    would enjoy .


    A few hours yesterday were spent drawing up the trackplan for the layouts control

    panel , :paint: I worked full size rather than trying to scale things . Here is the result , not a

    good photo but you get the idea , I had to stand on a chair to get it all in frame as

    it's 4ft long .






    Time to have a bit of breakfast now , enjoy your day .

    • Like 1
  14. Morning all ,


    another hot and sunny start to the day , I think the shed will be out of bounds by

    the afternoon due to heat build up . Looks like another attemt to translate the track

    layout to a paper version for the control panel is the order of the day .


    Nice to hear that BoD is enjoying himself , still wondering about Don though .


    Have a good day and avoid sunstroke .

  15. I think another ER might be coming out with a similar comment before too long ;)


    Me Sir , me , jumping up and down waving hands in the air . :danced:



    And I have no problem with things of a green style as long as it's the right shade of green .


    Okay , morning all , it's hot and sunny and getting hotter , I'm glad I've been out and done the jobs that

    involved being outside .


    Just been in the garden trying to spot the Spitfire thats warming up for it's turn at Weston Air Days , I can hear it

    but I cant see it dammit .


    Oh well , I better find something useful to do , enjoy the sunshine folks .

  16. A good Monday morning to one and all , the sun is blazing and the sky is blue

    with just a gentle breeze .


    I best get out to the shops before I risk getting sun stroke . :sungum:


    Another go with the flow day today as there are no definite plans at the moment , not that

    there is nothing to do but it's a case of do I want to .


    Have a good one .

  17. Oh well , just missed the morning entry , so good afternoon .


    Been doing 'stuff ' so it's not like I have been idle , thats for later .


    Lovely sunny day today , but to many inside jobs need to doing to be able to enjoy it ,

    I suppose there is always tomorrow .


    Have a good one all .

  18. Morning all ,


    Matching BoD here in Somerset with the morning sun , nice to see and it stops me sleeping

    in to long .


    I agree with DD and the cyber friends , it can also happen with old friends who you only ever

    swap Christmas cards with , you send but dont recieve , it can leave you wondering especially

    as we all get older .


    Oh well , forward to the days duties I suppose , better do some cleaning or the dust will over run the place .


    Have a good one all .

  19. Good morning to one and all , dry and sort of sunny at the moment . But for how long ?


    Congrats to Tony and family , more birthday and Christmas presents to buy . :senile:


    I spent most of yesterday trying to work out how to switch 3 way points and have LED display of route selected ,

    then I found a page on Brian Lamberts web web site where it was all explained with diagrams . :banghead:


    Next time I will have to do some research first .


    Shop time now , then we will see how the day unrolls .


    Enjoy yours .

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