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Everything posted by wiggoforgold

  1. Mark Seward on the GWR modellers Facebook group
  2. 4658 starts south from Yelverton with a Launceston-Plymouth freight, having stopped at Yelverton to pin down brakes before the descent to Bickleigh.
  3. Yelverton now has an up starter. This is the third attempt. I wasn't satisfied with the first two, so admitted defeat and got one made. It's servo operated from a Megapoints controller below the baseboard. It's not fixed in place yet, hence the slght lean in the photo. A reminder of where we are. Like the signal, the station name board needs fixing in place. Portrait of a pannier - 4658 - detailed Bachmann. 4658 has stopped at the down starter to pin down brakes, and now waits for the right of way. Alex
  4. 64xx at Yelverton on a Plymouth - Tavistock auto train in 1962
  5. Yelverton is being prepared for its first public outing in Saltash on the weekend of 2nd/3rd October. Hopefully it will also be appearing at Yealmpton the following weekend. I've been putting number plates on locos. I got some 3d transfer number plates from Railtech and am really pleased with the results and the speed of delivery. I've done these so far: 4567 is a Bachmann 45xx with a new smoke box dart and little other modification, save on all Bachmann small prairies I remove the protective plate round the middle rear lamp iron from the moulded coal and refix it to the bunker back, which makes for a better fit. The moulded coal is discarded and a new bunker floor made from plastic card, and coaled using real coal. This model was originally numbered 4574, but I discovered that when it worked on the branch, 4574 was in unlined green, so it was renumbered. A new 4574 will appear later. 6400 is another Bachmann model. I've added a front lamp and real coal in the bunker. Because some of the locos on Yelverton will have to do a small amount of shunting, they have auto couplings, but as 6400 will just run up and down with an auto coach, I decided to fit scale couplings. All I will say is I'm too old for such things, and am glad the freight stock has auto couplings 4568 is a refugee from the Princetown branch, another Bachmann 45xx, this time painted plain black. It still needs couplings, and the whistles need repairing. The second photo of the loco is to show the number plate (which I'm really pleased with) in more detail. Off to do a bit of work on animals and people for the layout. Alex
  6. How about a winter scene with a hard frost rather than actual snow? This would avoid the need for snow on stock and depict a cold crisp day. There's a picture of the sort of scene I mean in "On GER lines" by Peter Swinger (I think) but I'm away from home so I can't post a link. Alex
  7. 64xx on Plymouth-Tavistock auto passes under the foot bridge at Yelverton station. I decided that as the auto train only had to run up and down a straight piece of track I could get away with scale couplings. All I will say is, I'm glad I stuck with auto couplers on the freight stock. Under the footbridge. The brake van is a Hornby one. The train leaves for Tavistock 4574 on southbound freight leaves Yelverton. I'm going to renumber the loco as 4567 as 4574 was unlined when working on the Branch. The model is Bachmann, with a new smokebox dart and plate behind the bunker lam bracket fixed to the body instead of the coal.
  8. Yelverton will be making a public appearance at the Saltash Modell Club show at the Ashtorre Rock in Saltash on the weekend of 2-3 October. It's a model show not a model railway exhibition and Yelverton will be the only railway exhibit. It won't be fully finished, but hopefully it will look nice, trains will run and it will bring back memories. Hope to see some of you there. Alex
  9. Watching this with interest, as I have in mind Tavistock South as a possible future project in 4mm scale. My plan is to model the station from a point just north of the front of the train shed, so I leave out the bulk of the train shed, the goods shed and possibly the timber and coal sidings at the front, and just model the front of the train shed, the signal box and the loco yard. Alex
  10. Well there's been a bit of a hiatus in posting updates for the last few weeks. Progess has been made, but I haven't has time or been able to post, due to various factors, including putting my back out while gardening (not fun) and being unable to sit at a computer subsequently. I've made up all the basic covers. The cover for the centre scenic board fits over the board, and when removed will provide a viewing platform for shorter members of the audience. I cut hand holds in each end to aid carrying and fitting it in place over the scenic board It needs to have a trial fit before I finally glue and pin the parts together, but that is on hold while my back heals, as although it is not particularly heavy, I don't want my back to go again when I am trying to manoeuvre it in place. The step up on the cover provides room for the sloping tailgate of the car to close, and the height of the step is dictated by the need to clear the roof of the station building. I've painted the proscenium and front edges of the layout. I used a tester from Farrow and Ball (no 64 Red Earth)which I understand is a good match for GWR Dark Stone. It looks OK to me, and sets off the layout well. Alex
  11. Nice bridge. Couldn't resist though, I looked at it and thought "Outwell" Alex
  12. Another vote for WWS here, and as has been said, avoid things labelled "summer" Alex
  13. Is it the valve gear/connecting rod Rob? One of mine had a problem there and had to be replaced. Alex
  14. I'm following this bit with particular interest, as I have a very similar bit to do on Yelverton. I hope you will accept imitation as a sincere form of flattery! Alex
  15. Thanks again Nick. That's a nice picture too. It's helping to convince me that the autotrain looks better with two trailers rather than one. Good job it's my birthday next month. The station uses the "bitsa" station approach. The north end of the up platform beyond the accommodation bridge is off scene, and the refuge siding continues on to the cassette deck on a plg in section. Glad the op went well and you are hoping to do some modelling soon. Alex
  16. Hi Nick. The whole set up, including the cassette deck at the Plymouth end and the sector plate at the Tavistock end, is 14' long x 2'3"" at the widest point. The scenic section is on 3 boards, the centre section being 3' long, the two outer boards 2' 6". The modelled area is from the accommodation bridge at the north end of the station, to the point work for the refuge siding south of the signal box. The front edge of the scenic section is curved. The final size of the boards was due to the need to fit the various sections with their covers in the load bed of the car (BMW 325 estate). The gap etween the arches for the rear wheels is 3', and the curve of the scenic section matches the curve of the tailgate. Alex PS I like the avatar Nick. I've always felt if you modelled that scene you would be accused of it being too twee!
  17. More work on the carrying cases for Yelverton this weekend. I had to go out, so couldn't spend as much time as usual. I've made ends for the two end scenic boards which are bolted together face to face for transportation. I've cut out the wood for the cover over the centre board, but I haven't assembled it yet. My plan is that when the layout is set up, the cover will double up as a step for the shorter members of the audience. I'm still thinking about how and where to fit the strengthening sections. Alex
  18. I brought a large sheet of 9mm ply this week, and have been cutting it up to make covers for the Yelverton boards when they are transported. The boards will be transported in pairs, with end pieces made from 9mm ply, which bolt to the ends and allow them to be stacked together for transport. I've done the sector plate and cassette boards so far, Here they are, stacked in the car. Alex
  19. I like the gorse. Further and better particulars of the manufacturing process please George. Alex
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